

2020-12-02 16:19渠永平張增志
農業工程學報 2020年18期




(1. 中北大學材料科學與工程學院,太原 030051;2. 中北大學礦物功能材料研究所,太原 030051;3. 中國礦業大學(北京)生態功能材料研究所,北京 100083))



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目前滲灌技術大多依靠壓力和機械孔道的協同作用調控供水速率,是一種被動式的調控方式,其出水速率不能根據植物需水規律進行自動調節,而且其出水速率一般都大于1 L/h,遠大于沙生耐旱植物的用水需求。滲灌技術多采用陶土管和橡膠管。學者們已研究了多種新型材料制備的滲灌管和滲灌頭[11-13]。仵峰等[14]利用作物秸稈與土壤混合制備了具有滲水能力的復合滲灌管,其滲水速率約為0.76~1.40 L/(m·h)。梁海軍等[15]研究了橡塑滲灌管及其水分運移模型。李向明等[16]以砂子、水泥、硅溶膠為原料,采用干壓結合霧化加濕法制備了混凝土灌水器,研究了灌水器的形狀及參數對流量的影響。蔡耀輝等[12,17-18]先后制備了黏土基微孔陶瓷、硅藻土微孔陶瓷灌水器,并將其水分運移特性與地下滴灌進行了對比研究,發現相同灌溉時間下微孔陶瓷滲灌的累計入滲量、濕潤鋒運移距離、濕潤體截面面積均明顯小于地下滴灌。也有學者[19]研究了滲灌技術應用下土壤中元素的分布規律。


1 材料與方法

1.1 主要原料


1.2 滲灌復合材料制備及滲灌系統設計


圖1 聚丙烯酰胺和蒙脫土滲灌復合材料制備過程


圖2 滲灌系統設計

1.3 滲灌復合材料室內試驗與性能分析

1.3.1 成膜性能


1.3.2 吸釋性能

1)吸水試驗:將蒙脫土和聚丙烯酰胺的混合液烘干后制成2 cm×2 cm×0.5 cm的塊狀固體,在60 ℃下烘干后用紗布將其包裹放入水中,定時取出稱質量M并記錄,直到充分吸水后質量不再明顯變化。


1.4 滲灌系統導水性能分析


室內導水試驗:將滲灌滴頭埋入自制沙箱中,埋深10 cm,水源處不加外壓,試驗開始后定時測量其出水量大小變化,試驗設計5個平行樣。24 h導水性能測試中每1 h測定1次出水量,7 d導水性能測試中每1 d測定1次出水量。干濕循環導水性能測試中將滲灌滴頭用紗布包裹后埋入干沙中,干沙為用烘箱將沙子烘干到質量不再變化為止,每1 d測定1次出水量,滲灌4 d后將其整體移入另一個自制沙箱的干沙中繼續試驗,共計干濕循環3次。

沙漠現場試驗:沙漠現場試驗選在內蒙古磴口縣的烏蘭布和沙漠,根據氣象資料統計,試驗區年降水量最大和最小值分別為150.3和33.3 mm,年均降水量和年均蒸發量分別為102.9和2 258.8 mm,最高氣溫、最低氣溫和平均氣溫分別為39、-29.6和7.8 ℃。試驗對象選擇對水分條件較敏感的肉蓯蓉,肉蓯蓉是寄生在固沙植物梭梭根部的寄生植物,肉蓯蓉接種期和生長期適宜的土壤含水率為3%~18%[26-28],水分過大或過小都不易成活。試驗時間共計6個月(2018年3月15日—9月15日),試驗設置為2個試驗組:A組為對照組,采用當地傳統的蓄水坑灌方式(圖3)。在梭梭苗接種肉蓯蓉的一側挖三角形的蓄水坑,深度約為70 cm。灌溉過程中根據天氣情況不定期澆水(澆水不宜過多,以地下0.7 m深處沙子略有濕氣為佳),每次灌水時將蓄水坑中灌滿水分,每次灌水時記錄用水量1i,接種期6個月共澆水4次,試驗期結束計算總用水量(1總,L)。B組為滲灌組,采用集中供水方式,利用水箱(50 L)儲存水分,通過滲灌管路系統將水分直接送達植物根部附近。

