
Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits

2019-11-07 02:23
時代英語·高一 2019年6期


eye ? vt. ? 注視;觀看

head ? vi. ? 朝……方向前進

injure ? vt. ? 傷害

breathe ? vi. ? 呼吸

diet ? n. ? 飲食;日常食物

fat ? n. ? 脂肪

flu ? n. ? 流行性感冒

toothache ? n. ? 牙痛

pain ? n. ? 疼痛

injury ? n. ? 傷害;損傷;受傷處

captain ? n. ? 隊長

lung ? n. ? 肺

throat ? n. ? 喉嚨;咽喉;嗓子

prescription ? n. ? 處方

symptom ? n. ? 癥狀

X-ray ? n. ? X光

insurance ? n. ? 保險

questionnaire ? n. ? 問卷;問卷調查;調查表

fit ? adj. ? 健康的;強健的

wealthy ? adj. ? 富裕的;有錢的

anxious ? adj. ? 焦慮的;不安的;渴望的

rare ? adj. ? 稀少的

painful ? adj. ? 疼痛的

normal ? adj. ? 正常的;一般的

overweight ? adj. ? (人)太胖的;超重的

awful ? adj. ? 可怕的;嚇人的

be connected with ? 與……有聯系

get/catch a cold ? 感冒

take exercise ? 鍛煉

be crazy about ? 迷戀

have/run a temperature ? 發燒

lie down ? 躺下

begin with ? 以……開始

be fit to do sth ? 適合做某事

head towards ? 朝向;前進

put... into... ? 將……投入……

become/fall ill ? 生病

pick up ? 開車(接人); 拿起; 舉起

be off work ? 不上班

describe... as... ? 把……描述為……

lose weight ? 減肥

evaluate ? vt. & vi. ? 評價;估計;估價

contribute ? vt. & vi. ? 捐獻;貢獻

contribution ? n. ? 捐獻;貢獻

portion ? n. ? 一部分;一份

intention ? n. ? 意圖

chest ? n. ? 胸部; 胸腔

migraine ? n. ? 偏頭痛

aspirin ? n. ? 阿司匹林

attentive ? adj. ? 注意的;專心的;留心的

private ? adj. ? 隱私的;秘密的

privately ? adv. ? 隱私地;秘密地




book n. 書→ v. 預訂;diet n. 日常飲食→ v. 節食;dress n. 服裝→ v. 給……穿衣服;eye n. 眼睛→ v. 觀看,注視;head n. 頭→ v. 前進;hand n. 手→ v. 遞;nurse n. 護士→ v. 照料;taste n. 味道→ v. 品嘗,嘗起來;telephone n. 電話→ v. 打電話。例如:

Could you please hand me the newspaper?/This drink tastes like sherry.


1. head ?vi. & vt. ?朝向;前進;率領

n. ?頭;頭部;頭腦;領袖

Where are you heading for now?


The girl is heading the group.


Please raise your head and look at the blackboard.


He is the head of our school. ?他是我們學校的校長。

head out ?啟程;出發

head towards/for ?駛向;前往(某地)

use ones head ?動腦筋

at the head of ?居首位;在最前頭;以……為首

lose ones head ?驚慌失措;失去理智

2. pain ?vt. ?使痛苦;使苦惱

n. ?疼痛;痛苦;煩惱

She was deeply pained by the news.


He felt a sharp pain in his chest.


No pains, no gains.


(1)be at pains to do sth ?努力做某事;極為注意

He is at pains to find facts.


(2)take (great) pains to do sth

= take pains with/over sth 費心/努力做某事

He has taken pains to study the problem.


He is a good teacher and always takes great pains with his lectures.


with pain ?疼痛地

in pain ?疼痛;痛苦

painful ?adj. ?令人疼痛的

painkiller ?n. ?止痛藥

3. breathe ?vi. ?呼吸

When we breathe, we draw air into our lungs.


Give me a moment to breathe.


breathe in/out ?呼入(出)

breathe deeply ?深呼吸

catch ones breath(因驚恐)屏住呼吸

hold ones breath(因緊張)屏住呼吸

lose ones breath ?喘不過氣

out of breath ?氣喘吁吁

4. eye ?vt. ?注視;觀看

n. ?眼睛;視力;眼力

We eyed each other thoughtfully.


The eye is bigger than the belly.


