
The Life of a Barista 咖啡館服務員的一天

2017-12-25 13:10ByJamisonWendlandt
新東方英語·中學版 2017年12期



Many people think that being a Barista is an effortless job. These must be the people that don't see us pacing frantically2) to and from the drive-through3) window trying to get customers started with their day.

Those who work at a coffee shop typically start their day about an hour and a half to two hours before the typical 9~5 worker. Think about it, they have to have coffee brewed4) and bakery items frosted5) by the time everyone else is on their way to work. Customers can start rolling in6) around 6:30 or 7:00 in the morning and they expect their morning cup to be just the way they like it, fresh with a little bit of cream and sugar, or black—you get the point.

After arriving at the coffee shop, you unlock the door and turn on the lights. The first thing you do after putting your things down is grab7) the brew pot and beans which you measured out the night before. Oh, and start preheating the oven. The beans which were roasted just a few days ago (if you work at a coffee shop that serves good coffee) go into the grinder8) and then into the basket9). It is essential to start your first pot right away because customers will be wanting their morning coffee before you know it. While that is brewing start your scones10) which have been frozen and sat out overnight to ensure easy baking.

Ok, you've got the essentials started, and now you can put money into the cash register11) and begin turning on the rest of the lights that you missed in your rush to start working. But hurry, your first pot is done and it's time to start the next one! It is important to brew your coffee in the correct order. This varies based on customer favorites. While the second pot is brewing you might do some clean up that was missed from the night before. There is always some dusting and a window that needs to be cleaned. Ding! The scones are done and it is time to frost them. Of course, wash your hands first. By the time you are done, your second pot will be finished. Stock the bakery case, and look out to see a customer waiting for you to open the gate. It is typical for customers to be out there at least 15 minutes before you open. Being a caring Barista, you open up early just for them. Now that the gate is open, you must finish brewing coffee and continue to wait on customers at the same time, which will be a continuous task until about 9:30 or 10:00 when they have arrived at work. In most cases you will be by yourself until about 8:00, so good luck with that!

After the morning rush, wash your dishes because you will need them again, and very soon! It is now time to prep for lunch. More than likely you have already started the soup during the coffee rush because the local artists will be in promptly at 11:00 and they will expect their favorite soup. Cut your vegetables and make sure the meats are ready. Pull your bread out of the freezer. Once lunch starts, there is no turning back and no room for error. It can really put a twist12) in your day if you don't have enough chicken thawed13), or greens cut for salads.

There is always at least one customer who asks for something that isn't really an option, but you do it anyway because you want them to come back and enjoy themselves. Many times you make old items that used to be on the menu because they are still a favorite for your "usuals".

After what seems like an infinite amount of lunches, it's time to clean again! Things are a little slower because it will be the casual shopper or Wi-Fi customer drifting in and out. Also depending on where you work, you might be closing in a couple of hours because it will be 4:00 and people aren't in the mood for coffee anymore. Needless to say, after a full day of work, it's time for a break. Did I say break? I meant, you feel like it is time for a break! Now that you are cleaning up and getting ready to close, a steady rush of people will come in right about ... NOW! It never fails, just when you think you can rest, you are right back up on your feet.

This may seem like a stressful job, because it can be, but here are some of the perks14): Even while you are rushing to serve customers, you see your friends all day long. You've served your regulars15) from the time you opened to the time you closed. You know what they get16) before they ask for it. You know what time they come in and who they will be meeting. Sometimes you have their order ready before they get there. They have told you about their day and what new and exciting things are going on in their lives. These people who used to just be customers have become your friends. By now, it isn't just the coffee that puts a smile on their face, it is also seeing their favorite Barista! That is probably one of the most rewarding things of the job. The fact that you can make someone's day better is worth it. The free coffee is worth it too!

Here is one disadvantage of being a Barista: You will forever be the biggest critic of any coffee or espresso17) drink you taste! But most likely you won't drink many coffees from other coffee shops because you won't have time to! This is the price the modern day Barista superhero has to pay ... but it is so worth it!










1. barista [b??ri?st?] n. 咖啡館服務員;咖啡師

2. frantically [?fr?nt?kli] adv. 緊張忙亂地;手忙腳亂地

3. drive-through [?dra?v θru?] n. 不必下車即可得到服務的餐館(或銀行等)

4. brew [bru?] vt. 煮咖啡

5. frost [fr?st] vt. 在(糕餅上)撒糖霜

6. roll in: 大量涌來;紛至沓來

7. grab [ɡrab] vt. (尤指匆忙地)取,拿

8. grinder [?ɡra?nd?(r)] n. (咖啡研磨機等)研磨器械

9. basket: 這里指filter basket,即濾網。

10. scone [sk?n] n. (圓形)烤餅,司康(用大麥或燕麥面粉加蘇打、糖、鹽等烤制而成的西式茶點,源自英國)

11. cash register: 現金出納機,收銀機

12. twist [tw?st] n. (形勢、故事等的)意想不到的轉折

13. thaw [θ??] vt. 解凍(冷凍食品)

14. perk [p??k] n. (工資以外的)補貼,津貼,額外待遇

15. regular [?reɡj?l?(r)] n. ???;老主顧

16. get [ɡet] vt. (定期)買,購買

17. espresso [e?spres??] n. (用蒸汽加壓煮出的)濃縮咖啡;意式咖啡

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