

2020-10-29 05:45夏雪
考試與評價·高一版 2020年2期



1. 定義及其構成:

表語從句放在連系動詞之后,充當復合句中的表語,這些系動詞有:be, look, seem, sound, appear等。其構成為:關聯詞+簡單句。如:

It appears to her that he wants to teach us all he has. 在她看來,他似乎要把他所會的都教給我們。

It was because he didn't pass the exam. 那是因為他沒有通過考試。

It seems to me that we should answer for this. 在我看來,我們似乎應該對此事負責。

The question was who had done it. 問題是這件事是誰做的。

It looks as if it was going to snow. 天看起來要下雪了。

2. 引導表語從句的關聯詞有:

(1) 從屬連詞that:

The trouble is that I have lost his address. 麻煩是我把他的地址丟了。

The truth is that I didn't go there. 事實是我沒去那兒。

The fact is that we are behind other groups. 事實是我們落在別的組后面。

(2) 連接代詞who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever;連接副詞 where, when, how, why:

My question is who left. 我想問的是誰離開了。

What I wonder is when he left. 我想知道他是何時離開的。

That's what he wants. 那是他想要的。

This is where they once lived. 這就是他們曾經住過的地方。

That is why he didn't come here. 這就是他為何沒到這兒來的原因。

What she wants to know is which dress she should buy. 她想知道的是她應該買哪件衣服。

Spring is when the whether is very warm. 春天是天氣暖和的時候。

(3) 從屬連詞whether, because, as if 引導的表語從句:

Things are not always as they seem to be. 事物并不總是如其表象。

It sounds as if someone is knocking at the door. 聽起來好像有人在敲門。

It looks as if it were going to rain. 天看上去好像要下雨。

It is because you eat too much. 那是因為你吃得太多了。

3. 幾個需注意的問題:

(1) 在表語從句中,即使從句有疑問意義,從句的語序也要用陳述句語序:

The question is how we'll go there. 問題是我們怎樣去那兒。

That is why we love our motherland so much. 這就是為什么我們那么熱愛祖國的原因。

(2) 當主語是reason時,表語從句表原因要用that引導,不能用because;當主語是it, this或that時,表語從句可用because或why引導:

The reason is that he didn't understand me. 理由是他不明白我的意思。

He couldn't answer you. That was because he knew little English. 他不能回答你,是因為他幾乎不懂英語。

He knew little English. That's why he couldn't answer you. 他幾乎不懂英語,那也是他為什么不能回答你的原因。

(3) 使用虛擬語氣的表語從句:

① as if 從句用虛擬語氣的情況。當說話者認為句子所述的是不真實的或極少有可能發生或存在的情況時,謂語動詞用一般過去時。如:

You look as if you didn't care. 你看上去好像并不在乎。

② 在表示建議、勸告、命令含義的名詞后的表語從句,謂語動詞需用“should+動詞原形” 表示,should可省略。常見的詞有:advice, suggestion, order, proposal, plan, idea等。如:

My suggestion is that we (should) start early tomorrow. 我的建議是我們明天一早就出發。


The problem is whether we need it. 問題是我們是否需要它。


I. 結合表語從句的用法,從方框中選擇合適的詞填空(其中有一項多余)。

1. China is no longer ___ she used to be.

2. The question remains ___ they will be able to help us.

3. That's ___ he didn't understand me.

4. That's ___ he got angry with me.

5. The reason why I was sad was ___ he didn't understand me.

6. The problem is ___ we can get to replace her.

7. The question is ___ he did it.

II. 結合表語從句的用法,翻譯下列句子。

1. 我問的是這個故事是何時何地發生的。


2. 問題是他是如何做此事的。


3. 這正是我的興趣所在。


4. 這就是我們不喜歡它的原因。


If the plan doesn't work, change the plan but never the goal.

—Henry Ford



亨利·福特 (1863—1947) 是美國工業家、福特汽車創辦人,運用大量生產概念在工廠的生產組裝線上,大幅降低生產成本及產品價格,革命性地改變美國的交通及工業。

新目標英語九年級UnitStep 2