

2013-07-16 01:19ByGarethDavis
瘋狂英語·原聲版 2013年6期

By Gareth Davis


This is a special trip for me. Im a huge fan of the novel, *The Count of Monte Cristo, which is set mostly in and around Marseille. Others can search out the coastline or check out the seafood. Im on a 1)pilgrimage. Monte Cristo calls me, so Im heading out to one of Marseilles islands.

With my Monte Cristo hat on Ive come to explore the infamous *Chateau dIf. If youre a fan of the novel, you know this is where Edmond Dantès imprisoned for 14 years after being wrongfully accused. He escapes, reinvents himself as the Count of Monte Cristo, and 2)wreaks his revenge. If you havent read the book, watch the film.

In the 18th and 19th centuries this actually was a prison for political prisoners and Protestants, but it doesnt look as 3)forbidding as the one described in the novel. So, no surprise, its never figured in any of the movie versions of Monte Cristo.

So, pilgrimage over, I can start exploring the city. The old port is the heart of it. Its been in use since 600 BC, and during the Second World War, it was reduced to ruins, dynamited by the Nazis. Today its a 4)marina and a terminal for local boat trips.

The first people to roll up here were Greeks, and they founded the city they named “Massalia.”They came from Phocaea in what is now Western Turkey. And then the Romans showed up. This was a popular place of exile for down-on-theirluck senators. And if any of this is sounding slightly confusing, well, theres always a museum to make things clearer.






*La Vielle Charité was built as an 5)alms house in the late 17th early 18th centuries, and a pretty impressive one at that. Today its a cultural centre. It houses temporary exhibitions, but also the Museum of 6)Mediterranean Archaeology, which provides a window on 7)Provences ancient past. The one thing everyone knows about Marseille is that it was revolutionaries from this city that gave France its national anthem, *La Marseillaise. This building survived the revolution and served the citys poor right up til 1962.

Vielle Charité drops off some tourists radar, but heres a “must-see.” Notre Dame de la Garde is a fairly recent construction, completed in 1864, and its very bling, built in the neo-Byzantine style. Theres been a church here since the 13th century, and, for locals, Notre Dame is the guardian and protectress of the city. As far as tourists go, I think they come for something else. Take a look at this. What a view!




The Count of Monte Cristo 《基督山伯爵》,又譯《基督山恩仇記》,是法國大文豪大仲馬1844年完成的經典冒險小說,也被公認為大仲馬最好的作品。本書講述一位叫愛德蒙·堂泰斯的船員的故事:遭到兩個卑鄙小人和法官的陷害,被打入伊夫島上伊夫堡監獄的死牢。獄中一位博學的神父教給他知識,并在臨死前將基督山島上的財寶遺贈給他。堂泰斯最終越獄成功,找到了寶藏,成為巨富。他從此改名為基督山伯爵,并經過精心策劃,報答了恩人,懲罰了仇人。

Chateau dIf 伊夫堡,位于法國馬賽港海域伊夫島上的城堡,因成為大仲馬著名小說《基督山恩仇記》中的場景而聞名于世。

La Marseillaise《馬賽曲》,法國國歌,又譯《馬賽進行曲》,原名《萊茵軍團戰歌》(Chant de guerre de lArmée du Rhin),詞曲皆由克洛德·約瑟夫·魯日·德·李爾在1792年4月創作。同年8月10日,馬賽志愿軍前赴巴黎支援杜樂麗起義時高唱這首歌,因而得名,馬賽曲亦因此風行全法。1795年7月14日,法國督政府宣布定此曲為國歌。

La Vielle Charité 古救濟院位于馬賽老城區的中心,建于1671年到1749年,由建筑師皮埃爾·普吉設計。它包括周圍的三層拱廊和中央的一個圓頂卵形的仁慈圣母小圣堂。它過去是救濟院,是1671年法國王室下令建筑的貧民庇護所,主要目的是安置馬賽街頭那些貧病交加的外來移民和孤兒。
