

2019-08-21 02:04本刊試題研究中心
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2019年8期


Task 1

Sixty-four-year-old Pierre Deom has spent his entire life close to the woods and fields that he loves.Twice a year,his magazine,La Hulotte,focuses on an animal or a plant native to the French countryside.

The 100th edition was published in November. The magazine counts more than 150,000 subscribers in many countries,and is doing very well financially. Deom says it all began in January 1972,when he was teaching science in a one-room schoolhouse here. “It upset me how the forests and swamps (沼澤)were beginning to be ruined.The word‘ecology'didn't really exist yet.Some friends and I wanted to call attention to the issue.So we said,let's educate the kids. They're ready to hear our message.”So he took a step into the unknown,planning to publish his nature journal.

Deom does all the research and writing and the illustrations(插圖)of the magazine by hand.He combines science and humor in his writing and drawing to describe the daily life and sufferings of his creatures. Animals you might overlook or consider dull are magically and vividly brought to life in La Hulotte. “I try to write about animals and plants that are easy to find because I want kids to put on boots,take a magnifying glass,go to the woods and fields to observe and be amazed by what they find,”Deom says.

And it seems to work. Biologist Jerome Fournier began subscribing to La Hulotte when he was just eight years old. “For me it was the first contact with nature when I was a child.And maybe it's the beginning for my life as a scientist.I think so.”

What's amazing is its approach.The magazine has realistic drawings and also a little cast of cartoon creatures who comment on things and give a different view.You can read it as an adult or a child;it can be understood on two different levels.So scientists,regular people and children all get something out of it. “It's extraordinary,”says Fournier,who works at the Museum of Natural History in Paris,where he says La Hulotte has a crazy following.

1.What does the underlined word“subscribers”in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Readers. B.Editors. C.Sellers. D.Collectors.

2.What's the purpose of creating the magazine?

A.To make a lot of money.

B.To finish the task of teaching.

C.To enlarge the areas of forests.

D.To raise people's awareness of ecology.

3.Which words can best describe the magazine La Hulotte?

A.Scientific and interesting. B.Magical and abstract.

C.Vivid and unreal. D.Hard to understand.

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.The magazine is a cartoon one.

B.Adults find the magazine too easy.

C.Many scientists are quite into the magazine.

D.The magazine is not fit for regular people to read.

Task 2

When I was just 10 years old,my mother left this world.It was a time when I didn't even know the meaning of relations and the impact ofthe most beloved one.

1.A.missing B.hurting C.remembering D.losing

2.A.love B.give C.bring D.help

3.A.silly B.active C.young D.naughty

4.A.argued B.played C.studied D.fought

5.A.ordered B.called C.advised D.forced

6.A.ignored B.minded C.forgot D.hated

7.A.refused B.hoped C.continued D.decided

8.A.spirit B.mind C.life D.dream

9.A.friendly B.comfortable C.useful D.important

10.A.but B.and C.so D.or

11.A.think of B.learn about C.talk about D.know of

12.A.luck B.energy C.time D.pleasure

13.A.ask B.need C.leave D.phone

14.A.touched B.destroyed C.changed D.built

15.A.exactly B.merely C.mainly D.especially

16.A.read B.show C.believe D.understand

17.A.deeply B.much C.often D.seriously

18.A.mother B.family C.schoolmates D.workmates

19.A.happen B.win C.do D.leave

20.A.waiting B.acting C.smiling D.working

Task 3

You may dream of becoming a hip-hop star when you grow up.Among your strategy,you need three things:talent and skill,a working knowledge of music production and some experience in a recording studio,and marketing yourself.

Talent and skill is the key to your success.You're not the only person who wants to become a hip-hop star.That means you have to look for ways to stand out from the crowd and look for your advantage to improve your competencies.

Marketing yourself means promoting yourself and your music.Similarly,you can get your music posted online and use your social networks to build interest.In this way,it is likely that you are to gain the interest of a record label down the road.

With all these things,again,formal schooling can help,but it won't get you all the way to where you want to go.What you really need also includes your dedication,patience and good luck.

A.This dream seems to be very challenging.

B.Consequently,the competition is rather fierce.

C.Most successful rappers go viral through the Internet.

D.A mentor is someone already working in the industry.

E.It tends to be long to get yourself recognized by others.

F.A solid working knowledge is one way to get the advantage.

G.A lot of dedication and right strategies can contribute to this dream.

Task 4

第一節 語法填空

When Victor Gao was growing up in rural China in 1.1970s,cars and trucks were so rare that he would chase them with the other children through the dirt roads,(thrill)by the strange sight.Today,China is the world's largest automobile producer,3.more than double the capacity(產能)of the United States.

December 18, 2018 marks four 6.(decade) since China started the process,7.would transform it from a poor country into an economic superpower.This era of great change 8.(know)broadly as “Reform and Opening”.At the beginning of the reform era,China's GDP was just under$150 billion.Today,it has sharply increased to over$12 trillion(萬億),following only the United States.China holds about 10%of global wealth.In the last 20 years alone,wealth per adult has quadrupled(變為四倍),9.(leave)fewer than 1%of the population in extreme poverty.China now has 600 billionaires,a 10.(high)number than anywhere else in the world.

第二節 書面表達



2.開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數。Dear Peter,


Li Hua

Passage Seven