

2020-12-26 02:58山東菏澤市東明縣東方學校李全忠
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2020年12期

山東菏澤市東明縣東方學校 李全忠

童話故事對孩子的吸引力一直都存在,原因是什么呢? 本文對此做出了相應的解釋,讓我們一起來看看吧!

題材體裁 文章詞數 建議用時約391 7分鐘童話故事 說明文


1. genre /??ɑ?nr?/ n. 類型

2. warlock /?w??l?k/ n. (尤指邪惡的)男巫;術士

3. troll /tr??l/ n. 巨怪

4. cheesy /?t?i?zi/ adj. 粗俗的

5. formulaic /?f??mju?le??k/ adj. 公式化構思的

Almost any young person can tell you the basic plot of Cinderella or Hansel & Gretel or Little Red Riding Hood. What is it about this genre of stories that makes them so memorable and so loved by kids and adults?

What kids say about fairy tales

Michael says, “The magic is my favorite part about reading fairy tales.” Witches and warlocks, good fairies and evil trolls,characters who can transform into something more beautiful or an entirely new shape inspire active imaginations and make kids feel like anything is possible. Zoe loves the adventures in fairy tales.

“Reading them lets me escape from the real world.” Isabella, 8,seconds that saying, “I can use my imagination when I read these and visit places I could never really go.”

What educators say about fairy tales

Educators also love sharing fairy tales with kids to strengthen their reading comprehension and writing skills. Kristen, a second grade teacher likes to use these stories to introduce the topic of perspective. “We read The Three Little Pigs and then another story from the Big Bad Wolf's perspective.They loved it! ” Jenni, a fifth grade teacher, uses fairy tales like The True Story of the Three Little Pigs to kick off a creative writing unit with her students. “Reading a book like this opens up a new world to them as writers. Knowing that it's okay to take a familiar storyline of it gets their creative writing juices flowing.”

Favorite fairy tales and the Disney factor

When asked to pick their favorite fairy tales, the answers ranged from classics to modern twists to Disney's versions. Kyra, 12, appreciates the depth and complexity of classic fairy tales. “They help me think about real life problems and give me hope.” Jack, 12, loves books like A Tale Dark and Grimm where “the tales take a twist and who you thought was bad becomes good”.

While many kids first get introduced to these stories through Disney books and movies, the “Disneyfication” of fairy tales is not for everyone. “The Disney versions are way too cheesy and wrap them all up with a ‘happily ever after’ formulaic ending. I prefer the modern takes on the fairy tales like The Land of Stories where things are more complicated,” shares Nicole.

Reading Check

1. What makes Zoe love fairy tales so much?

A. The magic. B. The characters.

C. The adventures. D. The imagination.

2. Why do educators love sharing fairy tales with kids?

A. To make their teaching easy.

B. To help kids understand the text.

C. To encourage kids to love their lessons.

D. To improve kids' reading and writing skills.

3. What can we know from paragraph 4 and paragraph 5?

A. Kids all love classic fairy tales.

B. Nicole appreciates the depth of classic fairy tales.

C. Jack loves books with twists.

D. No one loves the “Disneyfication” of fairy tales.

Language Study

Sentence for writing

Reading them lets me escape from the real world.

【信息提取】此句中Reading them在句子中為動名詞形式作主語,謂語動詞使用第三人稱單數形式。


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