
The Application of Teaching with English Vocabulary Card in Primary School

2016-06-21 11:11新疆伊犁鞏留縣東買里鎮烏圖布拉克小學
衛星電視與寬帶多媒體 2016年19期

新疆伊犁鞏留縣東買里鎮烏圖布拉克小學 張 娜


Vocabulary card teaching method is a kind of traditional and effective way of vocabulary teaching.In actual teaching,the greatest difficulties and obstacles for students' learning English is vocabulary learning and memory.Vocabulary teaching plays an important role in primary school English teaching,the accumulation of vocabulary is the centerpiece of students learning English.Primary school students because of lack of life experience and the knowledge of English reserve is limited, so their memory and comprehension of vocabulary is difficult.But the vocabulary card teaching can vivid to show vocabulary to students.Vocabulary card teaching is conducive to primary school students learning English vocabulary effectively, to arouse students' interest in learning..The British linguist Wilkins once said: "without grammar very little can be conveyed,without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed."

Nowadays, in our vocabulary teaching, it existed a widespread phenomenon that is the teacher speaks more, students practice less and time-consuming and inefficient.Investigated its reason, general vocabulary teaching methods can't good to mobilize the enthusiasm of students learning vocabulary,unable to effectively guide the student to use memory remember words.The card is used for vocabulary teaching can effectively avoid the above phenomenon, the cards has the main types of preview card,comparison card and problem card.

2.Theory Analysis of English Vocabulary Card Teaching Method

There are a lot of vocabulary teaching methods, such as dispersion method, physical method, focus lexical association method and so on, but no matter what kind of method, the purpose is to let the students to remember more words in limited time.

Because the amount of vocabulary is the foundation of English learning, especially in China, English is a foreign language, people are lack of English application occasions, so students learning English, and words become more important.

The following will discuss the theoretical support of the English vocabulary card teaching and the method of concrete application.

2.1 The Quality of Educational Theory

Quality education theory advocates teachers in teaching should be geared to the needs of all students, taking care of students differences, play each of the students potential,make every student can lively,comprehensive development of active learning and cultivate the innovative spirit and practice ability.Cards for vocabulary teaching, teachers may focus on teaching and decentralizing cards teaching approach, all students at the same time meet the needs of the vocabulary of Englishbased care to different students,pay attention to students'individual differences, so that each student can get the most fully development.

2.2 English Vocabulary Card Teaching Is a Combination of Scattered Vocabulary Teaching and Focus onTeaching

First, English vocabulary card teaching method is an effective dispersion vocabulary teaching methods.When students learning some difficult words,one could not to remember too many words, so using the card memory method can write the words that difficult to remember on the card, showing students in every class , through repeating and stimulating students firmly to grasp the new words.

Second, English vocabulary card teaching method is also a kind of good method of teaching English vocabulary.Teaching words together, you can find all kinds of connection between the words, such as pronunciation is the same, the same structure,same part of speech, the same meaning or the opposite meaning and so on Teacher can teach students to classify the learned words and each section according to its difference of sound, form and meaning.

2.3 English Vocabulary Card Teaching Is the Combination and Specific Applications of Comparison and Classification

Vocabulary card teaching method can be according to the vocabulary characteristics to compare and classify.In this process, it shows the various local qualitative thinking activity.Therefore, teachers in English vocabulary teaching,through comparison to help students to break the difficult knowledge is very necessary.In learning English, through the comparison, classification, and other logical thinking activities to promote the potential of understanding and memory.The actually effect is much better than mechanical memorizing.Psychologists had an interesting memory experiments, the same English words divided into three groups, the first group's task is to put these words according to various criteria to classify, but without memory;the second group's task is try to remember these words, and not classification; the third group's task is try to classify, but also to memory.After the same time,the memory of all three groups of new words has carried on the test.The result is: the first group although there is no effort to remember, remember the more obvious than the second one's memory, and with the same as the third group remember.

2.4 Ebbinghaus Memory Curve

In the actually vocabulary learning, students often complain about the words remember slow,soon forgotten.According to the German psychologist Ebbinghaus forgetting curve, the process of forgetting is uneven, quickly before and then slowly, that is forgotten begin immediately after the study, the original forgotten faster, then gradually slow down.

Vocabulary card teaching pays attention to the repetition rate of the word, the teacher just before class may require students to show the first class word card to circulate memory again, then the word is not easy to forget.Using the card to circulate memory words, to overcome forgetting,is a concrete manifestation of vocabulary card teaching with the colorful psychology.

In order to help the students to remember the words, each word should have a card, and each class the teachers show the card to student for timely review, and asked the class memory new words.And then hold on for a long time, the students will not only remember they have learned words,and also very easy to absorb new words.

3.The Classification of English Vocabulary Card

The card is classified as preview card, comparison card and problem card.The different types of cards can achieve different effects.Students can remember learned vocabulary more effectively, and make the words deeply printed in head.

