
On the Character: 演

2021-10-28 13:51
漢語世界(The World of Chinese) 2021年5期

A character that helps you fake it til you make it


Many great literary works are created in adversity. According to theRecords of the Grand Historian (《史記》), a 2,000-year-old historical Chinese text, “King Wen worked onThe Book of Changesin prison (文王拘而演《周易》).”

As the legend goes, the tyrannical King Zhou (紂王) of the Shang dynasty (1600 –1046 BCE) imprisoned King Wen of Zhou (周文王) for seven years because he was afraid of King Wens popularity. While in captivity, King Wen deduced (推演tuīyǎn) the Sixty-Four Hexagrams, a pattern of fortune-telling symbols that forms the basis of Chinas divination classicThe Book of Changes, orI Ching(《易經》). The principles in theI Chinglater evolved (演化yǎnhuà) to influence various fields including politics, economy, education, and astronomy, while King Wens son, King Wu (周武王), went on to overthrow the Shang and found the Zhou dynasty (1046 – 221 BCE).

The character 演?(yǎn) originally meant “flowing (長流),” as indicated by the water (水) radical on its left. Its pronunciation was based on the component 寅?(yín) on the right, according to the Analytical Dictionary of Chinese Characters(《說文解字》) published in the 2nd century. Scholar Mu Hua (木華) from the Jin dynasty (265 – 420), for instance, writes in his work “Ode to the Sea (《海賦》)”: “[The sea]…flows to Ximu in the east, and to Qingzhou and Xuzhou in the west (東演析木,西薄青徐).”

Though 演?has not retained its original meaning, it still appears in modern Chinese words for deduction and elaboration, as in “正確的前提推演出正確的結論?(Zhèngquè de qiántítuīyǎnchūzhèngquè de jiélùn, Correct conclusions can only be deduced from true premises).” Later, it extended to mean a drill, practice, or calculation based on a set pattern, formula or style. For instance, 演算?(yǎnsuàn) refers to making mathematical calculations, 演說(yǎnshuō) or 演講?(yǎnjiǎng) means to give a speech, and 消防演習?(xiāofángyǎnxí) is a fire drill.

The character 演?also denotes changes, development, and evolution, as in 演變?(yǎnbiàn) and 演化(yǎnhuà). As the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “The only thing that is constant is change”; a similar idea expressed in Chinese would be “宇宙間一切事物都是不斷演變的?(Yǔzhòujiānyíqièshìwùdōushìbúduànyǎnbiàn de, Everything in the universe changes constantly).”

In the process of evolution, things are often fleshed out and expanded. The term 演義?(yǎnyì), usually found in written Chinese, means to adapt or expand on a literary text. For instance, “這出戲根據《紅樓夢》的一段情節演義而成?(Zhèchūxìgēnjù《Hónglóumèng》 de yíduànqíngjiéyǎnyìérchéng, The play is based on an episode in Dream of the Red Chamber).” It also refers to a type of Chinese historical novel that titles each chapter with a couplet summarizing the content to come, such as 《三國演義》(Romance of the Three Kingdoms) and 《隋唐演義》(Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties).

In modern Chinese, 演?is most frequently used to mean “performance,” as in 表演?(biǎoyǎn, to perform) or 扮演 (bànyǎn, to play a role). Practitioners of the performing arts (表演藝術biǎoyǎnyìshù) put on shows (演出yǎnchū), which may consist of singing (演唱yǎnchàng), playing a musical instrument (演奏yǎnzòu), or acting in a play (演戲yǎnxì). Performing in an opera, especially a traditional Chinese opera, is called 唱戲?(chàngxì, singing opera) to highlight the integral role of singing in the performance.

The character also serves as a standalone verb. For instance, 他在電影里演一個壞人?(Tāzàidiànyǐng liyǎnyígèhuàirén, He plays a villain in that movie). Those who act are 演員?(yǎnyuán, actors), and people that direct such performances are 導演?(dǎoyǎn, directors).

Good acting (演技yǎnjì) is necessary not only for professionals, but also for regular people. As a viral online expression goes, “生活不易,全靠演技?(Shēnghuóbúyì, quánkàoyǎnjì, Life is hard; its all about your acting skills).” Great playwrights have often compared life to a stage—so whether youre suffering from wrongful imprisonment, or just trying to get ahead in your career, dont forget to fake it til you make it. – Huang Weijia (黃偉嘉) and Tan Yunfei (譚云飛)

Illustration Design and Painting by Cai Tao and Wang Siqi

Battle for Bohemia
人生如戲, 全靠演技