

2015-05-22 17:26
中學生英語·中考指導版 2015年6期

第一部分 聽力技能(共三節,計25分)

A) 反應(共5小題,每小題1分)


( ? )1. What is the girl doing?

( ? )2. How did Mr. Hill get to work yesterday?

( ? )3. Whats Li Mings opinion?

A. Ann should get her ears pierced.

B. Students should be allowed to get ears pierced.

C. Ann should not get her ears pierced.

( ? )4. What will Miss Smith do after supper?

A. Have a walk. ? B. Go to the park. ? C. Do some work.

( ? )5. What does the woman mean?

A. The woman wants to smoke.

B. The man can smoke in this room.

C. The man cant smoke in this room.

B) 對話理解(共10小題,每小題1分)



( ? ?)6. Whats the two speakers relationship?

A. Friends. ? B. Strangers. C. Old classmates.

( ? ?)7. Where could the conversation (談話) take place?

A. In an apartment house. B. At a post office. C. At a hotel.


( ? ?)8. Where is the woman going?

A. The airport. B. The bus station. C. The train station.

( ? ?)9. Why does the woman stay in the city?

A. For a meeting. B. For studying. C. For a vacation.


( ? ?)10. What will Linda do this Saturday?

A. Plant trees. ? B. Go swimming. C. Go shopping.

( ? ?)11. What will Bob do this Saturday?

A. Plant trees. ? B. Go swimming. C. Go shopping.

( ? ?)12. When will the two speakers meet?

A. 8:15. ? ? B. 7:45. C. 8:00.


( ? ?)13. When will they go to the movies?

A. Tomorrow evening. B. Tomorrow afternoon. C. Tonight.

( ? ?)14. Why doesnt Tom call Kate?

A. Because Tom forgets to take his mobile phone.

B. Because Tom is not allowed to bring the mobile phone to school.

C. Because Tina will meet Kate later.

( ? ?)15. How will they go to the cinema?

A. By car. ? ? B. By bus. ? ? C. On foot.

C) 筆錄要點(共5小題,每小題2分)


16. __________ 17. __________ 18. __________ 19. __________ 20. __________

第二部分 知識運用(共兩節, 計20分)

第一節 語法填空 (10小題,計10分)


( ? ?)21. A big earthquake hit Chile _____ the morning of April 2nd, 2011.

A. in ? ? ? ? ? ? B. on ? ? ? C. at

( ? ?)22. You used to be quiet, _____ you?

A. used ? ? B. did ? ? C. didnt

( ? ?)23. —Have you got anything to do this afternoon, Lucy and Lily?

—Yes. _____ of us are going to the home for the elderly.

A. Either B. Both C. All

( ? ?)24. —Did you see The Voice of China last night?

—Yes. I never miss it _____ I have something really important to do.

A. although ? B. unless C. until

( ? ?)25. —Listen!Is Linda playing the piano in the living room?

—No, it _____ be her. She is still on business.

A. cant ? B. must ? ? C. neednt

( ? ?)26. Look at _____ girl with sunglasses. She is my cousin.

A. a ? ? ? ? B. an ? C. the

( ? ?)27. —Excuse me, do you know _____ to buy some fruit?

—Yes, theres a supermarket next to the bank.

A. where can I go B. how can I go C. where I can go

( ? ?)28. —Helen _____ here for almost 7 years and he has many friends.

—Thats true. She is friendly to everyone here.

A. came ? ? ? ? B. has come ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? C. has been

( ? ?)29. We were deeply impressed by the teachers and schools _____ we had visited.

A. which ? ? B. who ? ? C. that

( ? ?)30. —_____ great fun they had!

—I think so.

A. What a ? B. What ? ? C. How

第二節 詞語填空 (10小題,計10分)

通讀下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后從各題所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出一個最佳答案。

Dear dad,

Happy birthday to you! On this special day, Id like to talk to you in a special way.

