
Magic of the Maldives

2018-09-07 12:27陜西省銅川市第一中學陶娜
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2018年7期

陜西省銅川市第一中學 陶娜

文章詞數:368 建議用時:6′ 難度指數:★★★



“Holidays, so beautiful.Take me to a place called paradise! ”This song has been lingering回旋in my mind.Whenever I hear it, I can't help recalling the wonderful time I spent at the Sports Festival held by my school recently at the Nanjing Olympic Sports Center.

Everyone wanted to participate in the festival,since the theme of this year's event was the “Belt and Road Initiative”.Each class was to represent a country along the Silk Road and use different art forms such as folk dance and drama to display the unique culture of their assigned指定的country.

Our class was lucky to be assigned with a beautiful island nation in the Indian Ocean the Republic of Maldives.The country is like a paradise with fantastic sea views,but it also has an active relationship with China in a wide range of fields such as agriculture and tourism.Our class wanted to make every effort to show the audience the enthusiasm of the Maldives with our impressive performance.

As the class monitor,I worked as the director of our performance.For me,the most challenging job was to assign each participant a suitable role and teach them how to play it well.We had to sacrifice犧牲almost all of our free time to practise.But we were so absorbed in it that we sometimes even forgot to have meals and ended the day feeling hungry and tired.

The big finally arrived.

When entering the Nanjing Olympic Sports Center,I could smell the grass mixed with the fresh, moist潮濕的air—a delightful smell unforgettable even today.All the boys were dressed in fancy grass skirts while the girls were wearing trendy sunglasses.We put on a traditional Maldives dance with a background of sea waves created with rolling blue ribbons緞帶.

“Holidays, so beautiful.Take me to a place called paradise! ”Accompanied伴隨by the music, our grass skirts swung in the air, making the performance a feast for the eyes.

Thunderous cheers came from the audience,followed by a prolonged持久的applause.I was overwhelmed滿意的by a strong sense of pride at that moment—proud not only of myself, but also of our class.

There was little surprise that we won the first prize.But the most precious gift that we received was the deep bond結合and friendship forged鍛造between each other.
