
Unit 7?It’s raining!

2018-05-14 13:28
時代英語·初中 2018年1期


Section A

1. Its raining!


rain n.“雨水”,通常用作不可數名詞;v.“下雨”,通常用it作主語來指代。

I like walking in the rain.


It is going to rain.



What do you usually do in the rainy weather?





wind風—windy有風的;snow 雪—snowy下雪的;


2. Hows the weather in Beijing?


Hows the weather ...?是用來詢問天氣狀況的常用句型,相當于Whats the weather like ...?,在句末可以加上“介詞 + 地點/時間”等短語。

weather un.“天氣”。其前面不能用不定冠詞a修飾,但可以用定冠詞the或bad/fine等修飾;通??梢杂胕t來指代。

The weather is rainy in spring in the south of China.


3. Sounds like youre having a good time.


(1) sound like 聽起來像

That sounds like a good idea.


(2) have a great/good/nice time = enjoy oneself = have fun玩得開心,過得愉快

They are having a great time.

= They are enjoying themselves.

= They are having fun.


4. Can I take a message for him?


當接電話的人發現對方要找的人不在時,常用此句。message n.“消息;信息;口信”,既可是口頭的也可是書面的。

take a message for sb 為某人捎個口信

give sb a message 捎信給某人

leave a message 留口信

Im sorry, shes out right now. Can I take a message?


Would you like to leave a message?


news n. 新聞,消息(不可數)

a piece of news 一則新聞

information n. 信息(不可數)

5. Could you just tell him to call me back?


(1) could modal v.“能,可以”,表示請求許可,在語氣上比can委婉客氣。

Could I have a look at your book?


(2) tell sb to do sth 告訴某人做某事

tell sb not to do sth 告訴某人不要做某事

(3) back adv. 回來;回原處

call sb back 給某人回個電話

(1) back 作副詞還能和一些動詞一起構成動詞短語。如:

go back回去;get back返回;bring back拿回來。

(2) back n. 后背,后面,后部

There is a blackboard at the back of our classroom.


(3)back adj. 后面的

There is a picture on the back wall.


6. Im cooking.


(1)cook v. 烹調;煮

cook sb sth = cook sth for sb 給某人做……(飯、食物)

He cooked me lunch. = He cooked lunch for me.


(2) cook n. 廚師

John is a very good cook.


①cooker n. 廚灶,爐具

The cooker is very expensive.


②cooking n. 烹飪,做飯

do some cooking 做飯

Im doing some cooking at home now.





1. I ____ (sing) an English song.

2. — ____ you ____ (fly) a kite?

— Yes, ____ .

3. ____ she ____ (sit) in the boat?

4. We ____ (play) games now.

5. ____ you ____ (ask) questions?

6. What ____ you ____ (do) now?

7. — What ____ he ____ (mend)?

— He ____ (mend) a car.

Section B

1. Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.


(1) have a great/good time (in) doing sth

= have fun (in) doing sth 愉快地做某事

(2) visit v. 拜訪,探望;參觀,游覽

visit sb 拜訪/探望某人

visit + 地點 參觀/游覽某地

I visit my grandmother every year.


I want to visit Beijing.


(1) visit n. 參觀,訪問

This is my first visit to China.


be on a visit to + 地點 正在參觀某地

We are on a visit to Beijing.


(2) visitor n. 參觀者,游客

There are many visitors in this city.


2. Its afternoon right now, and Im sitting by the

pool and drinking orange juice.


(1) right now“現在,立即,馬上”,常與現在進行時連用。

(2) by prep. 在……旁邊

There is an old big tree by the river.




I learn English by watching English films.


②by + 交通工具,表示“通過某種方式”。

I usually go to school by bike.



by oneself 獨自地

by the way 順便說一下,順便問一下

one by one 一個個來

little by little 一點點來,漸漸地

3. Are you studying hard, or are you having fun?


(1) hard adv. 努力地,辛苦地

Mary is working hard.


