
9A Unit 4 Problems and advice (speaking and writing)

2017-01-16 21:17劉虹
東方教育 2016年10期


Analysis of the students:

Students have a lot to talk or write for this topic.,but the teacher should guide students to talk naturally and write formally.

Analysis of the teaching material:

1.This topic is very important to students especially graduate students,they want to talk about their problems and get suggestions very much, if they grasp how to talk and write about their problems , how to give suggestions for them ,its very meaningful in their daily life, so this unit is very important throughout Junior High school.

2.There is difference between oral and written English, students should pay more attention to it when speaking or writing.

3. The teacher can teach this unit much easier using task teaching method.

Teaching aims:

1.Learn how to talk about ones problems

2.Learn to write a passage about talking problems and giving advice.

3.Practise oral English.and writing skills

Teaching key point:

The phrases and sentence patterns

Teaching difficult points:

1. Different ways of giving suggestions

Teaching aids: Multimedia, PPT

Teaching methods: Task teaching method. TPR. Group work learning.

Preparation:1) Topic: Problems and advice

2) Reading material: a passage about problems.
