

2017-12-25 21:07ByMicheleCushatt
新東方英語·中學版 2017年12期


"Can I see your ID?"

I handed over my driver's license, and watched as the woman in a Frontier Airlines uniform compared the photo and name to my face and boarding pass.

She smiled and returned my ID. "Are you going for a fun weekend?"

Ah, so she'd noticed my destination. Las Vegas, NV. The place of so many wild weekends. The stuff of crazy photos and legendary stories.

If only.

"No." I swallowed, almost whispered. "I'm going to say goodbye."

The minute the words were out, I regretted the confession, my raw disclosure1) to a stranger who couldn't possibly understand. The grief was mine, not hers.

I couldn't stop talking.

"My dad is sick. Hospice2) is coming. I'm going to be with him."

She stopped schlepping3) bags on the conveyor belt4). Stopped checking IDs and printing baggage receipts. For just a moment, she saw only me.

"Oh, honey. I'm sorry." The pain on her face revealed evidence of understanding. "I know what it's like to say goodbye."

Six days ago—six profoundly short days—I found out my Dad is dying. A month, at most, the doctor said. These are tough words to type, tough words to read. You can't imagine how sorry I am for that.

But although I am unwilling to write an awkward and emotionally-charged post, this is real life. None of us can escape it, try as we might. The longer we live, the more we'll face our own goodbyes.

Which is why I must, must, must tell you this:

Dying space is sacred space. When the beauty of life meets the reality of death, all things frivolous5) fade and what is left is holy6). What my mother, brother, and I are experiencing right now is nothing short of7) Divine. Heaven has stooped8) down to meet us. One of us will go home, the others will remain. But none of us will ever be the same.

Because of this, I won't be blogging much (if at all) over the next month. Instead, I'm doing my best to say goodbye. I'm learning to love and let go in a way that brings peace and joy, in inexplicable9) measure, to the one who leaves as well as the ones who remain. This is how we're embracing our painful goodbye:

We Cry. It goes without saying that weeping is part of the process. What surprises me is the unpredictability of the flood. When I saw the Words with Friends icon on my iPad and know we'll never share another game together. When I thought about the empty chair at Jacob's high school graduation in 9 months. When I tell my little ones how much their Grandpa loves them. Oh yes, I cry. Because daddy's life is worthy of an ocean.endprint

We Laugh. For as long as I can remember, my family celebrated every vacation, soccer season, academic accomplishment with ice cream. Dairy Queen10) (DQ), in particular. In fact, we never needed a reason. Regular trips to DQ were always part of our family's story. Which is why we weren't surprised when, during a lucid11) moment, Dad told us to serve Dilly Bars12) at his funeral. We nodded and laughed, thinking how ridiculously perfect his suggestion was. He may be dying, but he refuses to stop smiling. We can do no less.

We Remember. Morning and night, we gather around the hospital bed in the family room. We remember all those fishing trips to Minnesota. We talk about Christmas-tree cutting, family game nights, that crazy trip to Kentucky Lake which we lovingly refer to as "the worst family vacation ever". We talk about the good and bad, the happy and sad, because all those memories are the glue that made us a family. Funny thing is, in the remembering we see the blessing. All this pain is simply proof of love.

We Sing. We never expected to hear the doctor say the words, "There's nothing more we can do." It hurt to hear. I wanted to scream and hurl13) something. But not dad. When the doctor delivered the verdict14), he simply closed his eyes and started to sing: "When the roll is called up yonder15), I'll be there!" Yes, Dad. When faced with the worst of life, we can still choose to sing.

Thank you for allowing me to withdraw for a time. In a couple weeks, I'll be back to writing, just as before. Dad wouldn't want it any other way.

But, for now, I need to cry, laugh, remember and sing with the man who helped make me the woman I am today. Death requires it. I think life on the other side of the goodbye requires it as well.



















我們大笑。從我記事起,我們家就一直用冰淇淋來慶祝假期、足球季和學業所成,尤其是會去吃Dairy Queen (DQ)冰淇淋。事實上,我們從來不需要理由。定期去吃DQ一直是我們家庭故事的一部分。這就是為什么爸爸在頭腦清醒時讓我們在他的葬禮上提供DQ的迪力棒雪糕時,我們都毫不吃驚。我們點頭大笑,想著他的建議真是荒謬得完美。他可能即將離世,但是他拒絕停止微笑。我們不能不如他。





3. schlep [?lep] vt. (費力或不方便地)攜帶,搬運,拖曳

4. conveyor belt: 傳送帶

5. frivolous [?fr?v?l?s] adj. 無聊的;無用的

6. holy [?h??li] adj. 神圣的

7. nothing short of: 與……等同,相似

8. stoop [stu?p] vi. 彎腰;俯身

9. inexplicable [??n?k?spl?k?bl] adj. 無法說明的;費解的

10. Dairy Queen: 一個冰淇淋品牌,簡稱DQ。

11. lucid [?lu?s?d] adj. (病后或糊涂過后)清醒的,頭腦清楚的,思路清晰的

12. Dilly Bar: 迪力棒,DQ的一款雪糕產品。

13. hurl [h??l] vt. 猛投;用力擲

14. verdict [?v??d?kt] n. (經過思考或調查后的)意見,結論

15. yonder [?j?nd?(r)] adv. (over there的過時或方言用語)那里,那邊endprint

神圣的使命 光榮的擔當