

2018-09-14 10:53
時代英語·高一 2018年4期

The Internet has made the world a smaller place, with a far reaching influence thats altered the way we view cats and laugh at kids whacked out on drugs after a trip to the dentist. But apart from giving us easier ways to cackle at dumb things, its also put more information at our fingertips than any invention in the history of mankind.


1. First Picture

1. 第一幅圖片

The very first picture ever uploaded to the World Wide Web was a picture of the all-girl group Les Horrible Cernettes. The group was made up of administrative assistants and partners of researchers at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). Silvano de Gennaro, the groups manager, took the picture backstage at a music festival that was hosted annually by CERN. He photoshopped it and saved it as a .gif file.


Silvano de Gennaro worked at CERN near Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, who uploaded the picture on July 18,1992 to show the heads at CERN that rather than just being a way for scientists to communicate, the Internet could also be fun.


2. First Email

2. 第一封電子郵件

Email got its start in the early 1960s, when researchers would leave messages in a mailbox for their colleagues, who could only access the notes on the same terminal. Computer-to-computer email got its start in 1968, when Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN) was hired by the United States Defense Department to work on ARPANET, the precursor to the Internet. In July of 1971 a BNN employee named Ray Tomlinson sent the first email to the computer next to his, which read, “QWERTYIOP”. After figuring out how to send messages from computer to computer, the idea flourished into the staple of everyday life that we know now.


3. First YouTube Video

3. 第一個YouTube視頻

The worlds third most popular website got its start in early 2005 when it was created by PayPal employees Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim. They first registered the domain on February 14, 2005, and worked on YouTube out of a garage for a few months. On April 23, 2005, at 8:27 pm they posted the first video called Me at the Zoo. The 19-second video features Karim standing in front of elephants at the San Diego Zoo, talking about his interest in “really, really, really long trunks.” Since its launch, YouTube has become the dominant video streaming site and is synonymous with online videos. Only Facebook and Google are more popular websites, with YouTube receiving three billion visitors every day.


4. First Domain Name

4. 第一個域名

Symbolics Inc. registered the first domain name, Symbolics.com, on March 15, 1985. Symbolics Inc. grew out of MITs Artificial Intelligence lab, and was the first company to make workstation computers. They were actually so far ahead of the game that “workstation computer” wasnt even a term at that point. The company went bankrupt in the late 1980s, but the owner of the domain kept paying the dues on the website until August of 2009, when it was sold to XF.com Investments for an undisclosed price. The website is now a museum of sorts, where you can visit and learn random facts about the Internet.

Symbolics 公司在1985年3月15日注冊了第一個域名:Symbolics.com。該公司是從麻省理工學院人工智能實驗室分拆出來的,也是首家制造工作站計算機的公司。他們在當時的業界遙遙領先,因為那時“工作站計算機”甚至還不是一個專有名詞。公司在20世紀80年代末破產,但是這個域名的擁有者仍然堅持支付網站費用。直到2009年8月,該域名賣給XF.com投資公司,價格未予披露。這個網站現在類似于博物館,在那你可以隨意瀏覽并了解有關互聯網的一切。

5. First Website

5. 第一個網站

While Symbolics was the first domain registered, it wasnt the first website. After all, the Internet and the World Wide Web are actually two different things. In the simplest terms, the Internet is what you connect to and the Web is how you view it.


You may remember CERN from the Les Horrible Cernettes photo or maybe the Large Hadron Collider, but they also launched very first website on August 6, 1991. It was a simple page, similar to a Word document with black lettering on a white background with blue hyperlinks. It briefly described project W3, better known now as the World Wide Web.

