

2016-03-21 12:40柴博森馬文星寇尊權吉林大學機械科學與工程學院長春300吉林省產品質量監督檢驗院長春3003
農業工程學報 2016年3期

柴博森,項 玥,馬文星※,遇 超,寇尊權(.吉林大學機械科學與工程學院,長春 300; .吉林省產品質量監督檢驗院,長春 3003)



(1.吉林大學機械科學與工程學院,長春 130022;2.吉林省產品質量監督檢驗院,長春 130103)

摘要:合理選擇湍流模型是獲取準確和可靠數值模擬結果的關鍵。該文采用3種湍流模型(標準k-ε模型、分離渦模型、大渦模擬模型)仿真制動工況下方形腔液力偶合器流場,提取流速場和渦量場?;诹W訄D像測速(particle image velocimetry,PIV)技術測量液力偶合器制動工況下流場,將數值模擬結果與PIV試驗結果進行對比,以PIV試驗測量結果作為評價基準,分析采用3種湍流模型計算流場結果的差異性,完成湍流模型的適用性分析。結果表明,標準k-ε模型仿真結果與PIV試驗結果誤差較大;采用大渦模擬模型模擬主流區域流場結構分布更加真實,仿真結果能夠較好地解釋主流區域多尺度渦旋運動規律和能量耗散機理;采用分離渦模型能夠更準確地捕捉近壁面和角渦區高梯度流場結構分布。研究結果可為液力偶合器流場精確計算與性能預測提供參考。


柴博森,項玥,馬文星,遇超,寇尊權. 制動工況下液力偶合器流場湍流模型分析與驗證[J]. 農業工程學報,2016,32(3):34-40.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.03.006http://www.tcsae.org

Chai Bosen, Xiang Yue, Ma Wenxing, Yu Chao, Kou Zunquan. Analysis and experimental verification of turbulence models in flow simulation for hydrodynamic coupling under braking condition[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(3): 34-40. (in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.03.006 http://www.tcsae.org


0 引 言


研究液力偶合器內部流場結構分布對于其性能改進和結構優化設計具有重要意義。數值模擬與試驗測量是研究液力偶合器內部流場的主要手段[4-7]。在數值模擬方面,計算流體動力學(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)能夠實現液力偶合器流場計算,但是采用不同湍流模型的計算結果差異性較大。正確選擇合理的湍流模型是獲取準確和可靠數值模擬結果的關鍵[8-9]。在試驗測量方面,粒子圖像測速技術(particle image velocimetry,PIV)占據液力偶合器流場測量的主流地位[10-13]。國內外學者在液力偶合器流場計算與試驗測量方面開展了大量研究,H. Huitenga等[14-15]基于CFD研究了滿充液下液力偶合器內部流動規律,給出啟動特性最優的結構參數組合方案。F.Magagnato等[16]分別采用大渦模擬(large eddy simulation,LES)模型和分離渦(detached eddy simulation,DES)模型仿真渦輪內部流場,在相同網格數量下采用DES模型計算結果更加接近試驗結果。褚亞旭等[17]采用大渦模擬仿真355 mm循環圓直徑的液力偶合器流場,與激光多普勒測速(laser doppler velocimetry,LDV)試驗結果對比后證實LES模型可以較準確地模擬牽引工況下液力偶合器流場。柴博森等[18-20]基于PIV技術測量并分析了液力偶合器在多種工況下的內部流場,識別并提取了流場時空演化特征,為驗證液力偶合器內部流場仿真結果提供了大量試驗依據。雖然國內外學者對液力偶合器內部流場進行了大量研究工作,但是對于處在特殊工況條件下工作的液力偶合器流場研究還不夠深入,對于液力偶合器流場仿真湍流模型適應性分析的相關文獻卻鮮見報道。因此,開展液力偶合器流場湍流模型分析與驗證研究具有重要的工程應用意義。


1 湍流模型



式中t為時間,s;ρ為流體密度,kg/m3;k是紊流脈動動能,J;ui為時均速度,m/s;μ為流體黏度,Pa·s;μt為湍流動力黏度,Pa·s;Gk為由層流速度梯度而引起的湍流動能,J;ε 是紊流脈動動能的耗散率;xi和xj為張量表示的指標符號;C1ε,C2ε,σk,σε為模型常數,具體取值為C1ε=1.44,C2ε=1.92,σk=1.0,σε=1.3。


大渦模擬(large eddy simulation,LES)將流場中渦旋分為大尺度渦和小尺度渦,通過濾波函數將湍流瞬時運動方程中小尺度渦旋濾去,大尺度渦旋用瞬時運動方程直接計算,而小尺度渦旋對大尺度渦旋的影響則通過在大尺度渦旋運動方程中引入附加應力項來體現,該應力項被稱為亞格子尺度應力[22]。LES模型的控制方程組為



