
Typical Chinese clothes典型的中國服裝

2021-11-23 03:04安徽王濤濤
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2021年10期

安徽 王濤濤

文章詞數 3 0 0 難度 ★★★ 建議用時 6分鐘

1Chinese clothes reflected Chinese aesthetics,philosophy (哲學),and social values as they changed through thousands of years of history.Most countries in the world have their own unique clothes,from which people are able to distinguish(區分)one country from another,and so it has been with China.The Hanfu,Tang suit,and cheongsam (qipao)are the three most representative types of Chinese clothing.


2The Hanfu is the oldest of China's traditional clothes.Legend traces it back to over 4,000 years ago when Huangdi's consort(配偶), Leizu,made cloth with silk.It was constantly improved throughout several dynasties.

3Until the Han Dynasty,the Hanfu was adopted and promoted by the ruling class.It then became the national clothing of the Han ethnic people.It also had a far-reaching influence on neighboring Asian countries,such as Japan and Vietnam.

●Tang suit

4The Tang suit often refers to a type of Chinese jacket rather than the clothing of the Tang Dynasty.This name came from the overseas Chinese.As the Tang Empire was famous for being rich and powerful in the world,foreigners called the overseas Chinese people “the Tang people”and the clothes they wore were called“Tang suit”.


5The cheongsam developed from the Manchu (滿族) women's changpao(“long gown”)of the Qing Dynasty.The Manchu ethnic people were also called the Qi people by the Han people;hence (因此)their long gown was named qipao(“Qi gown”).Cheongsam is popular because it fits the Chinese female figure well,and looks elegant.It is suitable for wearing all the year round for both young and elderly group.And it can either be long or short.

Reading Check

I.Choose the best answers according to the text.


1.What can we learn about Chinese clothes according to paragraph 1?

A.They show Chinese philosophy to the world.

B.They are totally different within the changes.

C.They are special compared with other countries'clothes.

D.They can be divided into four different types.


2.What do the paragraphs of“Hanfu” mainly talk about?

A.The invention of Hanfu. B.The change of Hanfu.

C.The development of Hanfu. D.The production of Hanfu.


3.According to the text,the Tang suit __________.

A.originated from the Tang Dynasty

B.is designed by the overseas Chinese

C.is just a kind of Chinese jacket

D.is well-known for being powerful


What's your favorite Chinese clothing?Do you want to revive (復興)traditional Chinese clothes?And why?

Language Study

I.Analyze the difficult structure in the text

Most countries in the world have their own unique clothes,from which people are able to distinguish one country from another,and so it has been with China.世界上多數國家有著自己獨特的服飾,人們可以從中分辨出一個國家和另一個國家的區別,中國也是如此。

【點石成金】本句為復合句,其中from which引導的是定語從句,which指代clothes,作介詞from的賓語。it has been with...為固定用法,意為“和……一樣”。

Ⅱ.Discover the useful structure in the text

It be suitable for doing sth意為“適合做某事”。

It is suitable for wearing all the year round for both young and elderly group.它(旗袍)適合年輕人和老年人全年穿著。

Ⅲ.Memorize some text-centered chunks

trace back to追溯到

ruling class統治階級

refer to參考;涉及

rather than而不是

be famous for因……而著名


Cutural Background

嫘 祖


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