

2017-12-25 13:15ByJesseEmspak
新東方英語·中學版 2017年12期



The first Saturn-dedicated spacecraft, Cassini, orbited the planet for about 13 years. The craft's fiery2) (and lethal3)) plunge through the planet's atmosphere on Friday, Sept. 15, 2017, may be the end for the mighty spacecraft. But its discoveries about the ringed planet4) will live on, at least here on Earth.

Some of those findings were more than enlightening—they were downright5) odd. Here's a look at the weirder side of the Cassini mission.

Hyperion6) Is Static7).

Saturn's moon Hyperion is an irregularly shaped rock that orbits Saturn some 1.48 million km above the planet's cloud tops. In one of Cassini's flybys in 2005, the probe found itself in a beam of charged particles emanating8) from that moon. It turned out that Hyperion was charged with static electricity, so much so that Cassini could detect the charge, according to NASA.

Static electricity is an important phenomenon on Earth's moon, due to the combination of dryness (there's no water) and exposure to charged particles from the sun. Cassini's detection of Hyperion's "particle beam" was the first time the phenomenon had been seen on a moon of another planet in our solar system. And it offered insights9) into how scientists could design spacecraft to survive in harsh, electrically charged, environments in the future, researchers said.

Birth of a Moon

Saturn has 62 moons, from giants like Titan, which is larger than the planet Mercury, to 400-meter-wide moonlets. But how often do you see a moon being born? Cassini might have caught such an event in 2014. NASA released images of the edge of Saturn's A ring10) , one of the bright and wide outer regions. Cassini got pictures of an arc that was 20 percent brighter than its surroundings, about 1,200 km long and 10 km wide.

The mission scientists also saw what looked like unusual irregularities11) on the edge of the ring: small bulges12) caused by the gravitational pull of something nearby. The arc and protuberances13) on the ring could have been a small moon accreting14) from bits of icy material, a replay of the birth process of Saturn's larger moons, researchers said. NASA said there was no expectation that the object, which they named Peggy, would get bigger—it's less than a mile across—and it may even fall apart. But seeing it illuminates much of the process of moon-building, scientists said.









1. methane [?mi?θe?n] n. 甲烷;沼氣

2. fiery [?fa??ri] adj. 熊熊燃燒的

3. lethal [?li?θl] adj. 致命的

4. ringed planet: 帶有行星環的行星,這里指土星。

5. downright [?da?nra?t] adv. (強調令人不快或負面的事或行為)徹頭徹尾地,十足地,完全地

6. hyperion: 土衛七

7. static [?st?t?k] adj. 帶有靜電,發射的

8. emanate [?em?ne?t] vi. 散發,發射

9. insight [??nsa?t] n. 洞悉;深入了解;深刻見解

10. Saturn's A ring: 土星的行星環十分寬闊,結構復雜,很像密紋唱片上那一圈圈的螺旋紋路??茖W家把土星環分為了幾個部分,其中最明亮、最寬闊的是A環和B環(A環位于外層)。光環的各部分之間有明顯的裂縫,最大的裂縫是A環和B環間的裂縫,這一裂縫是由天文學家喬萬尼·卡西尼(Giovanni Cassini)于1657年發現的。

11. irregularity [??reɡj??l?r?ti] n. 不規則

12. bulge [b?ld?] n. 突起;疙瘩

13. protuberance [pr??tju?b?r?ns] n. 突起物

14. accrete [?'kri:t] vi. 共生,依附





Hexagonal18) Jet Stream

Perhaps one of the weirdest things about Saturn is the planet's hexagon. It looks almost artificial—a set of jet streams around Saturn's north pole that takes on the shape of a hexagon and is unlike anything on Earth.

The hexagon is about 32,000 km wide and reaches some 100 km into the planet's atmosphere. Planetary scientists have tried various models to explain how one might get such a neat geometric shape.

There are several proposed explanations for the hexagon. In 2015, Raúl Morales-Juberías at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology led a team that ran computer simulations of Saturn's atmosphere. The researchers found that a jet stream moving around Saturn's pole at more than 320 km/h will eventually meander19) into a hexagonalshape, suggesting such a jet stream is the culprit20).

Titan Has Water, Too—It's Just Really Salty

Titan gets a lot of press for its methane lakes and hydrocarbon15) snow. But it's also an ocean world of sorts16): Cassini data showed that Titan has a very salty subsurface ocean filled with water not unlike17) that in the Dead Sea on Earth.










15. hydrocarbon [?ha?dr??kɑ?b?n] n. 碳氫化合物

16. of sorts: 算是;勉強稱得上

17. not unlike: 相似的,用于表達A與B有其相似之處,但本質上是不同的。

18. hexagonal [heks??ɡ?nl] adj. 六角形的;六邊形的

19. meander [mi??nd?(r)] vi. (河流、道路)蜿蜒而行,迂回曲折

20. culprit [?k?lpr?t] n. 引起問題(或不利情勢)的事物

21. Voyager: “旅行者”號,共有“旅行者”1號、“旅行者”2號兩個,是美國于1977年相繼發射的兩個宇宙飛船,用于探索外太空。兩者都曾從土星附近飛過,發回關于土星的一些數據。

22. drizzle [?dr?zl] n. 毛毛雨

23. bounty [?ba?nti] n. 大量提供的東西;慷慨的贈予

Lightning on Another Planet

On Aug. 17, 2009, Cassini made the first movie of lightning on Saturn. This was the first time the phenomenon had ever been captured in video on another planet. Andrew Ingersoll, a Cassini imaging science subsystem team member at the California Institute of Technology, noted in a press release that the storms that make the lightning are at least as powerful on Saturn as they are on Earth, though they happen less often on the ringed planet.

Unlike Earthly thunderstorms, though, Saturnian lightning storms can last months rather than hours, Ingersoll said. The initial images of lightning were taken at night, but two years later, Cassini caught images of lightning on Saturn's dayside.

Titan's Weird Weather

In the early days of Cassini's mission, in 2006, the Huygens probe aboard the Cassini craft found evidence of methane drizzles on Titan. At the time, little was known about Titan's surface; we knew from Voyager21) data only that the atmosphere was about 1.5 times the pressure of Earth's and was made largely of nitrogen with a small amount of methane and hydrogen.

Cassini gave us the first direct look at the methane lakes at the moon's poles. Huygens beamed back a picture of the weather at the surface and found that the weather forecast on Titan was pretty straightforward: a 100-percent chance of methane drizzles22) every day and temperatures of about minus 184 degrees Celsius.

"Cassini may be gone, but its scientific bounty23) will keep us occupied for many years," said Linda Spilker, a Cassini project scientist. “We've only scratched the surface of what we can learn from the mountain of data it has sent back over its lifetime."







