
趣味話題一線牽 語法學習變得淺

2017-11-08 13:32朱秀珍
師道·教研 2017年10期






1. Today I would like to talk about Jay Chou, for I really appreciate him for his talents in music.

2. I appreciate and admire Jay so I choose to talk about him today.

3. Jay is a talented musician and he is very popular in Asia.

4. Others were reading cartoons for fun while I was learning painting.

5. I said that I wanted a big plane but I got an old radio.

6. Listen to the lyrics carefully, or it will be hard to understand the meaning of Jays songs.

7. Read the lyrics carefully, and you will find the beauty of Jays songs.

8. Not only do his fans recognize him as a great composer but also they consider him to be filial(孝順) to his parents.





1. 看圖說話。例如,提供周杰倫的父母的圖片,給出關鍵詞music teacher,physics teacher,讓學生用合適的并列連詞(while)造句。

2. 角色扮演(Role play)。讓學生兩兩對話,對話內容可以是關于周杰倫的工作、興趣愛好、生活態度等,要求對話過程中要使用并列句,然后學生分組表演。


1. 單句練習。采用翻譯、填空和改錯的練習,內容都跟周杰倫的經歷、歌曲和電影相關。用lucky game的小組比賽方式,既讓課堂教學有趣,又可以及時檢測學生掌握并列句用法的情況。

2. 語篇運用。設計一個語篇練習融入目標語法,讓學生在既定的話題背景下進行語法知識的綜合運用。

用下列的并列連詞so, but, and, for , or, when, while填空(劃線部分為答案)。

Jay Chou was born in Taiwan (1)and he began to play the piano when he was four. After he graduated from senior school, he applied for the admission of the Department of Arts of National Taipei University, (2)but he wasnt admitted. Then he joined in a singing competition, (3)but did not win a prize. The host of the competition, Jacky Wu, spotted Jay Chous music score (樂譜) (4)and he was deeply impressed by its complexity(復雜), (5)so Wu recommended Chou for a job opportunity in his company.

However, Chous music was not well accepted among singers as expected (6)and nobody would sing the songs written by him, (7)so he made up his mind to sing them himself. Wu didnt want Chou to release an album of his own due to his doubt about Chous singing. Therefore, Wu said to Chou, “Write 50 songs in 10 days, (8)or I will not offer you the chance to release an album.” He then added , “Write 50 songs in 10 days, (9)and I will pick 10 to help you release an album.”

Actually, Wu didnt take his own words seriously at all and treated as a joke (10)while Chou buried himself in composing his songs day and night. When the deadline came, Wu was proud of his own wisdom of stopping Chou from releasing an album (11)when he found that Chou had finished writing the songs within the given days. Wu was amazed by his talents in music (12)and he kept his commitment to help Chou. Chou has become famous ever since.


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