3.1 Preview Card

When students to preview the text, find out the new words in this unit and write down in the front of the card, as well as the sentences or phrases in the text and on the back of the card write down the definition for the words, sentences or phrases in Chinese.

Preview card (front): cold It’s clod today.

Preview card (back): 寒冷的今天真冷。

3.2 Comparison card

Compare card is compared some significance words, but the usage is a bit similar to another word or phrase and to distinguish the words’ usage of the card.For example, the word direct, teachers inspire students to think the word synonyms and compare the different usage,and then let the students to compare inductive knowledge into induction card, so that students can learn to appropriately and accurately use the words.

3.3 Problem card

After each new lesson,students will have a variety of problems.Teacher required the students from the learned knowledge in the day to find out them doubt , written the problem on the card.For example,students will puzzled for the word tall, long and high.At this time, the problem card will become very useful.

But using the problem card should to pay attention to how to use it, if the question on the card is simple, teacher can let the students to solve by themselves, if the problem is more difficult, teacher can let students to discuss, but students still cannot to solve the question, then teacher give the right answers.

4.The Application of Vocabulary Card Teaching

The application of vocabulary card teaching method is mainly reflected in the following aspects, using the vocabulary card teaching method properly will receive twice the result with half the effort.

4.1 Cooperation Interaction to Achieve Vocabulary card Sharing

Vocabulary teaching theory,mainly including two principles which put forward by the Sinclair- open selection principle and established principle,open selection principles will require students to know the share and willing to share.And to choose their own needs in the sharing.In the process of sharing will also a process of language output, the process is bound to have a language output,this process is to improve the students' ability of using language, cultivate the students'thinking ability and innovation ability.Such as a student has learned a lot of words about fruit , apple, banana, lemon,pineapple, peach, grape, pear,strawberry and so on.He is pleased and then he said, I like eating banana.Another said,I like eating big banana.The students have a strong desire to express heartfelt, he also not to be outdone, and said, I like eating the big banana after dinner every day.The students have more natural language output.On the other hand, the process of making card is a process of sharing with others,to improve students practical and mutual cooperation ability and make students have strong friendship with each other.

4.2 Set Game Opportunely,Arouse Students' Interest in Learning Vocabulary

Psychology research shows that the interest can enhance memory, the interest is a tendency of people treat things in a positive and lasting understanding.It is accompanied with the excitement of thinking activity in cerebral cortex.With the help of games can arouse students enthusiasm , to ease remission the boring and pressure of vocabulary learning.The game can be competition type, we can see who make vocabulary cards more, who do the card beautiful and some students will also make the cards in heart-shaped, flower shaped.We can also see who in vocabulary teaching excellent,and to record the integral form.The puzzled class activities,such as guess the information on the card, the teacher will write a monkey on the card and put it on the table, let one student play the information on the card,the other students guess.Then to see who has the most sensitive reaction.And the students have learned many words about fruit,teacher write down the word pineapple on the blackboard,let students guess the other words, students naturally think of apple, pear, kiwifruit, etc.,thus the students will classified the words about fruit.

4.3 Repeatedly Collecting,Improving Students' Consciousness of Accumulation

Repeated on vocabulary memory, students can put the word really remember in heart.This process is to consolidate students to memorize words, my suggestion is: every five minutes before the class teacher and student together memories of the former words, from easy to difficult.And every learned unit to require students carefully to make word card used in memory of the words at the ordinary times.At the same time, when learning new knowledge, teachers should actively guide and help student to memorize, recall and recognize the new and old knowledge.Finally, the teacher should educate and train students’interest in English, let the student carry vocabulary cards,every morning the memorized their own cards, lunch break recall they have memorized words, making the students realized that the words can come back in mind.But if not timely to guide, review and consolidate, words will constantly forget, will not be able to achieve the purpose of effectively to improve English and accumulate more vocabulary.


This part is the conclusion part.The author summarizes the whole thesis.The thesis is based on the primary school English vocabulary teaching as a starting point, focusing on vocabulary teaching according to theory analysis, studying the vocabulary card teaching method.Teaching has method, teaching is not fixed, in your well-managed.Vocabulary card teaching is intuitive, simple and enabling for students to accumulate a lot of words in a relatively short period, training students'practical ability and innovative spirit.It can arouse students'enthusiasm and initiative of learning vocabulary, improving the efficiency of vocabulary learning, teaching effectiveness,therefore, it is become good methods to promote vocabulary teaching.Application of English cards in class can stimulate students' interest in learning and the memory of the word has been improved.At the same time,teacher in teaching activities using the word card and the use of competition mechanism, mutual competition between students,mutual supervision, the tense atmosphere.The small card can help students to change the habit of learning English fundamentally, improve the effect of English learning, with the application of small cards,students will achieve more knowledge and more harvest.
