

2020-09-09 07:07張翠華李慧思
管理工程學報 2020年4期




(東北大學 工商管理學院,遼寧 沈陽 110819)



0 引言






1 問題描述與假設


圖1 制造商入侵情形下供應鏈結構

Figure 1 The structure of a supply chain under manufacturer encroachment

1.1 符號說明


1.2 相關假設


假設3. 假設消費者對產品的價格和質量敏感,并且消費者能夠準確地感知產品質量水平,本文假設代表性消費者效用函數如下所示:



2 模型建立和求解

2.1 基本模型




2.2 制造商同質產品入侵模型





2.3 制造商異質產品入侵模型





3 算例仿真與分析


Figure2 The relationship between the equilibrium results and the retailer's equity sensitivity coefficient



Figure3 The relationship between manufacturer and retailer profit (utility) and unit cost of sales in direct selling channels

4 結論



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Research on manufacturers encroachment decision-making considering quality difference of products

ZHANG Cuihua, LI Huisi

(School of Business and Administration, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China)

Competition between retail channels has existed for a long time. This competition is regarded as a positive economic force. However, competition in the form of manufacturer encroachment has not been widely accepted by retailers. Most retailers consider manufacturer encroachment as more of a threat. In order to avoid direct conflicts with retailers, many manufacturers have terminated their sales in direct sales channels. From this perspective, it is necessary to study the issue of manufacturer encroachment, whether manufacturers should encroach, and what impact manufacturer encroachment has on the supply chain system.

This paper considers two types of manufacturer encroachment, that of homogeneous products and that of heterogeneous products, where retailers have equity sensitivity. This paper also studies the optimal encroachment decisions of manufacturers and the impact of the equity sensitivity of retailers on the decision-making of supply chain members and the revenue of supply chain system. In comparison to existing research, this paper assumes that product quality is an endogenous variable, and based on this assumption proposes two different scenarios: homogeneous product encroachment and heterogeneous product encroachment. In addition, this paper introduces equity sensitivity theory into the issue of manufacturer encroachment and discusses the impact of the equity sensitivity of retailers on product quality, product wholesale price, retail channel price, direct sales channel price, retailer utility, and manufacturer profit.

In this paper, a two-layer chain consisting of a manufacturer and a retailer is used as an example. First, models of non-encroachment by manufacturers, homogeneous product encroachment by manufacturers, and heterogeneous product encroachment by manufacturers are established. Then, game theory and related analytical methods are applied to the above models, and the equilibrium solution of the Stackelberg-Nash game theory for the manufacturer and the retailer is obtained. Finally, an example simulation analysis is performed on the equilibrium result to obtain relevant conclusions.

The research results show that: (1) Encroachment will always increase the profit of the manufacturer; (2) The profit of the manufacturer and the utility of the retailer are related to the unit sales cost of the direct sales channel. When the unit sales cost of the direct sales channel is within a certain range, and the retailer is of a specific type (conceited, self-confident, or inferior in the case of encroachment of homogeneous products, or inferior in the case of encroachment of heterogeneous products), encroachment can achieve a Pareto improvement in profits (utility) of manufacturers and retailers; (3) Heterogeneous product encroachment is more effective than homogeneous product encroachment. Manufacturers open up direct sales channels and sell products with different qualities in the direct sales and retail channels to generate more profit; (4) Co-operation between manufacturers and inferior retailers is more profitable compared to co-operation between manufacturers and conceited retailers. Manufacturers will co-operate with inferior retailers to obtain higher profits, and it is easier to achieve a Pareto improvement in the profit (utility) of both parties, alleviating competitive pressure brought about by encroachment.

The model constructed in this paper and the management insights obtained from its analysis have guiding significance for related enterprises, but this research also has certain shortcomings. Future steps should include exploring the impact of the equity sensitivity of manufacturers and retailers on the decision-making process of manufacturer encroachment and the revenue of the supply chain system; encroachment in scenarios of competition between multiple manufacturers or multiple retailers should also be studied.

Manufacturers encroachment; Quality difference; Quality sensitive; Equity sensitivity; Stackelberg-Nash game



Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (71371043, 71771044)









中文編輯:杜 ??;英文編輯:Boping Yan