(2) hard adv.“猛烈地,重重地”。既可以修飾下雨、下雪,也可以修飾刮風。當修飾下雨、下雪時相當于heavily;當修飾刮風時相當于strongly。

Its raining hard/heavily.


The wind is blowing hard/strongly.


hard adj. 困難的,費力的,堅硬的,艱難的

Thats a very hard question.


4. My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains.


(1) on (a) vacation意為“在度假”,go on a vacation意為“去度假”。

(2) 句中and連接兩個并列主語,謂語動詞用復數;但當and連接的并列主語是同一個人、事物或概念時,謂語動詞用單數。

Zhang Tao and I are both students.


The writer and teacher is coming.


(3) vacation n. 假期

winter/summer vacation 寒/暑假

5. Its hot in your country now, isnt it?




Its very hot today, isnt it?


回答用:Yes, it is. 是的,很熱。/ No, it isnt. 不,不熱。



8. wind n. → adj.

9. sun n. → adj.

10. rain n. → adj.

11. hot → 反義詞

12. cool → 反義詞

13. snowy adj. → n.

14. cloudy adj. → n.

15. relax v. → adj.


16. —— 北京的天氣怎么樣?

—— 現在在下雪呢。

— ____ is the ____ like in Beijing?

— Its ____ ____ .

17. 當冬天來臨時,天經常下雨。

It often ____ when ____ comes.

18. 聽起來真棒!

That sounds ____ ____ !

19. 你能給我爸爸捎個口信嗎?

Can you ____ ____ ____ to my father for me?

20. 我是林濤,你是湯姆嗎?(電話用語)

____ ____ Lin Tao. ____ ____ Tom?

21. 看!他們在公園里玩得很高興。

Look! They are ____ ____ ____ ____ in the park.



1. play computer games

2. have a good time

3. 捎個口信

4. (給某人)回電話

5. 天氣怎么樣?


1. lot, there, in, rain, of, summer, is, a


2. Chengdu, weather, the, in, hows


3. cooking, home, am, at, now, doing, some, I


4. it, Cindys, with, hows, study, going


5. a, me, could, message, you, for, take



( ) 1. — ___ is the weather like ___ London?

— Its very warm.

A. What; about B. What; in

C. How; about D. How; in

( ) 2. Look at the ___ . Its ___ heavily now.

A. rain; rain B. raining; rain

C. rain; raining D. raining; raining

( ) 3. — Hows it ___ ?

— Terrible.

A. go B. to go

C. goes D. going

( ) 4. ___ everyone ___ basketball in your class?

A. Does; play B. Do; play

C. Does; plays D. Do; plays

( ) 5. Look! They ___ beach volleyball on the beach.

A. were playing B. are playing

C. plays D. play


1. It was ____ (wind) and Jake felt cold yesterday.

2. Its ____ (rain) hard, but I still want to go there.

3. There is no ____ (message) for me in my office.

4. Is she going to do some ____ (cook)?

5. Those children ____ (skate) round and round on the frozen lake now.


1. They are having fun in Canada.(改為同義句)

They are ____ ____ ____ ____ in Canada.

2. My brother is doing his homework now.(對畫線部分提問)

____ ____ your brother ____ now?

3. The musician is playing the guitar in the park.(改為一般疑問句)

____ the musician ____ the guitar in the park?

4. Its rainy now.(改為同義句)

It ____ ____ now.

5. Its very cold today.(對畫線部分提問)

____ ____ ____ today?


Jenny is a student in Hangzhou now. She moves (搬家) to this city with her family, 1 Hangzhou is a beautiful place and they like it very much. They are very 2 with their life in Hangzhou. The city is beautiful and clean. The people are kind and 3 to them. Now Jennys parents work 4 a bank and Jenny 5 at a great middle school. Everything is going 6 . But there is a big problem. They dont like the 7 in Hangzhou. Jenny said, “Its too hot in summer while too cold in winter.

8 hot days, I have to stay at home. When its very cold, it often 9 . I cant go out to play, 10 . Thats really terrible.

