

2009-09-02 06:43趙曉黎
科教新報·教育研究 2009年5期

馬 澤 趙曉黎


關鍵詞 句子結構 句型 熱點 考查



一、 簡單句(Simple Sentences):只包含一個主語(或并列主語)和一個謂語動詞(或并列謂語動詞)。英語簡單句由于所用的主要動詞不同(即系動詞、不及物動詞和及物動詞三種),就產生了簡單句的五種基本句型。

(一)主語 + 系動詞 + 表語 (SVP) 如:

We are teachers.

主 謂


1. 表示感覺、視覺的系動詞

feel, seem, appear, look, taste, smell, sound等

2. 表示變化的系動詞

turn, become, get, grow, go, come, run, fall等

3. 表示保持某種狀態的系動詞

keep, be, stay, remain, continue, stand, sit等



1). 陳述句:用來敘述一項肯定或否定句的事實,句末用句號,讀降調。

如:My sister is six years old;。

2). 疑問句: 用來提出問題??梢苑譃樗姆N:一般(反問句或者說否定疑問句)、特殊、選擇、反意.

如:Is she sixteen or seventeen years old?

3). 祈使句:表示請求、命令、勸告、建議、號召等。一般省去主語。

如: Don't talk in the room.

4). 感嘆句:表示喜怒哀樂等強烈感情。句末用“!”號,讀降調。 感嘆句主要由what和how引導。what修飾名詞,how修飾形容詞、副詞或動詞。

如:How clever my sister is!

(二)主語 + 不及物動詞(SV)如:

The rain stopped.

主 謂

(三)主語 + 及物動詞 + 賓語 (SVO)如:

We like the delicious food.

主 謂

(四)主語 + 及物動詞 + 間接賓語 + 直接賓語 (S V o O)

Tom tells him the way to the station.


(五)主語 + 及物動詞 + 賓語 + 賓語補語,(S V O C)如:

He called me Amanda.


二、并列句(Compound Sentences):包含兩個或兩個以上主謂結構的句子叫并列句(構成并列句的簡單句常被叫做分句),句與句之間通常用并列連詞或逗號來連接,如:

We help them and they help us.

主 謂主 謂

The food was good, but he had little appetite.

主謂 主 謂



1. 平行關系and, as well as, along with, not only… but (also)…, neither…nor..

如:The teacher's name is Smith, and the student's name is John.

2. 轉折關系 but, yet, however, nevertheless, while

如:He is young, but he knows how to take care of him.

3. 選擇關系 or, otherwise, rather than, either…or…

如:Hurry up, or you'll miss the train.

4. 因果關系 for, so therefore, hence

如:The weather is fine, so I want to go shopping.

三、復合句(Complex Sentences):有兩個或更多的主謂結構,通常由一個主句和一個分句構成。 在復合句中,主句是句子的主體,通??梢元毩⒋嬖?從句是主句的一個句子成分,不能獨立存在,但它也有主語部分和謂語部分??梢愿鶕木湓谥骶渲兴l揮的語法功能對復合句進行分類:名詞性從句、定語從句和狀語從句都屬于復合句。

如:I was about to leave, when the telephone rang.


He said that he would come.


(一)名詞性從句: 在句子中充當主語、賓語、表語與同位語的句子分別叫做主語從句、賓語從句、表語從句和同位語從句, 這些統稱為名詞性從句。

1. 主語從句 :在復合句中用作主語的從句叫主語從句。


1)It is + 名詞 + that從句

2)It is + 形容詞 + that從句

2. 賓語從句:在復合句中作主句的賓語。它可以作主句謂語動詞的賓語,也可以作介詞的賓語。

如:He asked his girlfriend if she has received his letter.

3. 表語從句:放在連系動詞之后,充當復合句中的表語。

如:The problem is that the family is short of money right now.

4. 同位語從句:用于對前面的名詞作進一步解釋,說明名詞的具體內容。同位語從句一般由that引導。同位語從句一般跟在名詞fact, hope, idea, news, doubt, suggestion, information, opinion, decision等后面。

如:The news that he will come to see me makes me happy.


1. 關系代詞引導的定語從句

關系代詞有:who, whom, whose, that, which等。其中that 可以修飾人或物,在句中做主語或賓語,which 用來修飾物,在句中做主語或賓語,who 用來修飾人在句中做主語或賓語, whom用來修飾人在句中做主賓語, whose可以修飾人或物,在句中做定語(若指物,它還可以同of which互換),as可以修飾人或物或事情,在句中做主語或賓語。

如:Thats the teacher who /that teaches us English.