I dont think Im good at telling you my thought face to face with you, so Im ? 31 ? to show my deep love for you. Youre not a rich man ? 32 ? a famous person. But in my heart, you are one of the greatest ? 33 ? in the world. Im ? 34 ? you. Youre ? 35 ? interested in being famous and rich. You do ? 36 ? things like paying for your phone on time, and working as a worker in your factory. The smile on your face shows youre pleased with the family. You take good care of my grandparents. You help me with my schoolwork and do some shopping with mom on Sundays.

In the past, I didnt care ? 37 ? you were with me or not. Now I am sorry to say I didnt

38 ? you before. But I am thankful for what you have done for me.

I am quite lucky that I have ? 39 ? a great father. And I feel happy that now I can let you know ? 40 ? I love you. You are successful as a son, a husband, a father and a friend.

Love from,


( ? ?)31. A. writing ? B. thinking C. reading

( ? ?)32. A. and ? ? ? B. or ? ? ? C. also

( ? ?)33. A. kids ? ? ? B. women ? C. men

( ? ?)34. A. worried about B. proud of ? C. afraid of

( ? ?)35. A. always ? ? B. ever ? ? ? C. never

( ? ?)36. A. common ? B. interesting C. wonderful

( ? ?)37. A. whether ? B. that ? ? C. what

( ? ?)38. A. receive ? B. regret ? C. respect

( ? ?)39. A. too ? ? B. so ? ? ? C. such

( ? ?)40. A. how many ? B. how much C. how often

第三部分 閱讀技能(共四節,計50分)

第一節 閱讀選擇 (10小題,計20分)



Jackson was driving back home along a road one evening. He just lost his job. It was winter and it was very cold, just like his feelings.

An old lady was standing on one side of the road with her car. She needed help. No one stopped to help her. Jackson stopped in front of her and got out of his car. The lady looked very worried. ?Even when he put a smile on his face, the old lady still looked worried. Was he going to hurt her? He didnt look safe, and he looked poor and hungry.

Jackson knew how she felt. He said. “Im here to help you, madam. Why dont you wait in my car? By the way, my name is Jackson.”

The lady thought for a while and then went into his car. There was something wrong with her car. Jackson went under her car to repair it. When he finished, he got dirty and his hands hurt. Then the lady told him that her name was Anie. She asked Jackson how much she should pay for his help.

Jackson never thought about getting money. This was not a job to him. This was helping someone in need. He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she should give that person help.

( ? ?)41. Jackson felt ? ? ? ? when he drove home that evening.

A. strange ? ? B. happy ? C. sad

( ? ?)42. Why did the lady look worried?

A. Because she lost her way.

B. Because her car broke down.

C. Because she felt very cold.

( ? ?)43. It was ? ? ? ? for Jackson to repair the ladys car.

A. difficult ? ? B. interesting C. impossible

( ? ?)44. Jackson helped the lady because ? ? ? ?.

A. the lady would pay him

B. the lady felt cold

C. he wanted to help someone in need

( ? ?)45. The old lady should ? ? ? ? the next time she met someone who needed help.

A. help that person B. leave that person alone C. call Jackson for help again



Different Customs

( ? ?)46. When is St. Anthonys Day?

A. August 15th. ? B. February 3rd. C. January 17th.

( ? ?)47. Why do Koreans celebrate Chusok?

A. To celebrate the end of winter.

B. To give thanks for the harvest.

C. To wish their families good luck.

( ? ?)48. What do Japanese people do on Setsubun?

A. Bring their animals to church.

B. Meet friends and families at parties.

C. Throw the beans around their homes.


( ? ?)49. Which group enjoys playing computer games most?

A. Ages 11-18. ? B. Ages 19-26. ? ? ? C. Ages 27-35.

( ? ?)50. The people of all ages like ? ? ? ?.

A. playing computer games B. taking a walk C. going to the movies

第二節 摘錄要點 (5小題,計10分)


Dear Steve,

Im going to study in Chicago University in September, so I have to find a room to live in. I need to share the things in the house, because housing is so expensive in Chicago. Please find a room at lower price (about 200 dollars a month), for it is not easy for me, a first year student, to find a good part-time job soon.

