
——隨感一篇Doorway: A そought Piece

2018-01-04 08:50西蒙昂溫SimonUnwin
世界建筑 2017年12期

西蒙·昂溫/Simon Unwin

徐知蘭 譯/Translated by XU Zhilan

——隨感一篇Doorway: A そought Piece

西蒙·昂溫/Simon Unwin

徐知蘭 譯/Translated by XU Zhilan


The doorway has been a powerful element in the universal language of architecture throughout history.In the twentieth century architects reduced its power intentionally to open fresh ways of organising architectural space functionally and experiencing it aesthetically. But the consequence has been that the multifarious architectural potential of the doorway is now largely overlooked. This article is a reminder of the ways in which doorways punctuate our lives, influence our behaviour and elicit emotional responses. It argues that architects should be more aware of the subtle and diverse contributions the doorway can make to their repertoire of architectural ideas.


doorway, threshold, phenomenology, powers of architecture







In these twenty- fi rst century days, when buildings are primarily generated on computer screens and admired through photographs on the Internet, it is worth reminding ourselves that architecture is at its most powerful in its actuality – when our experience of buildings is direct, in the real world; when buildings frame our activities, influence our behaviour, affect us emotionally. Any depiction of architecture as an image in a photograph or on a screen (i.e. as a twodimensional image) never provides a full appreciation of it because architecture is not merely a visual medium. Architecture has many dimensions; many more than the three spatial dimensions plus time(though these do provide the fundamental space-time framework within which architecture operates). We, as individuals and as the general mass of human beings,are not merely architecture's spectators, we are active ingredients. Architecture guides us, informs us, keeps us safe, surprises us, affects our emotions, provides us with seemingly in fi nite poetic metaphors… Above all,architecture makes sense of the world for us. It does so in the tacit, but nevertheless powerful, medium of spatial organisation. Architecture is a universal language in its own right, distinct from the more commonly acknowledged languages of words and numbers.

1 建筑可以摒棄門的要素。20世紀一些建筑師的此類嘗試極大豐富了建筑的普遍語言——他們讓空間和場所在彼此間順暢地流動——因沒有門而讓人感到毫不停歇、毫無斷層、毫不猶豫。然而,如果我們忽略了門的作用,建筑的語言是否會被削弱?/Architecture can be made without doorways.Attempts by some twentieth-century architects to create such buildings have enriched the universal language of architecture;they allow spaces and places to fl ow seamlessly from one to another without punctuation, without the fault-lines and hesitations that doorways provoke. But is the language of architecture diminished if we neglect the power of doorways?

The doorway is a potent element in the universal language of architecture. Its potency is so great that its power is often enlisted as a device (a trope) in many other media of expression: from poetry to plays;from commercial advertising to the ways political and religious leaders present themselves to the world; from children's stories to movies and computer games. How many times has a fi ctional detective or super hero burst through a doorway to confront and destroy a malign threat. How many times have lovers met, face to face,eyes locked, through a doorway. How many doorways do you have to pass through to reach the highest level of a labyrinthine cyber world. The next time you encounter any of these, think about how those narratives use the doorway. The doorway is an essential part of the language of architecture – a language that is older than the language of speech or of mathematics.Animals make doorways. We recognise doorways in the natural world – the mouths of caves, a gap between two trees, a pass through the mountains… Doorways have been signi fi cant elements of human architecture since the most distant prehistoric times. As architects we should remind ourselves of their potential and how we might use it consciously and with deliberation to enhance the practical and poetic power of our work.

2 門為建筑帶來詩意。它們能同時在實踐層面和實驗性方面表現出詩意。在性格迥然不同的場所之間,門分隔了空間,也形成過渡。它們能引起期待和渴望,也能暗示“另一個世界”的存在,并提供向其中窺視的視野,引人入勝,并帶來了從一個世界逃往另一個世界的可能性。/Doorways contribute to the poetry of architecture. They have great practical and experiential poetic potential. They divide but also create transitions between places that can be of dramatically different character. They can elicit emotions of anticipation and aspiration. They can suggest, and provide tantalising views into,"other worlds". They can offer the possibility of escape from one world into another.

In this paper, I can illustrate examples of doorways only with two-dimensional images, but I would like the audience to interpret my examples as four-dimensional experiences: transitions from one place to another,a spatial process that also takes time. The power of doorways lies more than in how they look; it lies in the opportunities or threats they present and the transformative experience of approaching and passing through them. If you were to stop reading these words for a moment, close your eyes, and do no more than imagine approaching a doorway you would feel a sense of anticipation; if you step further you will experience a thrill as you pass through the doorway's opening to see the "new world" that is on the other side. (With your architect's imagination, the nature of that "new world"is up to you.)

