

2021-08-28 16:24曲永華
初中生學習指導·中考版 2021年8期


考點三: 賓語從句主句與從句時態一致的問題

1. 如果主句是現在的某種時態,那么賓語從句的時態可根據實際情況而定。如:

I remember he gave me a book yesterday.


He told me that he was preparing for the sports meet.

3. 如果賓語從句表示的是客觀事實或真理,即使主句是過去時,從句也用一般現在時態。如:

The teacher said that the earth goes around the sun.

典例:【2020 ·新疆維吾爾自治區(建設兵團)】—What did the shopkeeper say to you?

— She asked me .

A. when does the shop close B. where did I see the style

C. if I preferred that orange dress D. what else I will buy



主句如果是I think/ believe/ imagine/ suppose/ guess/ expect等,從句的否定一般要轉移到主句中,其反意疑問句與從句一致(主謂看從句,肯否看主句);如果主句的主語是其他人稱,反意疑問句要由主句來決定。例如:


【誤】I think he can’ t come this evening.【正】I don’ t think he can come this evening.


【誤】He doesn’ t think she’s in the classroom now.【正】He thinks she’s not in the classroom now.


I don’t believe he did this, did he?


He thinks I can come, doesn’ t he?


1. 當賓語從句的主語和主句的主語相同,且主句謂語動詞為hope, wish, decide, agree, choose等詞時,從句可簡化為不定式結構。如:

My friend hopes that he can receive a birthday present.=My friend hopes to receive a birthday present.

2. 當賓語從句的主語和主句的主語相同,且主句的謂語動詞是know, remember, forget, learn等,從句有疑問詞引導時,從句可簡化為“疑問詞 + 不定式”結構。如:

She doesn’t know what she should say next.=She doesn’t know what to say next.


1. 【2020 ·遼寧·丹東】—I wonder .

—Of course it is.

A. that mooncakes are delicious B. whether June is a good time to visit Dandong

C. when the band starts playing this evening D. if the bookstore opens today

2. 【2020 ·遼寧·錦州】—Wow, your dress is so beautiful. Could you tell me ?

—Oh, I bought it in an online store.

A. when you bought it B. where you bought it

C. how much you spent on it D. how long you have had it

3. 【2020 ·遼寧·沈陽】I plan to go to the Liaoning Museum, but I’m not sure .

A. how I can get there B. how can I get there C. how I could get there D. how could I get there

4. 【2020 ·遼寧·鐵嶺葫蘆島卷】—Could you tell me the book?

—Sure, I bought it online.

A. why you bought B. when you bought C. where you bought D. how much you paid for

5. 【2020 ·山東·東營】— I wonder .

— Well, I think Qingfeng Lake Park is a good choice.

A. what I shall sell at my street stall(貨攤)

B. whom I could open a street stall with

C. if I can open a street stall after work

D. which is the best place for a street stall

6. 【2020 ·山東·青島】— Lily, could you tell me ?

—About ten minutes.

A. how far is it from your home to school B. how far it is from your home to school

C. how long does it take you to walk to school D. how long it takes you to walk to school

7. 【2020 ·山東·日照】My friend asked me this 5G mobile phone.

A. where I bought B. where did I buy C. where I buy D. where do I buy

Keys:1-5:BBACD 6-7:DA

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