We can have a birds eye view of the whole place from here.


keep an eye on ?留意;照看

look sb in the eye (s) ?直視某人;正視某人

an eye for an eye ?以眼還眼;以牙還牙

5. fit ?vt. & vi.(使)適合;(使)符合

adj. ?適合的;恰當的;健康的

This suit doesnt fit me well. Have you got a larger size?


The key doesnt fit the lock.


This book is fit for children to read.


She is not fit for the job.


He keeps fit by running 5 km every day.


be fit for/to do sth ?適合(做)某事

keep fit ?保持健康

6. anxious ?adj. ?焦慮的;不安的;渴望的

She looks very anxious.


There were a few anxious moments in the baseball game.


(1)be anxious about sth ?為某事擔心、憂慮

He seemed anxious about the meeting.


(2)be anxious for sb ?為某人擔心、憂慮

Parents are anxious for their children.


(3)be anxious for sth ?渴望某物

We are really anxious for peace.


(4)be anxious to do sth ?渴望、希望、想要做某事

He is anxious to see her.


We are anxious to leave here.


(5)be anxious for sb to do sth ?渴望、希望某人做某事

We are anxious for him to come.


7. injure ?vt. ?傷害

injury ?n. ?傷害;損傷;受傷處

Three people were killed and five injured in the crash.


If you try and lift that suitcase, youll do yourself an injury!你要是提起那只箱子,你就會受傷!

injured ?adj. ?受傷的;有傷的

the injured ?受傷的人

8. rare ?adj. ?稀少的;罕有的

rarely ?adv. ?稀少地;極少地

These flowers are very rare in this country.


She rarely goes anywhere except her office.

她除了去辦公室以外, 很少去別的地方。

9. normal ?adj. ?正常的;正規的;標準的

n. ?常態;通常標準;一般水平

The normal temperature of the human body is about 37℃.


Its normal to feel tired after such a long trip.


above/below normal ?標準以上(下)

return to normal ?恢復正常

10. begin with ?以……開始

Begin with this one and do the others afterwards.


The concert began with the National Anthem.


11. be connected with ?與……有聯系

He is also connected with the government.


She was no longer connected with the Kane company.


12. put... into... ?將……投入……

Put more effort into your work!


Hes put all his savings into buying a house.


13. be crazy about ?迷戀

Ive been crazy about him since the first time I saw him.


Rick is crazy about football.


14. lie down ?躺下

You should drink some water and go to lie down.


He lay down on the sofa and soon fell asleep.





This is not a diet. Its a simple way to lose weight. And you dont even have to give up the food you love or join a gym. You just follow some habits that lean people have. Keep them, and youll become thin.

1. Wake-up

When you wake up in the morning, sit up slowly without using your hands. With legs straight out, bend (彎曲) forward until you feel sore in your back. It will burn about 10 calories.

2. Start with soup

When you have a meal, order a clear soup, and have it before having the main food. In this way, youll feel fuller, so youll eat less when the main food comes.

3. An apple (or more) a day

Apples are full of fiber (纖維) and water, so your stomach will want less. The study shows that people who eat at least three apples a day lose weight.

4. Stand up and walk around

Every time you use the mobile phone, stand up and walk around. Heavy people sit on average (平均) two and a half hours more each day than thin people. This skill is very important as standing up and walking around will burn 50 or more calories.

Use these skills, and you will have a big weight loss.

1. What does the underlined word “lean” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Light. B. Pretty.

C. Thin. D. Healthy.

2. What should you have first if you want to eat less main food?

A. Soup. B. Fruit.

C. Salad. D. Cheese.

3. Why does eating apples make ones stomach want less food?

A. They are tasty.

B. They are too sweet.

C. They are rich in calories.

D. They are full of fiber and water.

4. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To advise people to give up bad habits.

B. To tell people how to enjoy a better life.

C. To advise people to eat apples every day.

D. To give some advice on how to lose weight.


Oct. 15th was International White Cane Safety Day. You may have never heard of it, but it was a day to remember for Peng Baier, 17, of Nanjing Foreign Language School. After school that day, he visited his local Disabled Persons, Federation. He wanted to know about the sales and feedback of his newly published book, How to Help a Disabled Person.

Since he lives with his disabled grandparents, he understands that life can be hard for this group of people. Peng decided to write the book because he wanted to create a better life for disabled people in China.

“Crossing the street is a big problem for them,” Peng said. “Speeding cars, people walking in a hurry, bikes on the sidewalk for the blind—accidents can happen everywhere. Thats why we hardly ever see disabled people on the street, even though there are millions of disabled people in China.”

