
On Analysis of Elements of Fiction in Vanity Fair

2020-07-28 09:24夏雨榕
廣告大觀 2020年11期


【Abstract】Vanity Fair,as the classic work of Thackeray,a great British realistic writer,profoundly reveals the phenomenon of capital society through psychological and detailed description. This paper analyzes Vanity Fair from several novel elements,such as characters,narrators,themes and conflicts,at the same time,interprets it critically according to the content and structure of the novel.

【Key words】Vanity Fair;elements of fiction;critical thinking

I. An analysis in light of three elements

1. Conflicts

1.1 The struggle against male chauvinism and society

In the 19th century,with the completion of the British bourgeois revolution and the development of the enlightenment movement,some ideas and theories put forward by the bourgeoisie,such as “natural human rights”,“freedom,equality,fraternity” and so on,had a great impact on peoples thoughts at that time. Under this social background,feminism was gradually emerging. Many women were no longer satisfied with being oppressed by the male-dominated society. They bravely stood up against the male-dominated society,strived for equal rights with men in economy,politics and culture,and openly challenged the male-centered society through various means. In a positive sense,Sharp was a brave feminist born under this background. She continuously pursued,resisted and fought against unfair class oppression in a male-dominated society,which reflected the challenge and subversion of the traditional image of passive cowardice of women.

1.2 The contradiction of two womens own character

As for Sedleys positive image,firstly,she is a loyal and faithful wife;secondly,she is a great and selfless mother. Then from her negative image,she is weak,passive,unworthy and parasitic. As for Sharps positive image,first of all,she is courageous and rebellious,for she has the bright objective of a struggle. Secondly,she is indomitable and self-reliant,because she dares to face reality. Next from her negative image,Sharp is deceitful and hypocritical because she can betray her appearance for fortune and position. Meanwhile,she is ruthless and selfish in that she is not a competent mother.

2. Narrator and Points of view

This fiction is using an external narrating(from the outside the story). It is from the vision from behind,through the third partys narrative point of view,from both time and space to show the image of the two women and the duchesss personality characteristics. Through psycho-narration,interior monologue and narrated monologue,their inner world is revealed. From non-participant point of view,the narrator can see into any of the characters.


The theme of Vanity Fair is both simple and profound. It is easy to understand because the title of the novel is also the theme of the novel. What is profound is that these three words revealed the social reality at that time. In this tiny vanity fair in the book,people plan conspiracy,make up lies,flatter noble and even kill each other. Under the capitalist social system,they are increasingly obsessed with money and become insatiable. Vanity Fair thoroughly revealed the capitalist nature after the completion of the industrial revolution and the unique position of money in this society,which also warns us to keep a correct attitude towards fame and wealth and not to indulge in it.

II. A critical analysis of Vanity Fair

1. “All roads lead to the same destination” narrative method

Based on the division and detailed explanation of five stages of the plot,I think that although the two female characters mainly described in the novel have different life experiences,the starting points of their stories are the same. Born in a poor family,Sharp eventually suffered from the consequences after making great efforts to enter the upper class society. Sedley was born in a wealthy family,although she lost her husband in her early years,her final life ended satisfactorily. The experience of two of them is like two parabolas with downward and upward openings respectively. Sedleys lowest point of life happens to be Sharps peak of life. The final destination of the two women accords with their individual characteristics and Thackerays orientation at the beginning of the novel. Therefore,I think the direction of this narrative can be called the “all roads lead to one”.

III. Conclusion

In Thackerays work,Vanity Fair presents various characters,humor,satirical writing style and a combination of narration and discussion. The value of this novel lies in the diversity of its characters,contradictions and narrative methods,which is why it has left a different impression on every reader,making people not only experience the ups and downs of life,but also lament the desire and vanity shown by people in the vanity fair.

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(作者單位:大連外國語大學? 高級翻譯學院)

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