分離渦(detached eddy simulation,DES)模型是將LES和雷諾平均N-S方程(RANS方程)的優點相結合的一種混合模型[23],其主要思想是在近壁面附近求解RANS方程,構建Spalart-Allmaras 湍流模型(SA方程),在其他區域采用大渦模擬計算大尺度渦旋。DES模型克服了高雷諾數下LES模型對網格要求太高的缺點。其中SA渦黏性方程如下


2 流場仿真分析


建立循環圓直徑為230 mm的液力偶合器三維模型,其中泵輪葉片數為13,渦輪葉片數為11。提取全流道流動計算域,通過ICEM軟件對全流道模型網格劃分,采用六面體網格,總體網格數為470 944,節點數為521 887,其中泵輪網格為275 392,渦輪網格數為195 552,流道模型及網格模型如圖1所示。

圖1 流道模型及網格模型Fig.1 Flow channel model and mesh model


忽略溫度變化和泄漏影響,并作流動周期對稱假設,在制動工況(i=0)下,采用標準k-ε模型、DES模型和LES模型計算滿充液狀態下液力偶合器流場。流動介質為蒸餾水,假設其密度和黏度都是常數,取ρ=998.2 kg/m3和μ=0.001003 Pa·s。泵輪輸入轉速為200 r/min。為了詳細對比分析液力偶合器典型流動區域上3種湍流模型計算結果,截取渦輪流道1/2處徑向切面結果作為分析對象,圖2為不同湍流模型下的流速場,圖3為不同湍流模型下的渦量場。

圖2 不同湍流模型下流速場Fig.2 Velocity field of different turbulent models

圖3 不同湍流模型下渦量場Fig.3 Vorticity field of different turbulent models

3 PIV試驗


PIV試驗測量系統主要由機械部分、激光片光系統和圖像采集部分構成,如圖4所示。機械部分主要由天津市林普機電有限公司生產的YS7124 型號三相異步變頻調速電機、上海摩億公司生產的EMT260型號激光轉速測量儀、長春通用機械廠生產的CLZ型號聯軸器以及2CY型號齒輪泵負載裝置組成。激光片光系統由中國西安遠訊光電科技有限公司制造,激光光源型號FIBER-21,可提供最大輸出功率為1.5 W的激光片光,片光厚度約1~2 mm。圖像采集部分主要由中國大恒集團有限公司生產的BM/BB-141GE數字相機及配套采集軟件組成,相機幀頻為30 fps。透明型液力偶合器樣機由大連市騰達機械設備技術公司制造,循環圓直徑為230 mm,泵輪葉片數為13,渦輪葉片數為11。數值模擬計算模型與試驗測量模型在幾何機構上保證一致。

圖4 粒子圖像測速試驗系統Fig.4 Particle image velocimetry test system


以蒸餾水作為液力偶合器內部流動介質,選擇鋁粉作為示蹤粒子均勻投入待測流場,粒子直徑約為10~20 μm。制動工況下在泵輪輸入轉速為200 r/min時采集渦輪徑向流場圖像。由于原始圖像采集試驗是在黑暗的環境下開展的,為了提高原始采集圖像中粒子流動圖像特征參數識別質量,需要經過圖像亮度增強、中值濾波、圖像降噪完成圖像預處理,使得流場中粒子形態及運動軌跡更加易于識別,有利于獲得更好的流動圖譜。經過圖像預處理后的連續2幀粒子圖像如圖5所示。

圖5 連續2幀粒子圖像Fig.5 Two successive frames of particle image


實測液力偶合器試驗樣機葉片實際長度為75 mm,基于圖像處理技術提取圖像上葉片的首、末點坐標,單位為像素(pix),如圖6所示,首點坐標為(137.6,106.5),末點坐標為(1111.8,265.9),根據兩點之間距離公式計算圖像上葉片長度S為987.09 pix。將葉片實測長度與圖像測量長度相除,獲得圖像放大率,經圖像標定后1 pix約為0.08 mm。

圖6 圖像標定Fig.6 Image calibration


圖7 PIV試驗結果分析Fig.7 Results analysis of particle image velocimetry experiment

4 結果與討論




圖8 不同湍流模型下單獨流道流速場及渦量場Fig.8 Velocity field and vorticity field of single flow channel by different turbulent models

