
China launches attempt to land spacecraft on Mars

2020-12-05 10:39陜西鎮巴中學王明英
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2020年11期

陜西鎮巴中學 王明英





4.solar-powered rover太陽能探測器

An unmanned Chinese spacecraft left Earth on a yearlong trip to the planet Mars.The launch marks the beginning of one of China's most important space missions yet.

China's national space agency launched the spacecraft,called Tianwen-1,from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch area on Hainan Island.Hundreds of people were watching and cheered as it rose into the sky.

The name Tianwen means “Heavenly Questions” or“Questions to Heaven” in Mandarin Chinese.The spacecraft is expected to reach the Red Planet by next February.

Once it begins orbiting the planet,a probe will leave the spacecraft and attempt to land on the Utopia Planitia area of Mars.Space agency officials say the probe will release a small solar-powered rover.They say the vehicle will explore the planet's surface for about three months.

A successful landing would make China only the second nation to place a spacecraft on the Martian planet.The United States has landed eight probes on Mars since 1976.

China would also be the first to successfully orbit,land and deploy a vehicle in the same mission.

This is China's first independent mission to Mars.A 2011 mission failed when a Russian rocket carrying a Chinese orbiter had problems after launch,and was unable to escape from Earth's orbit.

Last year,China's Chang'e-4 spacecraft became the first to make a landing on the far side of the moon.

The Tianwen-1 is the third mission to Mars this year.On Monday,Japanese engineers launched a rocket.It is carrying an orbiter developed and built by the United Arab Emirates.The US space agency NASA had intended to launch a new Martian vehicle,named Perseverance,on July 30.



1.What's the name of the spacecraft?


2.Where was the spacecraft launched?


3.When will the spacecraft get to Mars according to the text?


4.Which country is the first to launch a probe on Mars?


5.What was the first to make a landing on the far side of the moon last year?




Difficult sentence

A 2011 mission failed when a Russian rocket carrying a Chinese orbiter had problems after launch,and was unable to escape from Earth's orbit.


【點石成金】本句是一個主從復合句。句中連詞when引導的是時間狀語從句;carrying a Chinese orbiter是現在分詞短語作后置定語。

藍色起源將實現世界首次全大眾太空飛行 最小機組人員僅十八歲
Gu Qingsheng, the guardian of Shennongjia 古清生,神農架的守護者
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