Doorways punctuate our lives. As we move around our homes or our cities we pass through doorways without thinking as we move from room to room, place to place. And each time we pass through a doorway we ourselves are changed, sometimes imperceptibly,sometimes dramatically. Imagine examples from your own life. When you leave home, you pass from your private world into the public realm – your emotional state, your persona, changes… like an actor emerging onto a stage in front of the audience. When you wait for an interview and are then asked into the room to face those who will question you, as you pass through the doorway your state of mind changes… you come under scrutiny. When you meet your boy- or girlfriend in a doorway, you smile. When you storm out of a room you slam the door behind you, to emphasise your anger.When you enter a sports arena or a theatre before the game or performance, as you pass through the entrancethe field or stage is spread out before you; you wait with impatient anticipation; then the whistle blows or the curtain lifts and the show begins. At night, when you return through your bedroom doorway and close the door, your heart beat slows and you are relaxed.Doorways, and the doors by which they are closed and opened, are active instruments in our daily experience of the world.


3門可以分隔對立的事物——耀眼的陽光與黑暗的陰影;宜人的溫暖與刺骨的寒冷;喧囂與靜謐;匱乏與特權;威脅與安全;隱秘獨處與公開亮相……同時,它也建立了兩者之間的關聯。門在我們身上制造萬有引力,將我們拉近它,邀請我們通過……也許,有時它們也充滿誘惑和欺騙。/A doorway can divide opposites: dark shade from bright sunlight; icy cold from balmy warmth; silence from noise;privilege from deprivation; threat from safety; private solitude from public exposure... but at the same time provide access between the two. Doorways can exert a gravitational pull on us, drawing us towards them, inviting us to pass through...maybe sometimes they seduce to deceive.



4門能把我們帶離涼爽的起居室,進入充滿植物與花卉的溫室。由此,門為我們提供了多姿多彩的建筑體驗。它們把我們在建筑中穿行的過程交織成一曲交響樂,讓我們沉浸在猶如受到音樂感染的情緒中。一道門檻也是變化發生的一瞬間。隨著我們所處地點的個性發生變化,我們也隨之改變。/A doorway can take us from the coolness of a living room into the warmth of a conservatory full of greenery and fl owers. In doing so doorways enable dramatic variety in our experience of a building. They orchestrate our movements through a building, affecting our moods like in music. A threshold is a moment of transformation. As the character of the place in which we fi nd ourselves changes, we do too.


5門可以形成景框,成為房間里并非一成不變的“圖片”,隨著冬去春來、日升月落而變化。門(和窗)通過框景,讓我們能遠近借景(也許并不“屬于”我們)。門也提供了一處“中間狀態”的地點,讓我們既不在室內也不在室外,卻又同時屬于并占有二者。/Doorways can frame views, providing rooms with "pictures" that are not fi xed and change with the times of day and the seasons of the year.Doorways (and windows) enable us to borrow scenery from near and far (and which may not "belong" to us) by drawing it into our rooms. Doorways also offer a place "in-between",where we are neither inside nor outside, but possessed by and possessing both.

6門是公共領域與我們自宅私人空間之間的界限。是我們歡迎來賓之處。是我們定義自身身份之處。是我們接受信函之處。通常門不會截然割裂空間,而是屬于一系列從“公共空間”到“半公共空間”、到“半私密空間”、直到“私密空間”的序列。它也能讓視線透過……譬如它在這里能讓人看見附近的海面。/A doorway is the interface between the public realm and the private worlds of our own houses. It is where we welcome visitors. It is where we identify ourselves. It is where we receive missives from elsewhere.Often the doorway does not mark a clear divide, but is part of a sequence that passes from "public", to "semi-public", to "semiprivate", to "private". It can also provide a view through... in this example to the horizon of the sea in the distance.

The doorway has endless metaphorical potential.We speak of the "doorways" of the body; each opening has a different purpose, which some tribal peoples of the world translate into the ways they build openings in their houses. Death is depicted poetically as "passing through a doorway"; by association, the doorways of tombs seem to acquire particular signi fi cance. At birth we pass through a doorway from the security of the womb into the bright world. Passage from one stage of life to the next is called a "threshold" or "doorway"; and can often be marked by ceremonies involving actual passage over a threshold or through a doorway. After a marriage ceremony, two people emerge from a doorway to face the world as a married couple. After degree ceremonies, students return to the world through a doorway as graduates. Rites of passage around the world involve passing through gates or doorways. Every time we pass through a doorway we are reborn in a miniscule or, occasionally, in a grand way. In such instances the universal language of architecture, expressed in real buildings, is intimately engaged with our lives. There are many metaphors associated with the doorway. We speak of secret decisions being made "behind closed doors". We"open our doors" to friends to welcome them, or to new experiences as a way of enriching our lives. Such poetic metaphors influence how we use the real doorways of buildings. They should influence how we design the doorways of real buildings too.