從定量分析流速場中流速矢量大小的角度來看,對于液力偶合器主流核心區域,采用標準k-ε模型仿真流速值的范圍為0~0.46 m/s,采用DES模型仿真流速值的范圍為0~0.566 m/s,采用LES模型仿真流速值的范圍為0~0.693 m/s;對于近壁面高流速區域,采用標準k-ε模型仿真最大流速值為1.31 m/s,采用DES模型仿真最大流速值為1.62 m/s,采用LES模型仿真最大流速值為1.98 m/s,如圖8所示。根據圖7a中PIV試驗測量結果可知,液力偶合器主流區域PIV試驗測量流速值的范圍約為0~0.7 m/s,PIV試驗測量近壁面高流速區域最大流速值范圍為1.60~1.65 m/s。通過仿真結果與PIV試驗測量結果對比可知,采用DES模型仿真近壁面高流速區域流速大小與PIV試驗結果接近,而采用標準k-ε模型和LES模型仿真結果誤差較大;采用LES模型仿真主流區域流速值范圍趨近于PIV試驗結果,采用DES模型仿真結果誤差較小,而采用標準k-ε模型誤差較大。



從定量分析渦量場中渦量大小的角度來看,對于液力偶合器角渦流動區域,采用標準k-ε模型仿真最大渦量值為243 s-1,采用DES模型仿真最大渦量值為654 s-1,采用LES模型仿真最大渦量值為892 s-1。根據圖7b中PIV試驗測量結果可知,液力偶合器角渦區域PIV試驗測量渦量值的范圍為800~900 s-1。通過仿真結果與PIV試驗測量結果對比可知,采用LES模型對于角渦區域渦量值仿真更加趨于真實,而采用標準k-ε模型和DES模型模擬結果誤差較大。

5 結 論

采用標準k-ε模型、分離渦(detached eddy simulation,DES)模型和大渦模擬(large eddy simulation,LES)模型分別仿真制動工況下方形腔液力偶合器流場,將流速場和渦量場仿真結果與粒子圖像測速(particle image velocimetry,PIV)試驗結果進行對比后發現。





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Analysis and experimental verification of turbulence models in flow simulation for hydrodynamic coupling under braking condition

Chai Bosen1, Xiang Yue2, Ma Wenxing1※, Yu Chao1, Kou Zunquan1
(1. College of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China; 2. Jilin Province Product Quality Supervision Test Institute, Changchun 130103, China)

Abstract:Hydrodynamic coupling is used for power transmission in heavy duty drives, such as power stations, ship propulsion, band conveyers, mills, and larger transport vehicles. Their hydrodynamic principle enables a low-wear torque to convert from a drive to a load. The flow in a hydrodynamic coupling is one of the most complex problems encountered in engineering fluid mechanics. The external performance of hydrodynamic coupling is determined by its internal distribution of flow field. It is very important to make a deep research on the internal distribution of flow field for the performance improvement and structural optimization in the design of hydrodynamic coupling. Numerical simulation is a main way to study the internal flow field of hydrodynamic coupling. The results of numerical simulation that are calculated by different turbulence models are quite different. In order to obtain accurate and reliable results of numerical simulation, it is a key to choose a reasonable turbulence model. The integrated computer engineering and manufacturing (ICEM) software was used to mesh the whole flow channel model of hydrodynamic coupling by hexahedral grids, and the total mesh number was 470 944 and the number of nodes was 521 887. Numerical simulation of three-dimensional unsteady turbulent flows in hydrodynamic coupling was carried out by numerically solving the Navier-Stokes equations in a rotating coordinate system. In order to analyze the applicability of different turbulence models in the calculation of flow field in hydrodynamic coupling, 3 different turbulence models (standard k-ε model, detached eddy simulation model, large eddy simulation model) were chosen to simulate the internal flow field of square cavity hydrodynamic coupling under braking condition. The quantity and quality of mesh was consistent during the numerical simulation of different turbulence models. The velocity field and vorticity field of radial section in hydrodynamic coupling were simulated and extracted through ANSYS CFX software. In addition, the transparent prototype of hydrodynamic coupling was manufactured and used in the complex flow test experiment, the internal flow field of hydrodynamic coupling under braking condition was tested based on particle image velocimetry (PIV), the characteristics of flow images were extracted by image processing technique, and the velocity field and vorticity field of radial cross-section were calculated by image cross correlation algorithm. Then numerical simulation and PIV experimental results were compared. The PIV test results were used as the evaluation criteria, and the differences of numerical simulation results by 3 kinds of turbulence models were analyzed. Moreover, the applicability of 3 turbulence models was analyzed. The results showed that the simulation results by standard k-ε model were far different from PIV experimental results, the distribution of flow field in main flow region simulated by the large eddy simulation model was much more real than others, the simulation results could be used to explain the law of multi-scale vortex movement and the mechanism of energy dissipation in the main flow region, and the high-gradient flow field distribution of near-wall area and corner area could be captured more accurately by the detached eddy simulation model. The results of analysis will provide a basis for accurate calculation of flow field and performance prediction of hydrodynamic coupling.

Keywords:computer simulation; visualization; models; hydrodynamic coupling; particle image velocimetry; flow velocity field; vorticity field; vortex










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