

2017-05-13 16:16閆躍
高中生學習·高二版 2017年5期





Pull yourself together.

Dont let it get you down. It will be over soon.

Cheer up! Things will change for the best.

Keep trying! Dont give up.

Hang in there. Things will get better.

Keep smiling! Things will calm down.

Things are never as bad as they seem.

Stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.

Cheer up! Our troubles will soon be over.

Dont let one failure discourage you, try again.

You need to take the bull by the horns. (牛一旦使起性子來就會變得兇猛異常,再加上它那強壯的身軀,對人是一種不小的威脅??梢妕ake the bull by the horns是要有相當的膽量和冒險精神的。這個成語表達的是不畏艱險,敢于面對困難的精神和行為。)

Dont look so blue and cheer up.

Dont lose heart, whatever happens.

No matter what happens, dont be discouraged.

We all support you all the same.

I am always here to support and encourage you along the way.



Dont lose heart, I did no better than you. Lets work harder together.


I know you have been working hard all the time and really appreciate that. But hard work doesnt necessarily bring fruitful results. Maybe you should adjust some of your learning methods. All in all, dont let one failure discourage you and try again.

范例 下面是李華給寫Joo Zone的一封回信,后者在來信中告知前者在英語學習中遇到了一些麻煩,并希望得到幫助,李華在信中給了對方鼓勵和一些建議。

Dear Joo Zone,

I have received your letter and Im glad to give you some suggestions. First of all, dont be disappointed. Many students find it difficult to write well. In my opinion, if you want to improve your writing, you should do the following things.

First, get familiar with the set phrases and sentence structures. Keep a list of them and then try to make some sentences with them. Second, read English as often as possible. There are many things that cant be learnt immediately. You must understand the importance of repetition and revision. Then youll be able to use them correctly So, in order to write well, you must learn to read a lot. Finally, youd better recite some useful passages. The more you read and recite, the better you will write.

Im sure you can improve your English as long as you are willing to study hard. Remember, practice makes perfect.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua



1. 贊美對方的工作/學習表現

We are proud to have you in our group.

You are an excellent “outside-the-box” thinker.

Its no wonder that you have make such remarkable progress in Math.

Thanks to your help, our interest group finished the task on time!

You did quite well in the speech contest.

I couldnt have completed the task without your help. Your presentation was exceptional this time and left a good impression on everyone.

Youre very professional.

I admire/respect your hard work.

Nice going!/Well done!

2. 贊美對方的外表

You looked fabulous at the party yesterday.

Youre looking sharp!

You look nice in that color.

You look outstanding.

3. 贊美對方的言談舉止

You always know the right thing to say.

Youre very eloquent. I benefited a lot today.

Brilliant! Ill keep what you said in mind.

4. 贊美對方的款待

This is really a nice place.

This has really been a rewarding trip.

Everything tastes great.

5. 贊美對方的家人

Your son/daughter is so cute.

What an adorable baby!

Your wife/husband is very charming.

You two make a lovely couple.

6. 贊美對方的其他方面

You have a good sense of humor.

Your Chinese is incredible/really surprising.

You are really talented.

You have a good taste.

You look like a million dollars.=you look like a movie star. (look like a million dollars是指“容光煥發”。此時也可以說成look like a movie star,這大概和明星們通常很注意自己的形象有關。這個習語還可以用來指物,意思是某樣東西看起來好極了。)

范例 下面是News Weekend的記者Will Smith寫給一位經理的表揚信,表達對賓館條件、餐廳服務、飯菜質量、菜品種類等的贊賞。

Dear Manager,

I am a reporter from the News Weekend. Because of the demand of my work, I often come to Beijing to do interviews. Your hotel is my favorite, because of the comfortable living conditions, and the considerate service, especially your excellent food.

The restaurants in your hotel have many kinds of delicious food such as Chinese food, Japanese food, French food and so on. Among these delicious foods, I like the Beijing Toast Duck best, not only because of its Chinese characteristics but also its special taste for people from all over the world. So every time I come here I always choose this course.

Furthermore, what impressed me most is the high quality service, it always makes me feel at home. Waiters and waitresses are so kind and warm-hearted that they always earnestly recommend every new or special food of the restaurant. I will recommend your hotel and restaurant to my friends without any hesitation.

Hope your hotel and restaurant will be more prosperous in the future.

Sincerely yours,

Will Smith

The Implication of Designing a Workshop in English Teaching
實用習語 話“鳥”