
上半年重慶GDP增長11% 全國第一

2015-02-14 10:39曾睿
重慶與世界 2015年9期

□ 文/本刊記者 曾睿







In the first half of 2015,Chongqing gained another GDP growth of 11% to keep No.1 across the nation after its success to taking the lead in the GDP growth in 2014.This growth is 4% higher than national average level,0.3% more than that in Guizhou Province which ranks the second and 1.6% more than that in Tianjin which ranks the third.

With regard to the promising results that Chongqing continues to win the first in GDP growth in the first half of 2015 all over the country,the great achievements made by such industries like automobile,electronics manufacturing,strategic new industry,real estate,infrastructure construction,the development of export-oriented economy have played the most important supporting role.

As an industrial powerhouse,two major industries like automobile and electronics manufacturing account for about half of Chongqing industrial activities,the two of which also performed well in the first half of the year with an increase of 19% and 12.2% in output value respectively.Now one of the three notebook electronic products in the world is made in Chongqing and among eight cars made in China,one is from Chongqing.At the same time,the strategic emerging industries in Chongqing also began to boom in the first half of 2015,and thus become the new economic growth point along with double yield of LCD display,integrated circuits and shale gas;the output of supportive high-tech industry rose by 14.1%.

In the meantime,the real estate industry in Chongqing also maintained stable growth in the first half of 2015,which played an important supporting role in the whole rapid growth to give engineering and construction a direct impetus to keep steady growth of the secondary industry.According to Zhang Fumin,deputy director of Chongqing Bureau of Statistics,the situation of real estate in the first half of the year have attained larger improvements in which the commercial housing sales area reached 23.2601 million square meters,an increase of 6.7 % than the previous year.All negative growth of Chongqing commercial housing turned into the positive,whether in terms of sales area or sales volume.Zhang Fumin added that this give us a judgment that the pickup of commercial housing sales is basically determined.

The sharp growth of GDP actually has close connection with the rapid growth of investment in fixed assets and infrastructure since the last year.In the previous year,the fixed asset investment in Chongqing grew by 18% while 629.892 billion yuan of investment in fixed assets in the first half of the year increased by 17.5% instead,one important factor of which is that all kinds of social capital are introduced through the PPP mode.As one of cities which are the first to implement the reform of PPP investment and financing pattern,Chongqing has launched and signed on 13 cooperation projects totaling more than 130 billion yuan as early as last August.And at present,nine of the 13 pilot projects have begun to come into construction.

What’s more,we can see that in the initial implementation of “One Belt One Road and”to realize a new pattern of opening to the outside world,Chongqing,focusing on four hub ports like Guoyuan Port,is speeding up to the construction of the upper Yangtze river shipping center,vigorously develop multimodal transportation in railways,highways,waterways and air transportation,constantly perfect the function of open platforms centered on “three-in-one”platform,enhance the level of customs clearance facilitation and accelerate to improve the port function system,so as to help Chongqing cooperate more closely with the areas along the coast and the Yangtze River as well as in surrounding regions.Chongqing has annually introduced more than $10 billion of foreign capital for four consecutive years.Last year,the amount of imports and exports in Chongqing are to $95.5 billion.From January to May,2015,the total import and export value of 224.3 billion yuan was achieved,a year-on-year growth of 3.4% over the same period in spite of the unsatisfactory situation when the total value declined in China.In addition,export-oriented economy growth has also become an important factor why GDP in Chongqing grows continuously..

振興志 三代百姓“奮斗史”——思想始終“釘”在治窮富民