

2019-09-10 07:22王艷莉
瘋狂英語·讀寫版 2019年7期



1.pothole n. 坑洼

2.asphalt n. 瀝青

3.infrastructure n. 基礎設施

4.irreversible adj. 無法還原的;不可逆的

5.nominate v. 提名

6.picturesque adj. 風景如畫的

In December, a crew of workers in Bartonville, Texas, set about fixing the potholes in the town. They filled in eight holes, and at the end of a hard days work they shared a couple of pizzas. There was nothing particularly remarkable about the job, except for the logo painted on the side of the equipment to stop traffic and even spray?painted on the freshly laid asphalt: Dominos Pizza.

Bartonville is one of four towns where the fast?food company has partnered with local administrations in order to help fix their broken roads. The project, called Paving for Pizza, is the first time Domino has worked with local government to attempt an infrastructure project.

Domino claims theyre making the move because potholes and bumps (凸塊) in the road can cause “irreversible damage to your pizza”. But the more likely reason for the sudden move into road repair is good publicity. The campaign was created by the CP+B ad agency, which specializes in attracting media interest, claiming on their website to make the “most written about, talked about, and extremely successful work in the world”.

Thats not to say America couldnt do with some help with its road system. The most recent set of studies by the National Transportation Research Group found that 37% of Americas major roads are in poor or average condition. Driving on these damaged roads costs American drivers $107 billion each year, around $482 per driver, with most of that money going on vehicle repair costs.

So far, Domino has made very little progress in that problem. They say theyre going to fix more, and are allowing people to nominate towns on their website. So if youve got a pothole outside your house it might be worth dropping them a line, as long as you live on a picturesque avenue that will look good on an advertisement.

———From The Guardian

Answer the following questions according to the text.

1.What does the underlined phrase “the job” in the first paragraph refer to?

2.Why has the fast?food company partnered with local administrations?

3.How many reasons are referred to for Domino to fix broken roads according to the text?

4.What costs American drivers the most money when they drive on damaged roads?

5.On what condition can you apply to Domino for help?

Difficult Sentence

So if youve got a pothole outside your house it might be worth dropping them a line, as long as you live on a picturesque avenue that will look good on an advertisement.因此,如果你的房子外面有一個坑洼的話,只要你住在一條風景如畫的大道旁,而且它在廣告上看起來也很不錯,你就可以寫信給他們。

句中as long as引導的是條件狀語從句;that引導的是定語從句,修飾先行詞avenue。

美國瑣事二三 美樂成