圖3 蓄水坑灌示意圖




圖4 沙漠現場試驗照片

導水機理分析:用美國尼高力公司NEXUS 670FT-IR光譜儀對PAM和MMT制備的復合導水材料進行紅外光譜分析,測試范圍4 000~500 cm-1,掃描次數128次,分辨率8 cm-1。用日本理學D/MAX—2200PC型X射線衍射儀測定PAM和MMT制備的復合導水材料的XRD圖譜,銅靶(=0.15 nm),管電流100 mA,掃描速度5°/min。


2 結果與分析

2.1 滲灌復合材料成膜性能分析


圖5 基于聚丙烯酰胺和蒙脫土不同配比的復合材料成膜圖

2.2 滲灌復合材料吸釋水性能分析

圖6為滲灌材料M5和M6的吸水和釋水曲線,由圖 6a可知,材料吸水率隨著吸水時間的延長而持續增加,但吸水速率(指吸水率曲線的斜率)逐漸下降,M6吸水率整體高于M5。在40 min內,吸水率增加較快,吸水速率幾乎保持不變,40~120 min,吸水率繼續增加,但是吸水速率開始逐漸降低,120 min后吸水率變化較小,吸水速率幾乎降為0。150 min時M5吸水率為30.2 g/g,M6吸水率為36.2 g/g。說明復合材料在干燥狀態下可以快速吸收水分,吸水速率隨著吸水率的增加而逐漸下降,直到吸水飽和后不再吸水。而復合材料中PAM作為高吸水樹脂,對水分有強吸附作用,因此PAM含量較高的M6吸水性能更好。

圖6b和圖6c分別為M5和M6在空氣和干沙中的釋水曲線圖,材料釋水率隨著時間的延長逐漸增加,但釋水速率逐漸下降。在空氣中,M5在50 min內快速釋水,直到140 min釋水率開始保持穩定,釋水率達24.2 g/g,而M6在40 min內快速釋水,40 min后釋水速率就開始下降,到160 min釋水率基本保持穩定,釋水率達15 g/g。M5釋水速率和釋水率都高于M6,說明M5快速釋水性能優于M6。試樣在干沙中釋水規律與空氣中基本一致,但是干沙中釋水速率和釋水率都略高于空氣中,其中M5在60 min內快速釋水,直到150 min失水率基本保持穩定,釋水率達28.5 g/g。而M6在50 min內快速釋水,到90 min基本保持穩定,釋水率達16.9 g/g。干沙中釋水速率和釋水率高于空氣中,這是由于干沙對水分的強吸力作用導致。M5在空氣中和干沙中釋水性能都由于M6,這是由于復合材料中PAM作為高吸水樹脂,對水分有強束縛作用,因此PAM含量較低的M5,其釋水性能更好。

圖6 滲灌復合材料(M5和M6)吸水和釋水性能

圖7為利用滲灌材料M5和M6制備滲灌頭,滲灌頭出水端附近土壤含水率隨時間變化圖。由圖可知,滲灌開始后,土壤含水率快速升高,5~7 h后土壤含水率增速趨緩,土壤含水率逐漸趨于穩定。M5在5 h后趨于穩定,對應土壤含水率為13%,而M6在7 h達到穩定,對應土壤含水率為11%。由此可知,M5和M6對應土壤含水率都可滿足肉蓯蓉生長需要,但是M5比M6響應速度更快,作為滲灌材料,其主要作用是運輸傳遞水分,考慮到響應速度和成本控制的需要(PAM成本較高),選擇M5進行研究。

圖7 滲灌頭(M5和M6)導水性能

2.3 滲灌系統導水性能分析

圖8為滲灌系統自調節導水性能,滲灌系統在24 h內出水速率逐漸降低,最開始出水速率可達52 mL/h,隨后出水速率快速下降,到6 h出水速率為21 mL/h,然后出水速率開始趨于緩慢下降并趨于穩定,到24 h出水速率為7 mL/h。滲灌系統7 d內導水曲線顯示,1 d的導水速率為420 mL/d,隨后導水速率保持穩定,為160 mL/d左右,這表明隨著導水過程的進行,外界土壤濕度逐漸提高,導水速率逐漸下降并趨于穩定。

