
My story with Hanfu

2021-12-03 06:27王濤濤
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2021年10期

文章詞數3 4 2 難度 ★★ 建議用時6分鐘

1Traditional Chinese fashion is a window to explore the wonderful culture of this highly gifted nation.From a very young age as a girl,I was interested in the history and traditions of folks of the world.And,of course,every time you search for such things,the first thing that you see is aesthetics(美學)such as folk costume.In some way it's a face of a nation.It can say about people so much more than some stereotypes(刻板印象)about a nation's appearance!As you have already probably guessed,this is how I first met Hanfu.

2A few years ago I saw some photos of the Qingming Festival,with men and women wearing Hanfu dress.I was touched by how pure and ceremonious(講究禮儀的)it looked.At that time nearly the only thing I knew about China was where it's situated on the world map.

3The thing that amazed me most about Hanfu is how diverse it is.While some of the Chinese dresses,especially those of the Tang Dynasty for example,look very familiar,styles of Hanfu are really different.A little detail can say a world to you—such as how folding corners of the hat are folded!

4From what I know now,Hanfu culture is a whole world,and this is what makes it different.This is living tradition that grew from daily practices of a society,so it represents the lives of millions of people through centuries of history.Hanfu shows the soul of Chinese folk I believe:how different and similar,how luxurious(奢華的)and modest at the same time they both are.

5Since I've first known Chinese culture through enjoying aesthetics of Hanfu,I've read some books of Chinese authors or about China,and watched films,videos and so on.Of course,I'm still very far from understanding Han culture.But at least I know that knowledge leaves no place to fear.So I believe that in the world where people learn about other cultures and traditions,there would be no place for xenophobia(仇外).

Reading Check

I.Choose the best answers according to the text.

Detail 1.What can we learn about Hanfu in China according to the text?

A.It is only worn in the Qingming Festival.

B.It is a popular costume in the world.

C.It serves as the daily dress.

D.It is formal and ceremonious.

Vocabulary 2.Which word best explains “diverse” underlined in paragraph 3?

A.Formal. B.Popular. C.Various. D.Beautiful.

Inference 3.What is the author's purpose in writing the text?

A.To introduce the characteristics of Hanfu.

B.To show the aesthetics of Hanfu.

C.To stress the importance of Hanfu.

D.To share her opinions about Hanfu.

Inference 4.What is the author's attitude towards learning about other cultures and traditions?

A.Conservative. B.Open. C.Neutral. D.Worried.


What's your attitude towards the growing popularity of Hanfu?Have you ever worn Hanfu?If you have,please share your experience and feelings with your classmates.

Language Study

I.Analyze the difficult structure in the text

At that time nearly the only thing I knew about China was where it's situated on the world map.那時我對中國的唯一了解就是它在世界地圖上所處的位置。

【點石成金】本句主干為“主系表”結構,the only thing為句子主語,was為系動詞,where it's situated on the world map是表語。I knew about China是定語從句,修飾the only thing。

Ⅱ.Memorize some text-centered chunks

be interested in對……感興趣 of course當然

more than超過;不僅僅;非常 be touched by被……所感動

at that time那時 far from遠離;遠非

at the same time同時 at least至少

Gu Qingsheng, the guardian of Shennongjia 古清生,神農架的守護者