7就像劇院的舞臺臺口拱門,門能形成分隔的框架要素,分隔象征尊卑的空間。文藝復興時期的一位王子可以躺在這張精致繁復的床上覲見一門之隔的朝覲者,后者只能被限定在另一個空間里。這道門增強了王子公認的優越感、及其對于他人而言遙不可及的社會地位。/Like the proscenium arch of a theatre, a doorway can frame the divide between the make-believe world of privilege and its inferior subjects. A Renaissance prince might hold court lying in a ceremonial bed framed by a doorway, whilst supplicants were con fi ned to a separate space. The doorway reinforces the prince's assumed superiority, and the inaccessibility of his social position to others.

A doorway generates an axis. Since ancient times doorways have been used as instruments of axial linkage. By alignment, the doorways of ancient burial chambers in Britain were linked to the sun setting on the winter solstice. The doorway into the Acropolis in Athens links the sacred sanctuary to the site of signi fi cant naval battle near the island of Salamis. The doorways of many churches and temples link the approaching worshipper to the god or altar within. Through history doorways have been used as instruments of authority. Religions use doorways to evoke the idea of a world beyond, and establish the authority of the axis that projects out into the world. They use doorways to define a sacred realm,a refuge from the world where we are safe in the protection of the gods. We slip through doorways to escape confinement, or perhaps to find refuge.Armies attack doorways. Fortresses protect their doorways because they are weak points. Politicians inhabit worlds of responsibility behind doorways,and emerge through them to make public statements;cameras film those statements with the doorway of their realm of responsibility visible behind; and after their statement they go back through that doorway to address their challenges. The screens on which we watch such events are "doorways" that link us to them.

8更多的普通人——尤其在溫暖氣候地區——喜歡坐在家門口招呼過往的鄰居閑聊幾句。坐在自家門前的樹蔭下讀報、喝咖啡、和左鄰右舍打招呼是最愜意的打發時間的方式之一;它讓人能有機會進行哲學沉思,也能讓你能回到室內去接電話。/More ordinary people, especially in warm climates, enjoy sitting by their doorways so they can greet and chat with passing neighbours. Sitting by one's doorway,under the shade of a tree, reading the paper, drinking a coffee,greeting neighbours, is one of the most enjoyable ways to spend time. It offers the possibility of a time for philosophical musing. It also means you can run back inside to answer the telephone.


9門是我們等待朋友和會面的地方。富于詩意的是,門能同時象征一對伴侶的團聚和分離。在許多敘事體裁中——文學、電影、戲劇……——門都不言而喻地被用作發生聚散離合、驚訝、欣慰、憤怒、孤立等情節的地點。對門的敘事功能運用通常是下意識的——也就是說 ,在我們的意識之門背后。/Doorways are where we wait for and meet our friends. Poetically a doorway manages to symbolise both the unity and the separation of a couple. In many forms of narrative – literature, movies, drama... – the doorway is used as a tacit device for framing reunion, separation, surprise,relief, anger, isolation... The narrative power of the doorway often works subliminally – i.e. beneath the threshold of our consciousness.



10一般而言,門是入口,讓我們能毫無困難地來往于不同的地點之間。但有時候,門也是我們的停歇之所,阻止我們去往遠處。門是保安阻擋陌生人的地方,是“保鏢”禁止衣著不整者進入的地方……宮殿“禁地”就在這一道道門的背后,它們因其禁止入內的性質,顯得更有威嚴。/Generally doorways are ports of entrance, they allow us to pass between separated places without diきculty.But sometimes doorways are where we are stopped ;prevented from going further. Doorways are where guards halt strangers, where "bouncers" forbid entry to those not dressed appropriately... The "forbidden" places behind such doorways, become more tanalising because access is barred.




11墓室的門好像通往死亡自身之門。墓室作為凄苦不堪、死氣沉沉之處,其入口通常沿著狹窄逼仄的甬道展開。門是從瀕死的壓抑向死亡本身的凄涼過渡的瞬間。也許這世間再也沒有更震撼人心的隱喻了。墓室也是最古老的建筑類型之一,可以回溯至史前時代。/The doorway of a tomb is like a doorway into death itself.Tombs are desolate, drab places, and their entrances are often approached along narrow, oppressive passageways. The doorway is the moment of transition from the oppression of dying into the desolation of death itself. There is perhaps no metaphor more powerful. And it is one of the oldest in all architecture, stretching way back into prehistory.