圖8c為滲灌系統在3次干濕循環測試中導水性能曲線圖,3次干濕循環中,滲灌系統第1天導水速率都達到420 mL/d左右,第2~3天導水速率保持165 mL/d左右。這表明當外界土壤濕度較低時,滲灌系統導水速率較快(420 mL/d左右),隨著導水的進行,外界土壤濕度逐漸升高,滲灌系統導水速率下降并保持穩定(165 mL/d左右)。當土壤濕度再次降低時,滲灌系統導水速率也會再次升高(420 mL/d左右),結合圖8a和8b分析結果可知,滲灌系統可根據外界土壤濕度自調節導水速率。

2.4 滲灌系統荒漠化現場應用

表1為統計計算的接種率和用水量,傳統的蓄水坑灌技術總用水量為1 600 L,接種率為23%,使用滲灌技術后,接種率大幅度提高為86%,總用水量2總下降為110 L,說明滲灌技術可大幅度調高肉蓯蓉接種率,同時也大幅度減少總用水量。這是由于滲灌技術中的復合導水材料可自調節導水速率,將植物根部附近土壤濕度保持在適宜的范圍內。圖9a為接種成功的肉蓯蓉,肉蓯蓉通過寄生在梭梭苗植物根部而獲取養分。圖9b為接種成功的肉蓯蓉開花圖。

2.5 滲灌材料自調節導水機理分析

圖10為導水材料的X射線衍射圖,蒙脫土是由Si-O四面體和Al-O八面體復合而成的具有片層結構的晶體物質,通過X射線衍射儀可對其晶體結構變化進行分析。由圖可知,導水材料的主要晶相特征峰與MMT較為接近,說明PAM并未破壞黏土的片層結構,導水材料中的主要特征峰為MMT晶體結構中的001面的特征峰。該特征峰向小角度偏移,特征峰對應的衍射角的2倍值由7.3°減少為6.1°,根據布拉格方程2sin=(其中為特征峰對應的晶面間距,為衍射角,為衍射級數,為X射線的波長)計算可知,其晶面間距由1.21 nm變為1.45 nm,說明PAM和MMT的復合使MMT的片層間距變大,結合相關文獻可知,PAM是通過插層進入MMT片層間,使其片層間距變大[29]。

圖8 滲灌系統自調節導水性能

表1 肉蓯蓉接種率和總用水量

圖9 采用滲灌系統后肉蓯蓉生長狀況

圖10 復合材料X射線衍射示意圖

圖11為導水材料的紅外光譜圖,復合材料的紅外特征峰和MMT較為接近,MMT中主要的特征峰在復合材料中都出現,包括1 040 cm-1處為Si-O四面體伸縮振動峰、3 436 cm-1處和1 628 cm-1處為層間水的伸縮和彎曲振動峰、3 612 cm-1處為MMT的結構羥基振動峰。相比于MMT,復合材料新增了2 930 cm-1處的亞甲基C-H反對稱伸縮振動的振動峰,1 636 cm-1處的酰胺基中羰基的特征峰,1 457cm-1處的亞甲基變形的特征峰,這些峰是PAM中主要官能團的峰。復合材料中出現PAM的特征峰,說明PAM和MMT復合成功,結合X射線衍射分析結果可知,PAM是通過插層作用進入MMT片層間,與MMT復合生成復合導水材料[27-28]。

圖11 復合材料的紅外光譜示意圖


圖12a為導水材料處于干燥狀態的微觀形貌圖,PAM干燥收縮,粘附在其上的MMT也隨PAM收縮而團聚粘結在一起,MMT連接形成水分快速傳遞通道,因此本階段導水速率較快。圖12b為導水材料吸水后的微觀形貌圖,PAM逐漸吸水溶脹,由于PAM未充分吸水,容易造成吸水不均勻和溶脹不均勻,左側PAM溶脹較少,因此MMT連接在一起,右側PAM溶脹較充分,粘附在其上的MMT隨著PAM的溶脹而逐漸分開,此階段水分由PAM和MMT共同傳遞,因此導水速率快速下降。圖 12c為導水材料充分吸水后的微觀形貌圖,PAM充分溶脹形成樹枝狀網絡結構,粘附在其上的MMT被分開,由MMT形成的水分快速傳輸通道被徹底切斷,水分由PAM傳遞,因此,此階段導水速率較慢。圖12d可詳細觀察到隨著PAM的溶脹,MMT逐漸分開的動態變化過程。




