

2017-10-11 03:05陳科龍受訪者提供
今日重慶 2017年8期

◇ 文|陳科龍 圖|游 宇 受訪者提供


◇ 文|陳科龍 圖|游 宇 受訪者提供



Recollecting those eminent figures and their tremendous achievements in history,we realized that we are not only ourselves,but even their promising successors.

One day in 2009,seated on the platform of Bibo Mountain Vila in Lion Rock,Jiang overlooked the river rolling to the east on and on,never to return.Mixed feelings surged up within this seventy-year-old lady,and then she felt obligated to vividly present us this magnificent Chinese civilization.


An Ambitious Artist





Early in 1985 when Jiang was a guest professor in North America,she intended to carry forward Chinese civilization after learning those unique Western perspectives related to our civilization.

“Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (also known as Georg Hegel) attempted to seek ancient civilization,if any.Unfortunately,the civilizations of ancient Egypt,Babylon,India and Maya all fell into pieces.China,however,was the only lasting and surviving country with the nourishment of the Yellow River and Yangtze River.”Jiang realized brilliant Chinese civilization would enlighten the world today.“In 1988,the winner of Nobel Prize delivered a joint declaration that human beings whoever wanted to survive in the 21st century must learn from Confucius and Lao-Tzu who lived some 2,500 years ago.

Deeply influenced by Taoism’s “nature”and Confucianism’s “benevolence”,Jiang is convinced that Chinese’innate concept of universe will thrive and Chinese’worship of virtue will enrich human’s minds.Peopleoriented idea is not limited to Confucianism or China,but the treasure of human kind.

The enhancement of cultural responsibility urged Jiang to express her re fl ection on Chinese culture and life based on historical figures or events in certain important period in Chinese history via artistic colors and lines.She desired to deliver her understanding on exuberant force of Chinese art and culture.


Eight Years’Efforts Make a Sword





Therefore,Jiang started the creation The Five Thousand Years.From the creation of heaven and earth by Pan Gu to the founding of People’s Republic of China,The Five Thousand Years covered the most important figures and events in Chinese civilization.The painting also depicted China’s splendid folk custom and folk daily life related to history and culture.Chongqing elements were included in the painting,for instance,Dazu Rock Carvings and the Chongqing talks.

Jiang declined many social activities so as to work without distraction.She kept thinking and painting from dawn till dusk except dining time and afternoon nap.

Jiang did careful study on history of Song Dynasty,including the causes and effects of “ remove from military position by means of cups of wine”,culture and his-tory of Song Dynasty,Song’s migration to Lin’an ( now known as Hangzhou) and the fall of Song Dynasty.“I think Song Taizu (the founder of Song Dynasty) was a capable and wise emperor.He solved a tough problem and paved the way for a prosperous age.”Jiang recalled her preparing for “remove from military position by means of cups of wine”.

From 2009 to 2016,eight years’efforts make a sword.Jiang independently finished The Five Thousand Years consisted of 204 paintings in series,with a height of 2 meters and a width of 5 meters.


Add a Subtitle toFive Thousand Years





Five Thousand Years describes those people and events that have a great in fl uence on the Chinese nation both historically and culturally,which include not only positive models of human spirit who have made great contributions,such as the politician Zhang Juzheng,the thinker Chuangtzu,the calligrapher Zhang Xu,Huai Su and so on,but also villains who make later generations draw lessons.

“Someone asked me why I didn’t draw a picture about the great historical event;burning books and burying alive Confucian scholars,which was a great historical event.”Jiang Bibo,nearly eighty years old,does not follow blindly in terms of the selection of themes and the orientation of art.She said,“My subjects reflect my personal conception of history and value.The reason why I didn’t draw a picture about burning books and burying alive Confucian scholars is that there are many positive materials except the above one,like the unification of weights and measures.I want to add a subtitle for Five Thousand Years--Jiang Bibo Wanders in Chinese history with Brush.”

In the selection of historical themes,not all subjects are suitable to be presented by painting art.When choosing historical figures or events,Jiang has her own considerations and chooses the historical events that can be presented better by painting language.

Confucianism has the concept of “Three Immortality”,which are “morality”,“contributions”and “works”.When it came to whether Five Thousand Years would expound ideas for later generations,Jiang shook her head and said: “I drew this painting on the basis of my own perception of history.Five Thousand Years is not the history that is the same with teaching materials,but the history with a strong color of Jiang Bibo,which is personal and emotional.”


The Trial of Climbing the Summit





Featuring in the form of Chinese painting,the Five Thousand Years applies not only artistic characteristics of Chinese painting but also skills of handling inks and lines in Chinese calligraphy,thus representing a vivid Chinese history and a painting theory of “theme then drawing makes a vital and vigor painting ”.

In addition,thanks to her deep foundation established in youth towards the printmaking,sculpture,oil painting as well as her North American study experience,Jiang integrated contemporary art,Impressionism and international art research results into the Five Thousand Years.Therefore,the masterpiece we enjoy is not merely a traditional Chinese painting.

It is well known that Chinese painting is adept at wielding ink,however,composition,modeling and even coloring are its short boards.Jiang’s work,nevertheless,is a giant enjoyable painting of color ink,which extends the connotation and extension of Chinese painting.After appreciating Jiang’s work,Zhang Jiangzhou,deputy dean of National Painting Academy of China,acclaimed that “the Five Thousand Years is full of unique language forms,fresh contemporary atmosphere and rich humanistic spirit.It is the extraordinary painting skills and profound history speculation of Jiang that make up for the Chinese painting in the short board of coloring over the past thousands of years”.

Currently,we are in an age of “a plateau without summits”,the Chinese Academy of Art researcher Li Yi said that Jiang’s work is just the trial of climbing to the arts summit.

Jiang Bibo:Indulge in Five-Thousand-Year hinese History with a Paint Brush

Article | Chen Kelong Pictures | You Yu Interviewee

江碧波 Jiang Bibo 1939年出生于貴州貴陽,1962年畢業于四川美術學院,先后任四川美術學院繪畫系主任、重慶大學人文藝術學院院長、重慶美術家協會副主席等職。1962年創作的套色版畫《飛奪瀘定橋》,收入小學課本并被中國歷史博物館收藏。1980年參與創作《歌樂山烈士群雕》,榮獲全國首屆城市雕塑最佳獎。從2009年開始,她歷時8年,獨自完成了204幅大型中國畫組畫《上下五千年》的創作。

Jiang Bibo,born in Guiyang,Guizhou province in 1993,graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 1962.Then she successively served as director of Department of Painting in Sichuan Fine Arts Institute,Dean of College of Humanities and Arts in Chongqing University,Vice Chairman of Chongqing Artists Association.In 1962,her work Swiftly Taking Luding Bridge,a chromatic print enjoyed great popularity both in primary textbook and National Museum of Chinese History.In 1980,she engaged in the creation of Geleshan Cemetery of Revolutionary,winning the first prize in the first National Urban Sculpture.Since 2009,she spent 8 years on 204 Chinese paintings in series named Five-Thousand-Year Chinese History.

豐谷秋歌(中國畫45cm×33cm 2022年)
秋 景