
新目標英語九年級Unit 6 STEP BY STEP隨堂通

2017-11-15 10:43
中學生英語·中考指導版 2017年10期

Step 1

Ⅰ. 用括號內所給單詞的正確形式填空。

1. Many young people dream of ______ (become) famous basketball players.

2. Basketball is a game that is ______ (play)indoors and outdoors.

3. I want to play on Chinas ______ (nation) basketball team some day.

4. Riding bicycles to school ______ (seem) quite convenient for students.

5. We must pay more attention to the ______ (safe) of the players.

Ⅱ. 選擇填空。

( )1. I lost my book yesterday. But today it ______ under the chair.

A. was found B. was founded

C. was gone D. was looked for

( )2. —Your city looks beautiful.

—Yes. Lots of trees and grass ______ last year.

A. were planted B. are planted

C. were planting D. have planted

( )3. Tea comes from China, but it ______.

A. was invented by mistake

B. was invented by accident

C. was looked for by accident

D. was discovered by mistake

( )4. This kind of pot is ______ keeping tea hot.

A. used in B. used for

C. used as D. used by

( )5. The letter ______ from hand to hand until all had read it.

A. past B. passed

C. was pasted D. was passed

( )6. —Your coat looks nice. Is it ______ cotton?

—Yes. It was ______ Shanghai.

A. made of; made by

B. made of; made in

C. made; made by

D. made for; made in

( )7. —Who is the man ______ black?

—He is Mr. White.

A. in B. with

C. for D. of

( )8. —Must I finish the exercise this afternoon?

—Yes, you ______, but you ______ finish it now.

A. must; mustnt

B. must; dont have to

C. may; need not

D. may; mustnt

( )9. He ______ by them at the meeting.

A. laughed B. laughed at

C. was laughed D. was laughed at

( )10. The story ______ hundreds ______ years ago.

A. happened; of

B. happened; /

C. was happened; /

D. was happened; of

Ⅲ. 根據語境,用適當的介詞填空。

1. That young inventor succeeded in making a newer and faster computer ______ the end.

2. You neednt heat the dish ______ a long time. Five minutes is enough.

3. The ancient people usually cooked food or boiled water ______ an open fire.

4. Youve been absent for six days according ______ our records.

5. You can find out how this invention works ______ this way.

Step 2endprint

Ⅰ. 根據句意及首字母提示,完成單詞。

1. Please give me a t______ piece of paper.

2. Its important to s______ water on the grass in summer.

3. There are some m______ in her composition.

4. You must write the message in c______,because it must be kept secret.

5. If you dont c______ more on your work, youll lose your job.

6. The e______ ordered his army to set off at once.

7. They are very s______ with their children.

8. We are all a______ his plan.

9. Jim spent his holiday by the o______.

10. Its dangerous to live on a lonely i______.

Ⅱ. 用所給動詞的正確時態和語態填空。

1. Miss Li ______ (like) by all of her students.

2. Last year, vegetables ______ (grow) in the garden by Nick and he ______ (sell) them himself.

3. Liu Mei ______ (not have) breakfast yesterday morning.

4. Planes, cars and trains ______ (use) by business people for traveling.

5. The students ______ often ______ (tell) to take care of their desks and chairs.

6. —Who ______ (save) her father?

—He ______ (save) by that policeman.

7. How many magazines can ______ (borrow) from the library every week?

8. Mooncakes ______ (make) by his mother every year. ______ your mother ______ (make) mooncakes for you every year?

9. Some toys ______ (buy) as presents for these children last Monday.

10. ______ paper ______ (make) from wood?

Ⅲ. 選擇填空。

( )1. Grandma was ill. That was why she _____ upstairs last night.

A. was helped B. helped

C. was helping D. had helped

( )2. I took your key ______ mistake.

A. for B. by C. about D. in

( )3. —Do you like tea?

—Yes, but I usually prefer green tea ______ black tea.

A. to B. from C. for D. with

( )4. Alice said, “Ive found the book that ______ the other day.”

A. was losing B. was lost

C. would lose D. would be lost

( )5. Mum added ______ but it still wasnt ______.

A. salt; enough salt

B. salt; salty enough

C. salty; enough salt

D. salty; salt enough

( )6. —Your dress looks nice. Is it ______ silk?

—Yes. Its ______ Suzhou.

A. made of; made by

B. made of; made in

C. made from; made by

D. made for; made in

( )7. The apple tastes ______.

A. well B. badly

C. fine D. worse

( )8. The painting ______ to a museum in New York in 1997.endprint

A. sells B. sold

C. was sold D. has sold

( )9. Some small presents will ______ to the children in the country.

