
Trip on the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

2019-05-15 07:10山東新泰新汶一中孫啟祿
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年5期

山東新泰新汶一中 孫啟祿

文章詞數 419 建議用時 8′ 難度系數 ★★

The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge opened in October 2018,making it possible to travel directly by car or bus from Hong Kong to Macao.The HKZM Bridge is a highway with three cablestayed bridges and an undersea tunnel,so it's not technically acontinuousbridge.However youclassifyit,at 55-kilometres long it's the longest fixed link in the world.

I first became aware of the bridge on a flight to Hong Kong.Looking out the window I saw a very long highway in the Pearl River Delta that wasseeminglynot connected to any land.Then I saw thisartificialisland where the road disappeared into.

I've been following the construction of this project,so when it finally opened I planned to see it for myself on my next visit to Hong Kong.I was wondering what it would feel like to travel on a bridge without seeing the end, and to go in an undersea tunnel, which made me a little nervous at the thought.

There are buses running every 5 minutes and there wasn't a queue to wait for a bus.This was early days in the history of the bridge,so it may become busier in the future.

There are regular coaches and double-decker buses running this route.I was hoping to get on a double-decker bus and get a front seat at the top.I didn't wait around though and instead just got on the firstavailablebus.I ended up getting a second row seat,which was suitable enough for taking photos.

The road goes by the airport on the island of Chek Lap Kok,and from there the journey across the sea begins.The road is three lanes across plus an emergency lane in each direction.With the bridge being eight lanes wide it felt safe and comfortable.After about 10 minutes we came up to the island of the tunnelentrance,in the middle of the sea.

The busdisplaysthe speed on the front like a clock,and it never went over 80km/h during the whole trip.The trip through the tunnel takes about five minutes.It was a comfortable trip and it helped that there was no traffic,but I was happy to see daylight again.

Before arriving at the mainland city of Zhuhai the road forks for Macao and Zhuhai,avoiding the complications of sending traffic to Macao via the mainland.The total driving time from Hong Kong to Macao was 37 minutes.

Reading Check

Read the text and find the right answer.

What made the author a little nervous?

A.His flight to Hong Kong.

B.Seeing the endless bridge.

C.Traveling in an undersea tunnel.

D.Sitting in a second row seat.

Language Study


1.continuous adj.連續的

2.classify v.分類;歸類

3.seemingly adv.看似

4.artificial adj.人工的

5.available adj.可獲得的6.entrance n.入口

7.display v.顯示;展示

Difficult sentences

1.I've been following the construction of this project,________when it finally opened I planned to see it for_______on my next visit to Hong Kong.我一直在關注這個項目的建設,所以當它最終開放時,我就計劃在下一次游覽香港時親自看一看。


2.I was wondering________it would feel like to travel on a bridge without_______(see) the end, and to go in an undersea tunnel,________made me a little nervous at the thought.我在想,在看不到盡頭的橋上和在海底的隧道里旅行會是什么樣的感覺,一想到這我就感到有點緊張。

【點石成金】本句結構比較復雜。I was wondering是主句,第一空所填的詞引導賓語從句并在從句中作feel like的賓語;without...是介詞短語作狀語,故第二空所填的詞是非謂語動詞形式;第三空所填的詞引導非限制性定語從句并在從句中作主語,指代前面的整個句子。

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