
Master English and Travel Around

2017-04-08 20:21李凡非
成長·讀寫月刊 2017年3期


You must have heard about the news that a woman teacher from Zhengzhou posted a letter of resignation on the internet read as “The world is so big that I want to have a look.” The resignation was an instant fever. Many appreciate it as the most romantic resignation with no equal rivals. The teacher turns many peoples dream, me included, into a reality, wanting to give up her present comfortable life to have a good look at the world with her own eyes before it is too late.

What I am concerned is that, if you want to see around the world, English is the passport. So I will have to have a good command of English. Since my childhood, I have been dreaming of traveling around the world. Among numerous tourist destinations around the world, I like Europe most, since Europe boasts a big number of museums with a long history. It can also offer me beautiful natural scenery such as Eiffel Tower, Tames River, Louvre Museum. If you are a music lover and a steadfast devotee of Beethoven or Mozart, then a visit to Vienna is like going on a pilgrimage. If you ask which country is my favorite, it is, without any doubt, New York, for it is such a romantic and lovable country. The sunset in New York is so spectacular:Oranges and reds tinting the sky over the Jersey meadows and gaudily reflected in a thousand windows on Manhattans jagged skyline. The diversity also gives endless color to the city, so that walking in it is constant education in sights and smells.

When I am good at English, firstly, I can freely communicate with native speakers to ask for route and places I dont know. Secondly, good English also helps me understand the cultures and customs in English countries better. For example, such as the London, offers a plethora of scenic meadows, spectacular cathedrals, astonishing palaces and close-to possible architectural feats like the London Eye. Besides that, it has several museums and historic houses that recite the tale of the past of this city. If you have read about Shakespeare, when you visit his resident, you will enjoy your trip more, which is owing to your knowledge of English culture. In a word, mastery of English history and culture can make you better appreciate historical sites and cultural relics. The last is that knowing English well can reduce or avoid cultural shocks and misunderstandings when travelling abroad.

So in order to travel around the world someday, I will try my best to master this international language by making full use of apps online, subscribing to English magazine, and listening to radios to strengthen my input. By going to the English corner regularly can practice my oral English. Practice makes perfect. Im sure to handle it through diligence and finally, my dream to travel around the world will come into reality.
