
城市與咖啡Cities and Coffee

2015-11-05 18:02
時代英語·高一 2015年5期

Fifteenth-century Arabs were the first to cultivate coffee and a Frenchman was behind the 1843 debut of the worlds first commercial espresso machine.

There have been a few leaps forward since then.

“People are more and more interested in where the beans come from, and how theyre harvested and roasted,” says New Zealand barista champion Nick Clark of Wellingtons Flight Coffee. “There are so many variables involved in producing a great cup of coffee these days, and the industry has had to evolve to meet growing consumer expectations.”

The worlds best coffee cities are those where the coffee isnt just good—its great.



“人們對咖啡豆的來源、如何收獲、如何烘焙越來越感興趣,”新西蘭惠靈頓咖啡比賽冠軍咖啡大師Nick Clark說,“要想做出一杯好喝的咖啡,里面有太多的影響因素??Х葮I需要不斷進步才能滿足顧客日益高漲的期望?!?/p>


Reykjavik, Iceland 冰島雷克雅未克

After the Dutch, Scandinavians have the highest coffee consumption per capita in the world.

While Finns drink the most among Scandinavians, Icelanders are also coffee crazy.

“Not too long ago, cafés in Reykjavík were more about the food,” says Kristin Thora, a barista at Icelandic institution Kaffitar and reigning National Cupping Champion.

“Youd have coffee and cake and didnt mind how the coffee was as long as the cake was good.”

“Then, about 25 years ago, people started to care about how their coffee was served.”

With Icelands lack of commercial coffee behemoths, smaller businesses have had a chance to flourish.

Now you can hardly walk a city block without passing a coffee shop.

“Drip coffee is popular in the home, but Icelanders tend go to coffeehouses for espresso-based drinks,” says Thora.

Local order: Latte or cappuccino.









London Britain 英國倫敦

Aussies and Kiwis opened the citys first espresso-focused coffee shops (such as Flat White and Kaffeine) a decade ago and theyve been popping up across the city ever since.

“London still has a long way to go with café service, but in the past five years theres been so much growth,” says Estelle Bright, head barista at Londons Caravan.

“London is still in the grip of the flat white craze, but cappuccinos are similarly popular,” says Bright.

Local order: Flat white or cappuccino.

澳大利亞人和新西蘭人十年前在倫敦開了首家以意式咖啡為主的咖啡館(例如Flat White和Kaffeine),從那時起,咖啡館就不斷出現。

“倫敦咖啡廳的服務還有很長的路要走,但是在過去的五年里有很大的進步”,倫敦Caravan的頂級咖啡師Estelle Bright說。



Vienna, Austria 奧地利維也納

Coffee is such an important part of Viennese culture that the citys coffee houses were listed by UNESCO in 2011 as an Intangible Heritage.But modern coffee connoisseurs such as Vienna coffee blogger Lameen Abdul-Malik of From Coffee With Love admit that the standard of coffee in these beloved institutions, which act as public living rooms where people come to chat, read newspapers and eat strudel, are lagging in terms of coffee technology and service expectations.

“Since Vienna hosted the World Barista Championships in 2012, and new-style independent coffee shops began to open up, the quality of espresso drinks is steadily improving,” says Abdul-Malik.

Or a Vienner melange (similar to a cappuccino, but usually topped with cream) in a traditional coffeehouse.

Local order: Espresso or cappuccino in a new style cafe.

咖啡是維也納文化中如此重要的一部分,以至于2011年該市的咖啡館被聯合國教科文組織列入非物質文化遺產。但現代的咖啡鑒賞家,如在CoffeeWithLove網站上寫博客的維也納咖啡博主Lammen Abdul-Malik承認,人們都喜歡去咖啡店里聊天、看報、吃點心,但咖啡店的咖啡標準在咖啡技術和服務期望方面都有些滯后。




Australia, Melbourne 澳大利亞墨爾本

The coffee culture in Melbourne is just incredible. Coffee is such an integral part of the Melbourne lifestyle that the city even hosts an annual coffee expo.

While lattes, cappuccinos and flat whites remain popular, piccolo lattes (made with less milk so the espresso tastes stronger) are the most popular.

Local order: Piccolo latte.




Italy, Rome 意大利羅馬

Coffee is so much a part of Italian culture that youll rarely encounter a local who doesnt drink it. But believe it or not, its not always that easy to find a decent espresso in Italy, with critics whispering that Italians have been resistant to adopt modern barista techniques. But with the best of the nations baristas calling it home, Rome is your best bet for a quality cup.

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