He is the man (whom /that)she is looking for.

The professor whose husband teaches you English has been to Germany.

The house whose(of which) windows were damaged has been repaired.

2. 關系副詞引導的定語從句

關系副詞有:when, where, why等

1) when指時間,在定語從句中作時間狀語,

如:well never forget the day when the Peoples Republic of China was founded.

2) Where 指地點,在定語從句中作地點狀語,

如:This is the place where I studied in my childhood.

3) Why 指原因,在定語從句中作原因狀語,

如:Is this the reason why she refused his offer?

3. 限制性和非限制性定語從句


1) 限制性定語從句為先行詞不可缺少的定語從句,如果將這種定語從句省去,主句的意思就會不完整或不明確。不用逗號分開.

如: She is the nurse who looks after my uncle.

2) 非限制性定語從句只是對先行詞的附加說明,如果將這種定語從句省去,也不至于影響主句的意思,它和主句之間常用逗號分開,

如: The gift is from my mother, who is working in the factory.

4. as 可作為關系代詞來引導定語從句

1) as 引導的非限制性定語從句,相當于which引導的非限制性定語從句

如:He is from Beijing, as you know.

He is from Beijing, which you know.

2) 關系代詞常出現在the same…as, such…as, so…as, as…as 等結構中。

如:Such books as you bought are useful.

The school is just the same as it was 20 years age.

Here is so big a stone as no man can lift.

as 和which在引導非限制性定語從句時,但不同之處主要位置上:as可置于句首也可在另處,而which不可置于句首。

如:As you know , he is from Beijing.

He is from Beijing, which you know.

5. 關系代詞that 的用法

1) 關系代詞that 與which 用法的區別

(1) which 可以引導一個非限制性定語從句,that 則不能,

如: He had failed in the English, which made his father very angry.

(2)Which 之前可以有介詞,that 之前則不能,

如: This is the house in which Tom used to live.

2) 只能用that,而不能用 which 的情況

(1) 當先行詞是all, everything, nothing, something, anything, much, little, few,none 等不定代詞時,

如: That is all that I want to tell you.

(2) 當先行詞被序數詞或形容詞最高級所修飾時,

如: The first place that I visited in China was the Great Wall.

This is the most beautiful place that I have seen.

(3) 當先行詞被 the very, the only, the just 等詞修飾時,

如: Mr. Smith is the only foreigner that he knows.


如:He was looking pleasantly at the children and parcels that filled his bus.

(5) 當主句已有疑問詞who或which時,

如: Who that you have even seen can do better?

Which are the books that you bought for me?

(6) 如果有兩個定語從句,其中一句的關系代詞是 which ,另一句則用that,

如: Let me show you the book that I borrowed from the library which was newly open to us.

(三)狀語從句: 在復合句中作狀語,其位置可以在主句前或主句后。狀語從句可以分為時間、地點、原因、目的、結果、比較、讓步、條件等幾種。

1. 時間狀語從句通常由when ,as ,while, after, before, since, as soon as ,since, till (until), while, whenever等引導。

如: I can't recognize you. You have changed a lot since I met you last time.

2. 地點狀語從句通常由where, wherever等引導。

如:Anywhere she goes, her brother goes too.

3. 原因狀語從句通常由because, since, as等引導。

如:Mary eats ice-cream so much because she likes sweet food.

4. 目的狀語從句通常由so that..., so...hat..., in order that...等引導,往往放在句尾,從句中通常含有can / could / may / might等情態動詞。

如:Jim got up earlier so that he could catch the first train.

5. 結果狀語從句通常由so that..., so...that...等引導,放在句尾。結果狀語從句一般表示已經發生的事情,故多為過去時態。

如:Tom lost so many bikes that he decided never to buy a new one.

6. 讓步狀語從句通常由though (although), as, even if( even though), however, whatever等引導。

如: She wears a T-shirt though it is cold today.

7. 條件狀語從句通常由if, unless, as long as等引導,條件狀語從句一般放在句首或句尾,特別注意,時間狀語從句不允許使用將來時,而應該用現在時替代。

如:You will fail in the coming final exams unless you work as hard as you can.

If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we shall go skating.


[1] 張光珞,英語必備大全。內蒙古:內蒙古大學出版社,2005。

[2] 薄冰,薄冰英語語法詳解。山西:山西教育出版社,2004。

[3] 陸林,大學英語語法。天津:南開大學出版社,2007。