Pengs book with pictures is easy to understand. It is a guide to the right and wrong ways to treat disabled people.

The teenager had 2,000 copies of his book printed. With the help of the Disabled Persons, Federation, he gave them to the disabled community.

“The book is bilingual, so foreigners can also use it,” said Peng.

Peng put great effort into the book. For example, he interviewed many disabled people to get first-hand materials. He also studied textbooks from different schools for the disabled. Peng finally completed his handbook, but he still had the problem of getting it printed.

How does a high school student raise money needed for that?

With a smile, Peng said how he went about it, “I visited three local companies, dressed up in a suit and tie. I was lucky. The companies were warm-hearted and willing to give me a hand.”

5. Why is Peng able to understand the hard life of the disabled people?

A. He was born disabled.

B. He has a disabled friend.

C. He lives with his disabled grandparents.

D. He once read a book about the disabled.

6. What did Peng do to write his book?

a. Raising the money needed.

b. Giving away his pocket money.

c. Interviewing many disabled people.

d. Studying textbooks for the disabled.

A. a, b, c ? ? ? ? ? ?B. a, b, d ? ? ? ? ? ?C. a, c, d ? ? ? ? ? ?D. b, c, d

7. What does the underlined word “bilingual” in Paragraph 6 mean?

A. Written in two languages.

B. Using different pictures.

C. Very easy to understand.

D. Much popular around the world.

8. Which of the following can best describe Peng?

A. Patient and honest. B. Brave and confident.

C. Kind and helpful. D. Friendly and lovely.



I quit smoking 30 days ago. I woke up one day and told myself, “This is it; I am done with the nasty ? ?1 ? .” I started working out and ? ?2 ? ?I forgot about why I even smoked at all. With no cigarettes, I lost all ? ?3 ? ?in alcoholic beverages as well. With the money I ? ?4 ? ?I bought a pair of boots that I had wanted for a long time.

My cats are no longer ? ?5 ? ?or sneezing and I am sleeping like a stone. I thank God for giving me the power to ? ?6 ? ?a deadly habit. My husband died two years ago from a heart attack and he was a ? ?7 ? ?smoker. He was only 59.

Weeks before the ? ?8 ? ?to stop I kept telling myself, “I need to stop this nasty habit.” I am 55 years old and ? ?9 ? ?my husband die in a hospital bed hits me like a bomb and I cannot describe the ? ?10 ? . When you think about it, cigarettes are really coffin nails! ? ?11 ? ?of looking at beautiful men and women with bright skin, ? ?12 ? ?bodies and good attitudes? You know attitudes do not ? ?13 ? ?their lives. But a healthy lifestyle does.

Look at a healthy lung and a lung of a ? ?14 ? . Look at healthy skin and then look at what your ? ?15 ? ?looks like now and when you die. Its not ? ?16 ? . When your loved one has a heart attack and he dies, ? ?17 ? ?the heart muscle dies first and then he ages years overnight.

Drink lots of water and keep yourself ? ?18 ? ?with exercise to take your ? ?19 ? ?off smoking. It will ? ?20 ? ?you and you will sleep so much better!

Stay away from cigarettes.

1. A. custom B. action C. habit D. activity

2. A. eventually B. suddenly C. immediately D. probably

3. A. dream B. knowledge C. interest D. intention

4. A. earned B. won C. spent D. saved

5. A. coughing B. running C. sleeping D. escaping

6. A. understand B. overcome C. find D. know

7. A. simple B. popular C. heavy D. different

8. A. agreement B. impression C. argument D. decision

9. A. letting B. watching C. having D. making

10. A. pain B. thought C. behavior D. surprise

11. A. Skilled B. Fond C. Ashamed D. Proud

12. A. strange B. weak C. healthy D. unusual

13. A. cure B. shape C. demand D. control

14. A. smoker B. drinker C. doctor D. patient

15. A. lung B. heart C. body D. face

16. A. ugly B. useful C. important D. pretty

17. A. imagine B. remember C. predict D. consider

18. A. pleased B. careful C. busy D. easy

19. A. mind B. opinion C. money D. energy

20. A. exhaust B. harm C. guide D. relax


In the past, if I had to look away from my phone, I felt like I was going to die. When I had lunch with my family or dated with my friends, I couldnt help replying ? ?1 ? ?a text message or checking my Facebook, WeChat on the mobile phone. Before long, it ? ?2 ? ?(be) easy for me to get tired. The more I texted during the day, the ? ?3 ? ?(poor) my sleep was. I couldnt even focus on my study.

