

2021-08-16 03:26謝亞麗
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2021年4期


Facts about ADHD

It is reported that nearly 2.5 million primary school children in the United States have ADHD (多動癥). That is one out of ten children. Those children may have trouble sitting quietly. Some play with pencils, talk when they shouldnt, and jump to do things before thinking. Others can sit still but find it hard to focus on schoolwork. However, ADHD does not have to be something that keeps you away from achievements.

Astronaut Scott Kelly has flown on four space missions(太空飛行任務). But when he was growing up, he had trouble focusing in school. As a result, he got low grades.

“I read a novel in college about the space program. The book motivated (激勵) me to study harder and become a better student and, finally, an astronaut. The lesson I learned was: Dont ever give up on yourself. Find something or someone that motivates you.”

Katherine was a newspaper reporter. She won a Pulitzer Prize. She did not know she had ADHD until her son did a test to find out if he had it. Reading his checklist carefully, she realized that he did have ADHD and so did she. Today, she accepts ADHD as part of her biggest challenges and her greatest successes.

Zachary is an excellent skater and has won some international prizes. In primary school, Zachary had no friends because his classmates thought he was wild and got excited too easily.

“When I was 16, I realized that it was OK for me to be different from others. Now, I still fight with ADHD, but Ive learned how to slow down, which is important to someone with ADHD.”

1. The underlined part “Those children” in paragraph 1 refers to “? ? ? ? ? ”.

A. children with ADHD

B. children in the United States

C. children with good achievements

D. children having trouble with their schoolwork

2. Scott Kelly found motivation from? ? ? ? ? ?.

A. an astronaut

B. a novel

C. his space missions

D. his college courses

3. Katherine didnt realize that she had ADHD until? ? ? ? ? ?.

A. her son asked her to do a test

B. her doctor told her about it

C. she became a newspaper reporter

D. she saw her sons ADHD checklist

4. The author wrote this text mainly to? ? ? ? ? ?.

A. explain what ADHD is

B. show the influence of ADHD

C. encourage people with ADHD

D. call for help for people with ADHD

Difficult sentence

In primary school, Zachary had no friends because his classmates thought he was wild and got excited too easily. 在小學時,Zachary沒有朋友,因為他的同學認為他狂躁且容易激動。



Exploring the link between education and climate change 教育和氣候變化之間有何聯系