圖13 導水機理示意圖

3 結 論




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Preparation of polyacrylamide/montmorillonite infiltrating irrigation material and field test of its water conducting performance

Qu Yongping1,2, Zhang Zengzhi3

(1.,,030051,; 2.,030051,; 3.,(),100083,)

Based on the characteristics of micro water requirement of psammophytes, a kind of infiltrating irrigation composite material was prepared by using Polyacrylamide (PAM) and Montmorillonite (MMT). An infiltrating irrigation system was then designed based on the composite material. The film-forming properties of the composite water conducting materials with different proportions of PAM and MMT were observed and analyzed by using a scanning electron microscope, and water absorption performance and water release performance of the material were tested in air and sand. The composite water conducting materials were made into an infiltrating irrigation emitter, and the water conductivity of the infiltrating irrigation head was studied. On this basis, an infiltration irrigation system was designed, and then water transmission performance of the infiltration irrigation system was studied. A field test of infiltrating irrigation system in Ulan Buhe desert was carried out. The self-regulation mechanism of composite material was analyzed by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectrum analyzer and scanning electron microscope. The results showed that the best mass ratio of PAM to MMT was 0.25. The material had good coating uniformity on the fiber surface. The water absorption test showed that, in the first 40 min, the water absorption increased rapidly. From 40 to 120 min, the water absorption continued to increase, but the water absorption rate began to decrease gradually. After 120 min, the water absorption amount changed little, and the water absorption rate almost dropped to 0. The water absorption amount was 30.2 g/g at 150 min. In air, the composite released water rapidly in the first 50 minutes, and then kept stable until 140 minutes, reaching 24.2 g/g. The water release rate in dry sand was slightly higher than it in air. The water release reached 28.5 g/g. The water conducting test of infiltrating irrigation emitter showed that the soil moisture content was 13% after the water diversion was stable, indicating that the soil moisture content could meet the growth needs of. The water conducting tests of infiltrating irrigation showed that the effluent rate of irrigating system gradually decreased within 24 h, and the initial effluent rate reached 52 mL/h, and then decreased rapidly to 21 mL/h at 6 h. The effluent rate began to slow down and tend to be stable, and the effluent rate was 7 mL/h at 24 h. The water conducting curve of infiltrating irrigation system within 7 days showed that the water conducting rate was 420 mL/d on the first day, and then kept stable at about 160 mL/ d. In the three dry and wet cycles, the water conductivity of the infiltrating irrigation system was 420 mL/d in the first day, and 165 mL/h in the second to third day. The results showed that when the external soil moisture was low, the hydraulic conductivity of the infiltrating irrigation system was faster (about 420 mL/d), and with the water conduction, the external soil moisture gradually increased, and the water conducting rate of the infiltrating irrigation system decreased and remained stable. When the soil moisture decreased again, the water conductivity of the infiltrating irrigation system would increase again. So the dry and wet alternating test showed that it could self-regulate the water conducting rate according to the soil moisture, and the inoculation rate ofimproved from 23% to 86%. The infrared spectrum analysis results showed that the lamellar structure of MMT had not been destroyed, and PAM was connected to MMT by intercalation effect. X-ray diffractometer analysis results showed that the laminar spacing of MMT increased from 1.21 to 1.45 nm after intercalation reactions. The microscopic analysis showed that the water conducting materials mainly relied on the interaction between PAM and MMT to transfer water. When the soil moisture was low, the moisture content of the water conducting materials near the soil side decreased and was in a relatively dry state, and the MMT particles aggregated to form a rapid water conducting channel. When the external soil moisture was high, the moisture content of the water conducting material near the soil side was also high, and it was in the state of water absorption and swelling. The water conducting channel of montmorillonite was cut off, and the water conducting rate dropped rapidly so as to realize the self-regulation of the water conducting rate of the composite material. The results could provide information for the application of seepage irrigation materials.

desertification; polyacrylamide; montmorillonite; infiltrating irrigation; water conducting





渠永平,張增志. 聚丙烯酰胺/蒙脫土滲灌材料制備及其導水性能野外試驗[J]. 農業工程學報,2020,36(18):144-152.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.18.018 http://www.tcsae.org

Qu Yongping, Zhang Zengzhi. Preparation of polyacrylamide/montmorillonite infiltrating irrigation material and field test of its water conducting performance[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(18): 144-152. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.18.018 http://www.tcsae.org