My friend told me that people who cant help ? ?4 ? ?(check) their phones all day are known as phubbers (低頭族). Phubbing trends not only involve the young people, but ? ?5 ? ?elderly. Soon, I found a slogan on a website as ? ?6 ? ?(follow): stop twittering, stop posting photos...

7 ? ?(thankful), I realized there was actually an outside world. My ? ?8 ? ?(divide) attention could keep me from ? ?9 ? ?is truly important. Now, I can use the phone without feeling like a drug addict (癮君子). I have more time to enjoy real life

10 ? ?(activity). Use your cell phone and dont let it use you.

1. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?3. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?4. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?5.

6. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?7. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?8. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?9. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?10.




Do you ever find yourself longing for some time for yourself? You are so busy with work and school and there is little time left to do something that you enjoy. Maybe the followings can help you to find ways to slow down and enjoy your life.

Evenings with Yourself. Try to save certain weeknights just for you. If others ask you to do something else, just tell them your plans. Use the time for gardening, reading or doing exercise.

Monthly Treat. Schedule a treat for yourself once a month. Maybe you can go to see a movie, have a haircut, play golf or whatever treat youre always thinking about but rarely get to.

Buy Tickets in Advance. Sports, theater, concerts or any other event you would enjoy. Schedule the plans with a friend later. Having the tickets already in hand will force you to make it happen!

Join a Group. Here are some ideas of groups that can allow you some time away from work and study: singing group, book club, biking/walking/running/etc. clubs, ski club, etc. What are you interested in? Look up a club in your area today and join! If you cant find a club, consider starting one by yourself!

Exercise. For busy people it can be difficult to make time for this. All you have to do is to decide today and then make it a reality tomorrow. A new habit is started with just one step. Take that first step tomorrow. Walk for 20 minutes in the morning. Then build on that success daily.

1. Why do people have little time for relaxation?

A. They think relaxation only wastes time.

B. They want to achieve success in life.

C. They are busy with their jobs and study.

D. They must take as much time as possible to make a living.

2. How many ways does the text mention can help you relax?

A. Three. B. Four.

C. Five. D. Six.

3. What is the most important to a busy man if he wants to do exercise?

A. Just doing it soon.

B. Joining a health club.

C. Making a long-term plan.

D. Buying some sports equipment.

4. What is the best title for the text?

A. Relax to Keep Fit

B. Do More Exercise

C. Find Time for Yourself

D. Spend Time with Your Friends


Do you love holidays but hate the increasing weight that follows? You are not alone.

Holidays are happy days with pleasure and delicious foods. Many people, however, are worried about the weight that comes along with these delicious foods.

With proper planning, though, it is possible to control your weight. The idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much. You dont have to turn away from the foods that you enjoy. The following suggestions may be of some help to you.

Do not miss meals. Before you leave home for a feast (宴會), have a small, low-fat snack. This may help to keep you from getting too excited when facing delicious foods. Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetables. A large glass of water before you eat may help you feel full. Use a small plate; a large plate will encourage you to have more than enough.

Better not have high-fat foods. Dishes that look oily or creamy have much fat in them.

Choose lean meat. Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables.

If you have a sweet tooth, try mints (薄荷) and fruits. They dont have as much fat content as cream and chocolate.

Dont let exercise take a break during the holidays. A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess (過多的) calories.

5. Holidays are happy days with pleasure but they may ___ .

A. bring about weight problems

B. make you miss delicious foods

C. bring you much trouble in your life

D. make you worried about your foods

6. What is the authors advice on enjoying your holidays?

A. Not to eat the food in high fat.

B. Not to accept invitations to feasts.

C. To turn away from delicious foods.

D. To drink much water and have vegetables only.

7. Why do many people get fatter after the holidays?

A. They enjoy delicious foods.

B. They go to too many feasts.

C. They cant control themselves while eating.

D. They cant help turning away from high-fat food.

8. What is the main purpose of the text?

A. To point out problems about holidays.

B. To give advice on keeping shape during holidays.

C. To introduce some healthy food.

D. To encourage people to go on holidays.



Five Ideas for Better Sleep

Most people need about eight hours of sleep each night. But many people have trouble sleeping. Lack of sleep can affect work performance, increase our chances of getting sick, and may be linked to weight gain in some people. How can we get the sleep we need? Here are some ideas:

1 ? ? ? ?Youve probably noticed how much running around little kids do and how soundly the sleep. Physical activity can decrease stress and help people feel more relaxed. Just dont work out too close to bedtime because exercise can wake you up.