In the twentieth century some architects tried to abolish the doorway, or at least minimise or counteract its intrinsic power. Some associated the doorway and its dominating axis with the cultures of privileged authority (religious, royal and political) that had contributed to the disaster of the First World War and other social upheavals. They set about creating an architecture that would create a world without doorways, physically and metaphorically. In the 1920s writings of Le Corbusier and the work of Mies van der Rohe we see arguments for the "open" or "free" plan:plans in which rooms flow freely one into the next –plans without doorways; cities in which space flows freely around buildings – cities without the hierarchical axes of authority. This metaphor is powerful. And its effect profoundly changed the ways in which buildings were designed. The desire to avoid the use of doorways and their related axes became an aesthetic as well as a metaphorical issue.

Architecture changed fundamentally. And the advancing technology of building materials and structural systems helped that change. Open plans were made easier by steel and concrete frames. Walls could be lighter and independent of structures. Plate glass made it possible to create walls that were completely transparent. In these ways the idea of "openness" could be reinforced further. Nowadays, in contemporary work, we see attempts to camou fl age doorways in glass walls, with details – hinges, catches, handles – carefully designed so the doorways are almost indistinguishable from the general glazing. All this is done so that the barrier between outside and inside, with all its metaphorical connotations as well as aesthetic characteristics, might be reduced or even eliminated. It is as if the doorway is a forbidden concept.

But trying to abolish the doorway from architecture is like trying to abolish punctuation from written language.Both are essential elements of their respective languages.Remember that part of James Joyce'sUlysees(1922) is written without punctuation, making it tiring to read and difficult to understand; though sensational at the time, it is not an experiment that has been much repeated. The expressive and experiential possibilities of doorways are far greater than those of full stops and colons. The twentieth-century aversion to doorways means that architects have lost interest in the ways they could be used to enhance how people experience and interact with buildings.

12盡管20世紀曾有一些建筑師試圖將門從建筑的語匯中消除掉,另一些建筑師則繼續探索其表達詩意的潛質。這是格爾德·盧弗倫斯在斯德哥爾摩斯林地公墓設計的復活堂(1925年),銅制十字架既是基督教的象征,也是表示不得從此門進入教堂的符號。然其陰郁的氣質也讓它變成了一道“死亡之門”。/Though some twentieth-century architects sought to banish the doorway from the language of architecture, a few continued to relish its poetic potential.Here is the exit doorway of Sigurd Lewerentz's Chapel of the Resurrection (1925) in Stockholm's Woodland Crematorium.The cross of its bronze panels is both a Christian symbol and a sign that indicates that you are not supposed to enter the chapel by this door. But its sombre character also makes it a"doorway of death".

13盧弗倫斯在他于瑞士克利潘的圣彼得教堂(1966年)里,設計了各式各樣的門。他甚至讓人從外部公共空間很難找到進入教堂的方式。入口處的門廊謙卑謹慎而隱蔽不見。等你終于找到了它,它又將你引入一個充滿神秘的洞穴般的室內空間。這張照片上只有一個簡單的入口,讓游客從幽暗的入口禮拜堂進入光線明亮的主教堂。/In his Church of St Peter at Klippan in Sweden (1966), Lewerentz used doorways in many different ways. He even made it difficult to find the way into the church from the public world outside. The entrance doorway is humble and hidden away. When you eventually fi nd it, it transports you into a mysteriously cave-like interior world. In this photograph a simple opening entices the visitor through from the shady entrance chapel into the starkly-lit main church.

14瑞士建筑師彼得·卒姆托也同樣對門如何影響我們進入建筑的體驗做過一番探究。這是他在庫爾的羅馬考古遺址保護棚(1986年)的入口。門由懸挑的金屬方盒作為邊框,并在其中包含幾級臺階,我們的體驗也得到拓展。當我們步入其中,入口的方盒會在我們的體重影響下稍有顫動,讓我們感受到自己正在進入一處陌生的世界——歷史的空間。/The Swiss architect Peter Zumthor has also been interested in the powers doorways have to affect our experience of entering a building. そis is his entrance to the Roman Archaeological Shelter at Chur (1986). The doorway is framed, and our experience of it extended, by a cantilevered metal box that also incorporates steps. As we step onto it, the box moves slightly under our weight, giving us the feeling that we are entering a foreign world – the world of the past.(1-14攝影/Photos: 西蒙·昂溫/Simon Unwin)