Please e-mail me if you have anything. My e-mail address is Diana@Yahoo.com. I hope to see you soon.



51. __________ 52. __________ 53. __________ 54. __________ 55. __________

第三節 判斷(5小題,計10分)


On the afternoon of March 28th, there was a car accident on Green Road. As a result, the road was blocked (阻塞). The two drivers were arguing and both of them said that the other was wrong. However, the other drivers were not interested in knowing who was wrong. They were waiting impatiently and just wanted to be able to leave.

Finally someone called the police. Two policemen soon arrived. They cleared the road quickly and tried to control the traffic in time.

Then the police took the two drivers to the police station. There the drivers described the course of the accident. However, the policemen decided that both drivers were wrong because they had driven too fast and carelessly.

The two drivers also had to take the alcohol (酒精) test. As a result, they didnt drink any alcohol before driving.

( ? ?)56. The road was blocked because of the car accident.

( ? ?)57. The two drivers were arguing with each other about the accident.

( ? ?)58. The policemen didnt control the traffic in time.

( ? ?)59. The two drivers drank too much before driving.

( ? ?)60. Driving too fast and carelessly caused the accident.

第四節 回答問題 (5小題, 計10分)


Population Aging

China has become a country with an increasing number of old people. About 27.4 percent of people are over the age of 60. Many countries are in the same situation.

What is making the world so much older?

First, because of better medicine and more food, people everywhere are living far longer than they used to. In 1900, the average life expectancy (壽命) of people in the world was only around 30 years, and in rich countries under 50. Now the average life expectancy is from 67 to 78, and still rising. Second, people everywhere are having far fewer children, so the younger age groups are much too smaller than the increasing older groups. The population in some developed countries have become smaller and smaller.

That may or may not be a good thing, but it will certainly turn the world into a different place.

What can we do for the aging population? Government should do more to protect the rights of the aged. Besides, family care and social services shall also be encouraged.

61. How many people over the age of 60 are there in China?

62. Why are people living longer than they used to?

63. Whats the average life expectancy of people in the world now?

64. What happens to the population in some developed countries?

65. What should be encouraged for the aging population?

第四部分 寫作技能(共三節,計30分)

第一節 翻譯語篇 (5小題,計10分)


27-year-old Li Jianrou won her first Olympic medal in the womens 500m short track speed skating final (短道速滑決賽) on Thursday. 66. Its also Chinas first gold medal in 2014 Winter Olympics.

Some people say its lucky that this Chinese girl won at last because 67. she was in fourth place when the other three fell down. But two of the Chinese girls also fell down in the semi-final (半決賽).

68. 實際上,李堅柔已經為此準備了很長時間, especially after one of Chinese girls was injured two weeks before the Winter Olympics. 69. 她所能做的就是盡力而為。

Things happen as if no one can guess the result. But if we continue to believe and keep trying, 70. opportunity is always for those who are prepared.






第二節 完成對話 (5小題,計10分)


A: Good morning! ? 71 ? ?

B: Yes, please. Id like to buy a shirt for my mother.

A: ? ?72 ? ?

B: My mother likes blue best. Do you have any blue shirts here?

A: Of course! How about this one?

B: Oh, I think its very nice. ? ?73 ? ?

A: 80 yuan. It is very cheap.

B: OK! ? 74 ? . Heres the money. Thank you.

A: ? ?75 ? .

71. ___________ 72. ___________ 73. ___________ 74. ___________ 75. ___________

第三節 情景作文(10分)


1. 描述他(她)給你留下的印象;

2. 你們在一起度過的快樂時光;

3. 你對他(她)的美好祝愿。


1. 文中不得使用自己的真實姓名和地名;

2. 80詞以上。文章開頭和結尾已經給出,不計入總詞數。

Dear Li Wen,



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