Avoid alcohol and drugs. Lots of people think that alcohol or drugs will make them relaxed, but thats not the case. ? ? ? ?2

They will make a person wake up at night.

Say goodnight to electronic devices. ? ? ? ?3 ? ? ? ?Youd better make your bedroom a tech-free zone, at least shut everything down an hour or more before lights out.

Keep a sleep routine. ? ? ? ?4 ? ? ? ?Creating a set bedtime routine can improve the relaxation effect. And you can relax by reading, listening to music or spending time with a pet.

Expect a good nights sleep. ? ? ? ?5 ? ? ? ?Say “Tonight I will sleep well” several times during the day. This is a very effective psychological suggestion.

A. Drink enough water.

B. Do exercise during the day.

C. Drugs and alcohol disturb sleep.

D. Experts suggest using the bedroom for sleep only.

E. Going to bed at the same time every night benefits sleep.

F. You can find someone who can give you advice on how

to sleep.

G. Instead of worrying that you wont sleep, remind yourself

that you can.

1. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?3. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?4. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?5.


I was cycling and noticed a person in front of me, about 1/4 of km. I could tell he was cycling a little ? ?1 ? ?than me and decided to try to catch him up. I had about a km to go on the road before turning off.

So I ? ?2 ? ?cycling faster and faster and every block, I was gaining on him just a little bit. In a ? ?3 ? ?I was only about 100 yards behind him, so I really ? ?4 ? ?up the pace and pushed myself. You would have thought I was cycling in the last leg of London Olympic triathlon (鐵人三項).

5 ? , I caught up with him and passed him by. In the inside I felt so ? ?6 ? . “I beat him” of course, but he didnt even know we were racing.

After I passed him, I realized that I had been so ? ?7 ? ?on competing against him that I had ? ?8 ? ?my turn, had gone nearly six blocks past it and had to ? ?9 ? ?and go all back.

Isnt that what ? ?10 ? ?in life when we focus on ? ?11 ? ?with co-workers, neighbors, friends, family, trying to outdo them or trying to prove that we are more ? ?12 ? ?or more important? We

13 ? ?our time and energy running after them and we miss out on our own ? ?14 ? ?to our destinies (命運).

The ? ?15 ? ?with unhealthy competitions is that its a never ending cycle. There will always be somebody ? ?16 ? ?you, someone with a better job, a nicer car, more money in the bank, more education, a prettier wife, a more handsome husband, better behaved children, etc.

17 ? ?what life has given you, the height, weight & personality. Dress well & wear it ? ?18 ? . Youll be blessed by it. Stay focused and live a(n) ? ?19 ? ?life. Theres no competition in destiny. Run your own ? ?20 ? ?and wish others well!

1. A. quieter B. slower C. faster D. closer

2. A. continued B. suggested C. intended D. started

3. A. hurry B. sense C. minute D. word

4. A. held B. brought C. kept D. picked

5. A. Finally B. Possibly C. Suddenly D. Generally

6. A. shocked B. nervous C. amused D. good

7. A. dependent B. hard C. focused D. mad

8. A. discovered B. missed C. approached D. avoided

9. A. pace down B. turn around C. cheer up D. look out

10. A. happens B. fails C. works D. remains

11. A. competing B. meeting C. fighting D. dealing

12. A. respectful B. helpful C. successful D. wonderful

13. A. spend B. save C. gain D. wait

14. A. contributions B. paths C. positions D. responses

15. A. chance B. connection C. problem D. difference

16. A. next to B. close to C. regardless of D. ahead of

17. A. Put B. Take C. Set D. Drop

18. A. carefully B. patiently C. proudly D. silently

19. A. healthy B. modern C. real D. ordinary

20. A. job B. family C. race D. dream



If you are having trouble falling asleep, you are in good company. About 65% of Americans said they have sleeping problems a few nights each week, according to a recent study by the National Sleep Foundation. Sleeping too little can lead to a higher risk of becoming fat and getting depressed (沮喪的). But before you go to a doctor for advice, it is worth examining your sleeping habits one more time. Some of your favorite evening habits may have something to do with the sleeping problems.

