

2008-11-27 08:56劉曉麗
中學生英語·外語教學與研究 2008年11期




1. 表示兩者(人或事物)之間一方在某一方面超過或不及另一方時,要用比較級。例如:

It is much colder today than yesterday. 今天比昨天冷多了。

I am taller than Ted. 我的個子比特德的高。

This black pen is less expensive than that white one. 這支黑色鋼筆沒有那支白色的貴。

2. 同級比較。用形容詞的原級也可以進行兩者之間的比較。

①“not as / so+原級+as ...”表示前者不如后者。例如:

This story is not as / so long as that one. 這個故事沒有那個故事長。

→That story is longer than this one. 那個故事比這個故事長。

=This story is shorter than that one. 這個故事比那個故事短。

②“as+原級+as”句式表示兩者沒有區別。例如: Her hair is as long as mine. 她的頭發和我的一樣長。


1. 在形容詞比較級前可以加上much或a little等修飾詞來表示程度,“much+比較級”意為“更……得多”;“a little+比較級”意為“更……一點兒”。例如: Our classroom is much bigger than theirs. 我們的教室比他們的(教室)大得多。

Im a little more outgoing than my younger sister. 我比我妹妹更外向一點兒。

2. 當兩者之間進行比較時,比較的對象必須是同類事物,否則是不能進行比較的。下面,我們以“冬季,北京的天氣比廣東的(天氣)冷得多?!币痪錇槔?/p>

【誤】 In winter, the weather in Beijing is much colder than Guangdong.

【正】 In winter, the weather in Beijing is much colder than that in Guangdong.

【析】第一句之所以有誤,是因為它將“北京的天氣(the weather in Beijing)”與“廣東(Guangdong)”作比較,“天氣”與“城市”不屬于同類事物,是不能進行比較的。正確的表達方法應在Guangdong的前面加上that in,即表示the weather in Guangdong。

3. 表達人或事物自身程度的逐漸變化,用“比較級+ and +比較級”。例如:

As winter is coming, the day is getting shorter and shorter. 冬天快來了,白天變得越來越短。

4. “the +比較級...,the +比較級”意為“越……,越……”。例如:

The more he eats, the fatter he gets. 他越吃越胖。


1. 當屬同一范圍的人或事物之間進行比較時,注意要在than后(表示比較對象的名詞前)加上any other+單數名詞或代詞,否則就會出現與自身比較的矛盾現象。請看例句:伊萊扎比她所在班級里的其他任何一個同學更內向。

【誤】 Eliza is quieter than any student in her class. (包括她自己)

【正】 Eliza is quieter than any other student in her class. (不包括她自己)

2. 當比較的雙方不在同一范圍內時,則不必加any other。例如:

China is larger than any country in Africa. 中國比非洲任何一個國家都大。(中國不在非洲境內,故any后不需要加other)


Ⅰ. 寫出下列形容詞的比較級形式。

outgoing ___________calm ___________

athletic ___________tall ___________

wild ___________thin ___________

heavy __________short ___________

small __________big ___________

nice ___________smart ___________

quiet __________serious ___________

many ___________old ______________

Ⅱ. 選擇填空。

( )1. My little brother is ______ taller than I.

A. few B. more C. a little D. many

( )2. Which question is ______, the first one or the second one?

A. easy B. easier C. easyer D. easiest

( )3. Look at those two little boys over there!Who is ______?

A. much old B. older

C. oldder D. little old

( )4. His English is ______ than mine.

A. good B. much good

C. better D. best

( )5. Tinas clothes is ______ beautiful than mine.

A. very B. more C. most D. much

( )6. Pedro is ______ in his class.

A. taller than any student

B. taller than any other student

C. tall than any student

D. tall than any other student

( )7. In summer, the weather in Beijing is ______.

A. much hotter than that in Hunan

B. much hot than that in Hunan

C. much hotter than in Hunan

D. much hot than that in Hunan

( )8. —This novel is too boring. Shall we play a game instead?

—Sounds great! Thats ______ than reading a book.

A. more better B. very good

C. extremely great D. much better

( )9. —Hi, Jackson! How can you improve your English so much?

—Oh, nothing difficult. The ______ you work at it, the ______ progress you will make.

A. more hardly; more B. harder; great

C. harder; more D. hardlier; greater

( )10. —Doctor, how can I lose weight?

—If you want to be thinner and healthier, youd better eat ______ food and take ______ exercise.

A. more; fewer B. more; less

C. less; more D. fewer; more


Ⅲ. 單項選擇。

( )1. —Oh, these two books are pretty interesting. Its too difficult to choose which one to buy.

—Why not take ______? I wont read them this month.

A. any B. either C. all D. both

( )2. —How do you think of Jeans Corner and Trendy Teens?

—They ______ good stores.

A. are both B. are all C. both are D. all are

( )3. —Do you speak English or French in Canada?

—______. But I prefer French.

A. All B. Either C. Neither D. Both

( )4. —My brother has two children. And ______ of

them live with him.

—Oh, really? Thats a big family!

A. each B. neither C. either D. both

( )5. —Do you like the pop star Jay or the movie star


—______. I am their fan.

A. Each B. Neither C. All D. Both

( )6. —Which of the twin brothers is a doctor?

—______ are.

A. All B. Either C. Each D. Both

( )7. Isabel and I ______ have long hair.

A. all B. either C. both D. neither



Both of us want to go there. 我們兩個人都想去那兒。(作主語)

We invited both to come to our farm. 我們邀請兩個人都來我們的農場。(作賓語)

We both like to eat fish. 我們兩個人都喜歡吃魚。(作同位語)

They both like swimming. 他們兩個都喜歡游泳。(作同位語)

Both the teachers are here. 兩位老師都在這里。(作定語)

both可以直接修飾名詞,當名詞前有限定詞時,則只能用both of。例如:

Both brothers are clever. 兄弟倆都很聰明。 Both of the books are interesting. 兩本書都很有趣。


Is $2 million enough to feel wealthy 有多少錢才算富
Comparative Adjectives (形容詞比較級)