
Shaxian delicacies taste global success沙縣小吃風靡全球

2021-08-27 00:03朱海燕
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2021年7期



More than 200 types of delicacies(美食) from Fujian Province are making mouths water not only in China but across the world. Two of the most popular delights from Shaxian county, Sanming city, are noodles boiled in bone soup served with peanut butter, along with wontons(餛飩) filled with juicy meat in a sizzling(酷熱的) soup.

Twenty years ago, Luo Guangcan, 59, from Xiamao township in the county, worked in a local shoe factory to make a living. Now, he earns considerably more by operating five restaurants serving Shaxian delicacies in cities such as Beijing and Tianjin, as well as Tangshan and Bao ding in Hebei Province.

He has developed these eateries since 2007, and four years ago, opened his first overseas restaurant in Singapore. In recent years, the annual profit from his businesses has reached more than 1 million yuan ($153,000), Luo said.

“Im planning to expand my business in Singapore, and Im also considering opening a restaurant in Malaysia, where there are many overseas Chinese,” he added.

More than 60,000 people—mostly farmers—from Shaxian county have run restaurants across China serving Shaxian food since the 1980s, when locals traveled far to set up family run outlets.

As the number of college students, migrant workers and traders in urban areas rose in the early stages of reform and opening up, the delicacies were welcomed for their flavors and affordable prices.

There are now more than 88,000 restaurants serving Shaxian delicacies nationwide, with a total turnover of over 50 billion yuan annually, according to the Shaxian Delicacies Trade Association. Providing foodies with quality snacks at competitive prices, the Shaxian delicacies business has become a local pillar industry.

Since mid 2018, Shaxian Snacks restaurants, with their iconic Pac Man like logos, have been established in 62 countries and regions, including the United States, Japan, Australia, France and Portugal.

Have you ever tasted Shaxian delicacies?What do you think of it?
