

2021-10-27 11:56王建國,蔣楠,王小嘉
世界建筑 2021年10期










1 東南鳥瞰/Southeast aerial view

2 從操場看校園建筑群/View of the campus buildings from the playground(1.2攝影/Photos: 陳顥/CHEN Hao)

This project is one of the educational facilities for the community of East Zhoupu Station area of Shanghai Rail Line 16, which is located to the north of Yuntao Road, the south of Liuzaogang River, the east of Zhoutai Road and the west of Zhouxiu Road. It features convenient road traffic and pleasant riverside landscape resources, highlighting obvious geographical advantages.The primary school is designed to fit 30 classrooms and is expected to accommodate up to 1200 students.

The Tree of Growth

The scheme starts with the construction of the campus space by creating three-dimensional shared space and activity venue that provide students with diversified space and experience. The architectural layout along the roads can ensure the openness of the river and natural landscape to the greatest extent. With dynamic architectural form and landscape, the overall mobility of public space is obtained, making the campus evolve with nature.

The Platform for Sharing

The building is layered vertically to form an integrated platform for sharing, connecting the public functions of different floors. In addition to connecting the classrooms, the platform also integrates a variety of public functions, such as education exhibition hall, library, stadium,grandstand, etc. The platform space combines the front hall, open corridor, grand steps, public stairs,etc., creating a vivid and diverse spatial form.

The Garden of Vitality

The teaching and experiment facilities fully meet the sunlight exposure and landscape view requirements, forming an organic whole with the platform for sharing. Activity venues and green courtyards with different sizes and scales have also been established, not only enhancing the spatial experience of teaching areas but also improving the micro-environment within it. Putting the psychological and behavioural characteristics as well as the students' curiosity into consideration,furniture and installations suitable for children are used to create a lively atmosphere and provide students with rich extracurricular activities.

The Glamour of Jiangnan Area

The architectural design is modern and concise, not only avoiding excessive decoration but also showing greater emphasis on the building's expression. The main surface adopts white decorative mortar and grey bricks, with partial single-sloped and double-sloped roofs, creating the contemporary glamour of Jiangnan area,incorporating both its traditional implication and modern architectural style. Colour-based decorations are employed for different teaching units to form a lively teaching atmosphere. At the same time,perforated aluminium plates and aluminium alloy grilles are matched at intervals to form a rhythmic open interface. Furthermore, the common corridor on the west side is combined with the activity space to form a suspended green courtyard, which not only enriches the space but also enhances the green ecological performance of the building.□

項目信息/Credits and Data

設計團隊/Design Team: 王建國,蔣楠,王小嘉,沈宇馳,呂明揚等/WANG Jianguo, JIANG Nan, WANG Xiaojia SHEN Yuchi, LYU Mingyang, et al.

建筑面積/Floor Area: 16,300 m2

設計時間/Design Period: 2015-2018

竣工時間/Completion Time: 2021

攝影/Photos: 陳顥,王建國,張雷/CHEN Hao, WANG Jianguo, ZHANG Lei

3 校園主入口/Main entrance(攝影/Photo: 陳顥/CHEN Hao)




4 總平面/Site plan

5 首層平面/Ground floor plan

6 剖面/Section


LI Xiangning: The primary school on block 07-05 of East Zhoupu Station of Shanghai Rail Line 16 is situated in the southern part of Shanghai Pudong New District, along the north-south Shanghai-Fengxian Expressway, with the newly built Shanghai International Medical Park to the east and the living area to the west, 500 metres west of the rail line station. The surrounding area is under development,and the site is also quite distant from the central area of Zhoupu Town to the west. Therefore, other than having to respect the urban context, the elements that can be used as reference for the design were mostly absent. The lack of urban fabric and urban form led to relatively inefficient external conditions, making it indifferent to the occurrence of new social cultures and difficult to establish people's identity with the place and its culture. This is the typical situation that many Chinese architects often face in new development plots. The "Tabula rasa" state may be an aspiration in Le Corbusier' s "Ville Radieuse", but in this case is more likely a realistic reflection of the original theory proposed by the philosopher John Locke .

How to build a building in a nearly blank site, and thus enable people to accumulate sense and experience of the place? WANG Jianguo's choice is to construct an autonomous spatial order —— according to the existing road conditions, the architect organised an L-shaped continuous edge on the west and north side of the site,and actively intervened in shaping new urban interface.From the functional perspective of urban design,the different organisational relationships among the teaching, sports, and auxiliary blocks are fully explored,and three relatively independent courtyard spaces are enclosed in consideration of the bar-shaped teaching building plan. The various and well-proportioned green landscapes are scattered among them, constructing a continuous relationship of mutual penetration. The buildings are arranged on the west side of the site,and the courtyard provides a good view for the users.The east part is planned as various sports fields, and is reserved for adaptation and coordination with the surrounding urban environment to be built. The buildings thus set up a central point for the site.

7 鳥瞰/Aerial view

8 入口鳥瞰/Aerial view of entrance(7.8攝影/Photos: 張雷/ZHANG Lei)

9 沿街立面/View from the street(攝影/Photo: 王建國/WANG Jianguo)

10 風雨操場/Gymnasium

11 風雨操場室內/Interior view of Gymnasium(10.11攝影/Photos: 王建國/WANG Jianguo)

12 西側鳥瞰/West aerial view(攝影/Photo: 陳顥/CHEN Hao)

常懷關愛心 山里幫窮娃:記陽城縣董封鄉關工委常務副主任王建國