

2020-05-29 18:33侯昌瑋
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2020年4期



The Dunhuang murals, colourful sculptures in a 3D virtual environment and the use of digital technology have helped revitalise the ancient Silk Road.

Since the Han Dynasty, Dunhuang has been the passage that connects the Central Kingdom with the Western Regions. Dunhuang was a famous town on the Silk Road, and in 1987 the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes were listed as a world cultural heritage.

“Dunhuang has rich, colourful historical and cultural relics, and I am here to find Nepalese art elements from my hometown,” said Kumar Khadka, an international student from Nepal. It was his first to Dunhuang, as part of the ancient Silk Road tour, initiated by the Chinese Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.

The event began in Beijing on 28 August 2018, and on 1-2 September Dunhuang was its third stop. The first two were Beijing and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The event covers nine stations in China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Poland, the Czech Republic, France and the Netherlands.

Speaking about the event, Zhang Xiantang, the deputy director of the Dunhuang Academy China, said: “Dunhuang was born out of a desert, but it is closely related to the ancient Silk Road.”

The Mogao Grottoes were built in 366. And although they have been eroded by nature and disfigured by humans over time, 492 caves are intact with preserved murals and colourful paintings.

The 2,499 painted sculptures and the 484,380 sq ft of painted murals are the largest collection of Buddhist art treasures in the world. Al though the Mogao Grottoes area is large and the caves numerous, the size of each cave is extremely small.

More than 85 per cent of the caves are less than 270 sq ft. And many of the coloured sculptures and murals are made of fragile materials such as dirt, wood and wheat straw. So if 15 people remain in a cave for more than 10 minutes, the temperature in the cave will increase by 5 degrees, and the concentration of carbon dioxide increases greatly.

This means that a large number of tourists will inevitably accelerate the ageing of the murals and colourful sculptures.

The Mogao Grottoes are the highlight of Dunhuang, but Dunhuang has more to offer.

Seven years ago, with the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative, Dunhuang once again became the focus of the Silk Road, and more tourists began to visit it. Zhang said that the focus on Dunhuang will help jog the common memory of the countries along the ancient Belt and Road route.

Word bank

1. mural / mj ?r l/ ?n. 壁畫

2. revitalise / ri ?va t ?la z/ ?v. 使復興;使恢復生機(或元氣)

3. intact / n t kt/ ?adj. 完整無缺的;未經觸動的

4. fragile / fr d a l/ ?adj. 易損壞的;易碎的

5. concentration / k ns n tre ?n/ ?n. 濃度

Critical thinking

Why is Dunhuang able to help to revive travel on the old Silk Road apart from its historical and cultural relics?