A. be taking B. take

C. taken D. be taken

( )10. —How many people will come to Rio de Janeiro in 2016?

—Its hard to say. ______ people, I think.

A. Million of B. Two millions of

C. Millions of D. Two million of

Step 3

Ⅰ. 用所給詞的適當形式填空。

1. I think the telephone ______ (invent) before the car.

2. Tim wanted to make the customer ______(happily).

3. He used to ______ (prefer) science to art.

4. Mr. Smith ______ (live) in Changchun for 10 years.

5. They often spend time ______ (read) books in the library.

6. Before nine yesterday, he had finished ______ (clean) the house.

7. Do you know when the volleyball was ______ (invent)?

8. Can you hear someone ______ (sing) your song now?

9. Are there any people ______ (play) football over there?

10. Those ______ (invent) have invented many inventions since 1989.

Ⅱ. 選擇填空。

( )1. He told me that there was a good movie ______ TV the next week.

A. on B. at

C. in D. about

( )2. Dont mix English words ______

Chinese, please.

A. and B. of

C. with D. in

( )3. The teacher put ______ on my desk just now.

A. a papers

B. a piece of paper

C. a piece of papers

D. a piece paper

( )4. Speaking more than one language ______ a good way to get a job.

A. are B. am

C. were D. is

( )5. My friend invited me ______ a game last Sunday.

A. watch B. to watch

C. watching D. watched

( )6. Have you ever ______ school?

A. be late to B. been late for

C. late to D. late for

( )7. —Do you know what the word “cool” means?

—Of course. It ______ by young people so often these years.

A. uses B. is used

C. was used D. is using

( )8. —Did you find the post office ______?

—Yes, I found it ______ the main street.

A. in the end; by the end

B. at the end; in the end of

C. in the end; at the end of

D. at the end; in the end

( )9. Would you please give me some paper to write ______?

A. up B. on

C. to D. of

( )10. —Have you ever ______ Shanghai?

—No, never. But I am going to Shanghai this summer.

A. been in B. gone inendprint

C. been to D. gone to

Ⅲ. 從方框中選擇每句話的正確答語。

( )1. What does your mother do?

( )2. Im going to Beijing for a holiday.

( )3. My arm was badly hurt.

( )4. Sorry, I forget to post the letter for you.

( )5. How about going to the Jinhu Park today?

Step 4

Ⅰ. 閱讀理解。

Can animals be made to work for us? Some scientists think that one day animals may be taught to do a number of simple jobs. They say that in a film or on TV we may see elephants, or monkeys, dogs, bears, or other animals doing a lot of things. If you watch carefully, you may find that those an imals are always given something to eat in return for doing them. The scientists say that many different animals may be taught to do a number of simple jobs if they know they will get something to eat in return. Of course, as we know, dogs can be used to guard houses, and elephants can be used to do some heavy jobs. And we can also teach animals to work in factories.

Apes(猿), for example, have been used in America to help make cars and scientists believe that these large monkeys may one day get in the crops and even drive trains.

1. What kinds of jobs can animals do for us?

2. How can different animals be taught to do some simple jobs?

3. What can dogs do for us?

4. What may these large monkeys do one day?

5. What does this passage mainly talk about?

Ⅱ. 完形填空。

An invention is something that has been invented, or made for the 1 time. An invention can be a machine or a way of doing things. Inventions often make 2 better.

Inventions sometimes change peoples lives.

Some inventions are created 3 chance. The inventors were trying to do something else but found an invention instead. Penicillin(青霉素) is a kind of medicine. It was invented by accident. We should be glad 4 penicillin has saved millions of lives.

The television is definitely (明確地) a popular invention. Most people enjoy 5 very much. The first TV could not show many 6 . All shows were in black and white.

Inventions can change the world!Long, long ago, someone invented the wheel (輪子). It helped people move things 7 . Think 8 we will use the wheel today.

Communication inventions help people communicate with 9 , such as telephones, telegrams and so on. Transportation inventions such as cars and bikes help us 10 from one place to another .

( )1. A. first B. second

C. third D. last

( )2. A. anything B. something

C. everything D. nothing

( )3. A. in B. with

C. by D. at

( )4. A. when B. which

C. where D. that

( )5. A. watch TV B. watches TV

C. watched TV D. watching TV

( )6. A. games B. people

C. colors D. places

( )7. A. easily B. more easily

C. easy D. easier

( )8. A. how much B. how long

C. how many D. how soon

( )9. A. the other B. the others

C. others D. each other

( )10. A. travel B. walk

C. fly D. moveendprint

Step Ⅲ
Step Ⅱ


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