The architectural potential of the doorway is much broader than its practical usefulness. Doorways are places in their own right. In ancient times legal proceedings were held at the gateways of cities, presumably so miscreants, if found guilty, might be locked in one of the defensive towers or banished from the community;but probably also because the threshold nature of the gateway seemed in some sort of metaphorical harmony with the threshold nature of the occasion – i.e. the cusp of innocence or guilt, freedom and imprisonment, the line between the communal laws of the city and the lawless world outside. In warm climates, people enjoy sitting at the doorways of their houses so that they can be part of the public realm as well as of their own homes.Shopkeepers sit by the doorways of their stores to greet possible customers. Temple grounds since ancient times have been given grand gateways as transitions from the secular world outside to the sacred world within;where visitors bow or remove their shoes in respect, or where coきns rest for a moment before funeral services.Nowadays tourist sites have entrance buildings where tickets and guidebooks are sold and souvenirs bought;they too have the effect of creating a transition between the ordinary world outside and the special "other world"tourists have come to see.

Doorways separate as well as link different worlds.The proscenium arch of a theatre – like the rectangular screen of a cinema, television or computer – is effectively a doorway between one world and another,between the world in which we live our ordinary lives and another into which we enjoy projecting our imaginations. The architecture of real buildings can do this too. そink of the relationship between a cool shady living room and a warm and bright conservatory fi lled with green plants and colourful fl owers. Between the two, the doorway frames the view from one into the other – from the shade into the light and colour; from the warm into the cool. In some Renaissance palaces there are state bedrooms consisting of two chambers separated by a large "doorway" like a proscenium arch; in one of these chambers would be a grand bed,bedecked with expensive fabrics and surrounded by fi ne objects, from which the noble or royal personage would receive visitors allowed into the adjacent chamber, separated as it were in a different world by the proscenium doorway. Likewise, the doorway of a temple or the sanctuary arch of a church distinguishes the world of the god from that of us mortals. And entering a tomb can be like a mythical hero entering the afterworld to speak with the dead.

Doorways do many things. Doorways are where we express our identities; not only with name plates and logos but by the character of the doorway too. A dirty,worn, decrepit doorways says something about who lives behind it. A grand, larger-than-life, gold-plated doorway says that the person to whom it belongs wants others to believe that he too is larger than life and,metaphorically, plated in gold. A modest neat doorway suggests it leads into the home of a pure simple life.Doorways may of course tell lies too.

A doorway can be a filter or a valve. Doorways are where those who may enter or leave a place are separated from those who may not; they are where identity cards or invitations must be shown, tickets bought or persuasion attempted. Doorways separate dangerous places from safe ones; space ships and nuclear reactors have elaborate "air-lock" entrances that prevent air being lost from a space ship and radiation escaping from a reactor. The doorways of meeting rooms and doctors' consulting rooms provide privacy for sensitive discussions. Doorways elicit emotional responses. In movies, even the most con fi dent detective feels a hint of trepidation entering a strange bar frequented by criminals. And even the most nervous of fugitives breathes a sigh of relief and relaxation when they fi nd refuge behind a locked door. And the movie ends with the closing of a door.

To conclude… as an element in the universal language of architecture, the doorway is rich with potential. By neglecting the possibilities the doorway offers we make architecture poorer. The powers of the doorway can be both dramatic and subtly poetic. There are in fi nite ways in which they may be exploited.

In general, we pass through doorways without noticing; we are intent on projecting ourselves forward to the other side, or on escaping the place we are leaving. But, as architects, we should be conscious of the range of capabilities doorways offer. We are responsible for designing them. We consider what doorways look like and how they should be constructed. But often we do not think hard enough about what a doorway is doing, how it might do it better, and what else it could do to enhance the experience it offers.

We can do things with doorways; do things that will make our buildings more practical, enjoyable and stimulating to use. We can use doorways consciously,to orchestrate the experiences of those who will enter,move around, and exit our buildings. We can make metaphors in physical form. Our use of doorways can in fl uence how people see the world.□

/Biography: 任教于卡迪夫大學威爾士建筑學院。鄧迪大學名譽教授。已出版中文版書籍《解析建筑》(中國水利水電出版社,2002)、《門》(電子工業出版社,2014)/Simon Unwin is Emeritus Professor of Architecture at the University of Dundee in Scotland. He studied architecture at the Welsh School of Architecture in Cardiff, where he continues to teach. His books include Doorway (Routledge, 2007) and Analysing Architecture (4th edition, Routledge, 2014), both of which are available in Chinese.

/Received Date: 2017-11-10