( ) 1. A. but B. because C. so D. or

( ) 2. A. pleased B. strict C. busy D. bored

( ) 3. A. easy B. funny C. relaxed D. friendly

( ) 4. A. on B. in C. at D. to

( ) 5. A. stays B. studies C. works D. plays

( ) 6. A. good B. bad C. well D. badly

( ) 7. A. people B. school C. food D. weather

( ) 8. A. In B. On C. At D. For

( ) 9. A. rain B. rainy C. is raining D. rains

( ) 10. A. too B. also C. either D. nor





Its a cold evening. It snows outside. An old man walks in the street with a horse. He wants to find a warm place because he is very cold now.

He finds a pub (酒館) and goes in. There are many people in the pub. And most people stay by the fire to keep warm. He cant go near. Then he has an idea and says to the waiter in the pub, “Waiter, please give some fish to my horse.” The waiter asks, “Can your horse eat fish?” The old man says, “Yes. It can sing and dance. It can do a lot of things, too. So I always give it fish to eat.” Then the waiter takes some fish out. Many people in the pub go out to see the old mans horse. Then the old man sits near the fire to keep warm. A moment later the waiter comes in and says, “Your horse doesnt eat the fish.” The old man says, “Really? Maybe its not so hungry. OK, please bring the fish to me and Ill eat it.”

( ) 1. Its a cold evening.

( ) 2. There are few people in the pub.

( ) 3. The horse can sing and dance.

( ) 4. The horse eats fish.

( ) 5. The old man eats the fish.


In the morning, we go camping in Green Nature Park. We are happy because it is a sunny day. However, in the afternoon, when we finish our picnic, it is dark and windy. Soon, there is a shower (陣雨). Unluckily, none of us brings an umbrella. We run about but we can find no place to hide (藏身).

Twenty minutes pass and it is still raining .There are hours to go before we reach the campsite (野營地). It is even worse that our compass shows that we go to the wrong way. We lose our way!

We have to make a quick decision as it is raining heavily. Chris say we can set up a tent to hide in, so Mary and Tom help to set up it . Chris and I try to make a fire to keep up warm. But we cant as everything is wet. We dry ourselves and wait inside the tent. At about five oclock, it stops raining. We decide to give up the camping trip because all of us are tired.

This camping trip may not be successful but we know each other better. And the most important thing I learn from this trip is the importance of team spirit (精神).

( ) 6. It is even worse that the writer and his friends ___ .

A. have no picnic B. lose their way

C. cant light the fire D. cant know each other

( ) 7. Chris suggests that in the rain they should ___ .

A. keep singing B. reach the campsite

C. set up a tent D. find a place to hide

( ) 8. What does the word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. The rain. B. The tent.

C. The fire. D. The compass.

( ) 9. Which is TRUE about the writer and his friends?

a. They know each other better.

b. None of them had an umbrella.

c. They gave up the camping at last.

d. They ran about and found a place to hide.

A. a, b, c B. a, c, d

C. a, b, d D. b, c, d

( ) 10. From the trip, the writer has learned the importance of

___ .

A. working together B. taking a compass

C. taking an umbrella D. making a decision


A: Hello. This is Kate. 1

B: This is Jim speaking. Hows the weather in Beijing?

A: 2 Im afraid I cant go out today. 3

B: Great. Its sunny. Its a beautiful and warm day.

A: 4

B: Im lying on the beach with my friends. 5

A: I have to stay at home and watch TV.

A. How about you?

B. Terrible. Its raining.

C. What are you doing now?

D. Can I speak to Jim, please?

E. Whats the weather like in Australia?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


你家鄉的氣候怎樣?你喜歡什么樣的氣候?請你以“The Weather in My Hometown”為題,用英語寫一篇短文,介紹你家鄉的天氣。


1. 詞數60左右;

2. 短文的開頭已給出,不計入總詞數。

The Weather in My Hometown

Hello, everyone! Do you want to know what the weather is like in my hometown? Let me tell you!