Setting a Bright Alarm Clock

The light of your bright alarm clock can prevent you from falling asleep. You can make your room as dark as possible. Cover the bright numbers with a book or consider buying a small travel clock. Your cellphone alarm may also do the trick.

Counting Sheep

When you just cant fall asleep, its useless to stay in bed to count sheep. If youve been trying to fall asleep for more than 30 minutes, the National Sleep Foundation suggests you get up to do some reading or watch TV for a while. Such activities will make you sleepy. Before you know it, youll be going back to bed really tired.

Exercising Late at Night

Daytime exercises will keep you full of energy for hours. Thats why you dont want to exercise within three hours of hitting the sack. Fierce (劇烈的) physical activities raise your body temperature and improve your energy level—both are bad for a good nights sleep.

1. What can we infer from the first sentence of the text?

A. Its not good to fail to fall asleep at night.

B. There are many people who have sleeping problems.

C. People in a good company often have sleeping problems.

D. You can find someone to talk to if you cant fall asleep.

2. What is suggested if you cant fall asleep at night?

A. Counting sleep. B. Doing some exercise.

C. Watching TV for a while. D. Shutting your cellphone.

3. What does the underlined part “hitting the sack” mean?

A. Going to bed. B. Going back home.

C. Going to the gym. D. Going to the movies.

4. The text is mainly about how to ___ .

A. form some good habits

B. solve sleeping problems

C. enjoy a good nights sleep

D. get rid of some sleeping habits


Ali is from a Middle Eastern country. He now stays in the USA. He smokes a lot of cigarettes every day. ? ? ? ?1 ? ? ? ?Ali says, “I tried to quit smoking in my hometown, but it was impossible. My parents smoke. My brothers smoke. All my friends smoke. At parties and at meetings, almost all the people smoke. Here in the United States, not as many people smoke. It will be easier to change the smoking habit here.”

Many smokers are like Ali: they want to stop smoking.

2 ? ? ? ?They know it can cause cancer and heart disease. But it is difficult for them to give up smoking because cigarettes have a drug in them. The drug is nicotine. People who smoke a lot need nicotine.

When a person first begins to smoke, he usually feels terrible. The nicotine makes him sick. In a few days, the smokers body is used to the nicotine, and he feels fine. Later, the smoker needs nicotine to keep feeling fine. ? ? ? ?3

It is very hard to quit smoking. ? ? ? ?4 ? ? ? ?At a party or at work they will decide to smoke—just one cigarette. Then they will smoke another cigarette, and another. Soon they become smokers again. ? ? ? ?5

A. Without nicotine, he feels bad.

B. He has smoked for nine years.

C. Many people who quit will soon smoke again.

D. Medicine is needed to stop them from smoking.

E. They know that smoking is bad for their health.

F. Thus nicotine makes smokers not be able to stop taking it.

G. Maybe there is only one easy way to quit smoking: never start.

1. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?3. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?4. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?5.




eye fat pain injure anxious awful

fit rare healthy symptom wealthy overweight

1. Mary is ____ to know the result of the examination.

2. Sleeping too late is a(n) ____ lifestyle.

3. He made his country much ____ and more powerful.

4. He couldnt help ____ the cake hungrily.

5. The ____ include a headache and sore throat.

6. Two players are out of the team because of ____ .

7. She ____ spoke. She had no connection with the world.

8. If I lose you, I will feel ____ .

9. The children seem to think Im much ____ for cooking and washing than their father.

10. They sat there frightened as the television reported the

____ news.


1. 奶奶的身體越來越差,我們都很擔心她的健康。(be anxious about)

2. 我對英國的最初印象與食物有關。(be connected with)

3. 你發燒了,應該去看醫生。(have a temperature)

4. 為了保持健康,我每天要鍛煉一小時。(keep fit)

5. 那條船離開了小島,向海邊駛去。(head for)


I went on a trip to Thailand during the winter holiday, what was wonderful because I tried something I have never experienced before. One morning when we were walking along the beach and enjoying sunshines, someone strongly advised us to go water skiing. And I didnt dare to face the challenge because it seemed danger. My friends all encouraged me, so I finally joined in them. At first, I couldnt stop scream in fright. Later I enjoyed myself and found it amazed. From the experience I learnt that we should brave enough to try something new. Only in this way can we find the better self to meet any challenge.









參考詞匯:態度 ?attitude
