

2017-08-08 22:51AlexKennedy
扣籃 2017年6期


A behind-the-scenes look at the Miami Heats intense culture.


When Miami Heat president Pat Riley met with unrestricted free agent Dion Waiters last summer, the nine-time NBA champion made the 24-year-old shooting guard a promise.


"Were going to get you in world-class shape," Riley told Waiters. "Not good shape. Not great shape. World-class shape. Give us a season, and youll see." Riley has made this promise to other free agents over the years, and he has an iPad full of before-and-after pictures that serve as success stories to back up his claim. When a player joins the Heat, it doesnt take them long to realize that this organization does things differently.


Prior to joining the Heat, Waiters thought he was already in excellent shape after playing four years in the NBA. James Johnson, who had been in the NBA for seven seasons and can literally kick the rim on a regulation hoop, thought the same thing prior to signing with Miami last offseason.

Most players have this reaction. Then, they show up for the teams workouts.


"After one week, my body [was] shot," Waiters recalled. "I was damn near throwing up in trash cans like in the movies."


The Heats offseason workouts, training camps and practices are the stuff of legend. Players work extremely hard, spending a ton of time on conditioning and weight training. This years team was still doing fullcontact practices in the final week of this season-even when a playoff berth was a realistic possibility.


"They had us come in early during the offseason to prepare for training camp," said one current Heat player, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "We did sprints and other conditioning drills, and we even went outside to push some sleds and flip tires and stuff like that. This was all to get ready for training camp.


"When camp started, it was definitely different. With other teams, they may have veterans who cant run as much so the training camp is kind of built to accommodate those guys. In Miami, we were all trying to make a name for ourselves so it was competitive and we were all ready to work hard. We had sayings like, No fake gym rats, No excuses, and, Always get one percent better. If you came to the gym, it wasnt to make an appearance so the coaches can see you. Youre coming to get better. We dont want any fake gym rats.”


While intense, the work paid off. Sources say that Waiters trimmed his body fat percentage by nearly five percent from the start of the season to now. He was so proud of the transformation that he posted a copy of his before-and-after picture on Snapchat after the season ended.


Those around the NBA say its no coincidence that Miami went 30-11 in the second half of the season. Many credit the Heats excellent conditioning for their late-season success, as it seemed they were just hitting their stride when other teams were breaking down.


While the Heat ultimately missed the playoffs, its amazing they were even in the postseason mix. They were 19 games under . 500 at one point during the campaign. In fact, they became the first team in NBA history to rally from more than 12 games below . 500 and avoid a losing record (they finished 41-41, missing the playoffs on the final day of the regular season).


"Their conditioning played a big role in their success over that stretch," one agent said. "This is why they run so much in the offseason, in training camp and during the season. They run like gazelles and work extremely hard to prepare for stretches like that."


Every player who joins the Heat takes three pictures documenting their progress: one before the season, one during the season and one after the season. This isnt a common practice around the league; in fact, players typically say that this is all new to them.


"I never had done a before-and-after [picture]," Johnson told Anthony Chiang of The Palm Beach Post. "We got in there and they told me I had to take off my shirt. We had to take a before picture. It was weird to me. It was really weird to me."


Every Monday, players are weighed and their body fat percentage is measured. Each player has specific goals that are customized for them, but the team goal is for everyone to fall under 10 percent body fat. What happens if a player doesnt meet his goal? When asked, one Heat player laughed and said he didnt know because every player on the roster met their goals - mainly because they were too scared to find out the consequences.


Miami has a rule that players cant put their hands on their knees for a breather during a practice or game. Any player who does this is fined $100, according to a league source whos close with several former Heat players. If thats a rule, you can imagine what the penalty would be for showing up overweight…


In addition to working hard in the gym and on the court, the team tries to help players eat right. Breakfast is provided to the players every day and, on gamedays, lunch and a pre-game spread is also available. Players are encouraged to eat home-cooked meals as opposed to going out to restaurants, and theyre taught to be conscious of what theyre putting in their body. These lessons are especially important for young players or former D-League players since theyre accustomed to eating cheap foods (AKA fast food and processed junk).


While Riley and head coach Erik Spoelstra obviously played a huge role in creating this culture, Heat strength and conditioning coach Bill Foran deserves credit as well. Foran has been with the organization for 29 years, and this was his 19th season in his current role as strength and conditioning coach. His son, Eric, is now the teams assistant strength and conditioning coach after two years learning from his father as an intern. Several players cited the Forans as the reason for their weight loss and improved play.


The organization trusts Foran and his process so much that, over the years, theyve been willing to take risks on players who had weight issues -from Dexter Pittman to Eddy Curry to Shaquille ONeal. When Curry was in Miami, he lost 100 lbs. and got back to his high school weight.


Their process is also what helps them develop their diamond-in-therough players into key contributors, with Hassan Whiteside, Tyler Johnson, Willie Reed and Josh Richardson being perfect examples.


"Miami is a world-class organization," another agent said. "Ive dealt with a lot of teams, but theyre one of the best. They know what theyre doing, theyre organized, and it translates to the court.

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"This culture is real," Johnson said. "We have the kind of practices where you cant go out and hang out all night and think youre going to be able to come to practice and really go hard because Ill call you out, everybody on this team will call you out. We wont leave it to the coaches to call you out. We take care of that ourselves."


One thing several people told HoopsHype is Riley treats all of his players the same way and ensures they stick to their goals.


One former player told a story about Dwyane Wade reporting to camp weighing around 230 lbs. and telling Riley that he bulked up. Riley responded, "No, youre fat." This was during Wades prime and the players were surprised to hear Riley talk to Wade like that. But it sent the message that everyone – with zero exceptions – would be held accountable.


"Who would have the balls to tell Wade that, other than Riley?!" the former player said. "This was when D-Wade was Flash!"


No matter who you are, if youre donning a Miami jersey, youre expected to do things the Heat way.


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