
?The first woman to visit every sovereign nation

2018-07-27 11:39ByMurray
瘋狂英語·初中天地 2018年12期

By Murray




Like many people, Cassandra once dreamed of traveling around the world. But this young lady was very lucky. Why? Because she made her dream come true. She traveled to every sovereign nation in the world, and became the first woman to do so. What's more, she held the record as the person to do it the fastest!

Cassandra is from Connecticut, the USA. Cassandra's long trip, which was calledExpedition196, took a total of 18 months and 26 days. She set out on July 24th, 2015, and finished on February 2nd, 2017.Cassandra wasinspiredto take her journey afterbackpackingthrough 26 countries in her late teens and early 20s. When she came home, for a period of time, she worked two jobs at 85 hours a week and she was very tired. She wasat the lowest pointin her life. One day she drove to a store and bought a large map of the world.“After staring at it for a week with achildlikesense of wonder, I decided to leave one of my jobs and start drawing lines connecting every country in the world to one another.”

However, Cassandra traveled not just for fun. She did something more meaningful. While traveling, she acted as a peaceambassadorforthe International Institute of Peacethrough tourism. She spoke to over 16,000 university students in 40 countries.“As a young woman,I'd always dreamed of traveling to as many countries as possible and making our world a better place,”Cassandra says.“Through a great deal of work,I was able to make this dream areality.”


sovereign /?s?vr?n/ adj. 有至高無上的權力的;有主權的

expedition /?eksp??d??n/ n. 遠征;探險

inspire /?n?spa??(r)/ v. 激發;鼓舞

backpack /?b?k?p?k/ v. 背包旅行

at the lowest point 在最低點

childlike /?t?a?ld?la?k/ adj. 孩子般的;天真無邪的

ambassador /?m?b?s?d?(r)/ n. 大使;使節

the International Institute of Peace 國際和平研究所

tourism /?t??r?z?m/ n. 旅游業;觀光業

reality /r???l?ti/ n. 事實;現實


1.Cassandra was inspired to take her journey after backpacking through 26 countries in her late teens and early 20s.卡桑德拉在她十幾歲到二十歲出頭的時候,背包徒步旅行了26個國家,從而受到鼓舞踏上她的長途旅行。

該句是一個含一般過去時被動語態的簡單句(was inspired)。backpacking意為“背包旅行”,是backpack的動名詞形式;in her late teens and early 20s是詞組in her late teens和in her early 20s的合并形式,意為“在她十幾歲到二十歲出頭的時候?!?/p>


2.While traveling, she acted as a peace ambassador for the International Institute of Peace through tourism.在旅行的時候,她擔任了國際和平研究所的和平大使。

這是一個由while引導的時間狀語從句的復合句,While traveling中間省略了she was。像這類省略情況,只有當主句和從句的主語一致時,才可以像這樣省略;act as意為“擔當”,后面可以接名詞或代詞等;a peace ambassador是一個名詞詞組,意為“和平大使”,作介詞as的賓語。


3.Through a great deal of work, I was able to make this dream a reality.經過大量的工作,我終于實現了這個夢想。

這是一個由be able to do形式作謂語的簡單句。a great deal of是固定詞組,意為“大量的……”,修飾不可數名詞,此時它可以與a lot of替換;make this dream a reality相當于make this dream come true,意為“使這個夢想成為現實”,come true這里是省略to的動詞不定式,作賓語補足語。







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