

2023-01-16 09:35彭旭東戴全厚劉婷婷許勝兵岑龍沛
農業工程學報 2022年17期

曾 庥,彭旭東,戴全厚,劉婷婷,許勝兵,岑龍沛


曾 庥,彭旭東※,戴全厚,劉婷婷,許勝兵,岑龍沛

(貴州大學林學院,貴州大學土壤侵蝕與生態修復研究中心,貴陽 550025)



0 引 言

中國西南喀斯特地區是世界上連片裸露碳酸鹽巖面積最大、巖溶發育最強烈、生態環境最脆弱的地區,基巖大量出露[1-4],土層薄且缺乏過渡層,這一特征是石漠化的過程和結果,也是區分喀斯特區與非喀斯特區的重要指標,被形象地稱為喀斯特區土壤“鐵板燒效應”[5]??λ固貐^土壤剖面中通常缺乏C層(過渡層),土壤常與碳酸鹽巖直接接觸形成軟硬明顯不同的巖-土界面,在降雨等條件誘發下易發生水土流失而使基巖裸露,加速石漠化的形成[6-7]?;鶐r出露過程實際上是石面土壤、石周土壤被侵蝕的過程[8-10]。巖石形成弱透水面或不透水面,裸露巖石表面匯集的雨流與經巖-土界面上覆土壤入滲的水分在巖-土界面處匯集,并繼續沿巖-土界面向下運移[11],造成坡地降雨沿巖-土界面流失,這一沿巖-土界面流動的雨流稱為巖-土界面流。已有研究發現降雨雨水沿巖-土界面流失的現象,Yair等[12-13]分別在朱迪亞山脈和內蓋夫沙漠的山脈上進行大規模滴灌試驗后,發現出露巖石產生的連續徑流幾乎在噴灑開始后立即發生,沿巖面流動到周圍土壤中,直至巖石周圍土壤完全飽和,才會出現地表徑流;但關于露石徑流是究竟如何進入巖石周圍土壤中還有待進一步研究。Wilcox 等[14]研究發現,巖溶區石灰巖的高導水率允許雨水相對快速地滲透到斷裂基巖的最上層,在斷裂基巖內,側向優先流占主導地位,而巖-土界面流占比較小。Sohrt等[15]通過灌溉試驗結果表明,出露巖石巖面產生形成的徑流在地下繼續沿巖-土界面優先流動,而作用在土表的降雨主要以垂直且更均勻的方式向下入滲;與直接從土壤表面滲透的雨水相比,出露巖石形成的徑流滲透速度更快,滲透深度更大,具有更大的地下水補給潛力。出露巖石對石漠化坡地降雨產流具有重要影響,一方面,出露的巖石可直接成為降雨過程中的匯水面[10,16-17],另一方面,巖-土界面是影響坡面水文過程的重要路徑[18-19],出露巖面攔截雨水或林下穿透雨,容易形成沿巖-土界面向下漏失的巖面流[20]。



1 材料與方法

1.1 試驗材料

試驗土樣采自貴州省貴陽市花溪區(106°39′18″E,26°19′17″N)碳酸鹽巖發育的石灰性土坡耕地0~30 cm耕層土壤,其土壤砂粒(>0.05~1.00 mm)體積分數為9.27%、粉粒(0.002~0.05 mm)為75.34%、黏粒(<0.002 mm)為15.35%(中國制),土壤風干后過5 mm篩后裝入規格為長1.0 m、寬0.5 m、深度0.35 m的試驗鋼槽(圖1)中,自下而上按野外實測土壤緊實度分層裝填(容重分別為1.2、1.0和0.9 g/cm3),每層10 cm,共30 cm,隨后用特制木板耙平填土表面,壓實邊界處以減小邊界效應影響。

圖1 降雨裝置示意圖

1.2 試驗設計


自然條件下巖-土界面流的流動過程復雜且不易實測,本研究通過平直鋼板模擬露石巖面及巖-土界面,以分析露石巖-土界面流形成過程與輸出機制,其鋼板長88 cm,寬50 cm;基于野外調查,出露巖石巖面傾角主要集中在40°~80°之間,因此設計4個巖面傾角,分別為45°、60°、75°和90°(對照),以反映巖面及巖-土界面占比及有效集雨面積的差異?;谇捌谘芯縖8,24],試驗鋼槽巖-土交界處裂隙寬度為2 cm,用于收集巖-土界面流,其中巖石以鑲嵌的形式插入裂隙中,以保證巖-土界面流完全從裂隙處流出,避免混入非巖-土界面流;底部鋼槽距巖-土界面10、20、30、40、50 cm處設置5條寬2 cm的裂縫,用于模擬和收集非巖-土界面流;在距土表深度10、20、30 cm處的鋼槽四周打孔,孔隙直徑為1 cm,間隔5 cm,用于模擬和收集壤中流[25];在與土壤表面齊平處設有地表徑流收集裝置。根據貴州喀斯特區侵蝕性降雨標準(降雨量15 mm左右)[26],設計雨強為26、49、63、98 mm/h共4個水平。每場降雨從開始產流計時,每10 min接一次樣并測量其產流量,降雨歷時140 min;每個巖面傾角依次從小雨強到大雨強為一個降雨周期,試驗前,降小雨至土壤水分飽和,靜置一夜,每次降雨結束后,調節巖石坡度并更換土壤。本試驗設計地表坡度為15°。

1.3 模擬降雨

降雨試驗在貴州大學林學院降雨大廳進行。試驗采用自行設計的巖-土界面流模擬研究裝置和便攜式全自動下噴式人工降雨設備(型號:QYJY- 501)完成。降雨器降雨高度6 m,雨滴終點速度滿足天然降雨特性,雨強采用手動調節,其變化范圍在10~200 mm/h之間,調節時間低于30 s,調節精度±7 mm/h,降雨有效范圍6.5 m×6.5 m,降雨均勻度高于85%。同時,在鋼槽兩側放置多個雨量筒以測定每次降雨的實際雨強。每場降雨2次重復。

1.4 參數計算











2 結果與分析

2.1 巖-土界面流產流過程

巖-土界面流產流量在降雨過程中呈先增加后穩定的變化趨勢(圖2)。相同巖面傾角下,巖-土界面流初始產流時間隨雨強的增大而減??;而相同雨強下,巖-土界面流初始產流時間隨巖面傾角增大無明顯變化。從產流開始到產流穩定所需時間與初始產流時間規律相似。非巖-土界面流初始產流時間變化規律不明顯,但其均早于巖-土界面流,且小于12.30 min。由于巖面傾角90°下不產生巖面流,只有少量土壤入滲水分沿巖-土界面流動,即使雨強為98 mm/h時產流最大值也僅有1.29 mm;同時,有露石巖面匯流形成的巖-土界面流(巖面傾角為45°、60°、75°)產流量遠大于僅有土壤水分下滲形成的巖-土界面流(巖面傾角為90°),前者是后者的4.78~16.58倍。

圖2 不同巖面傾角下巖-土界面流產流量隨降雨歷時變化過程


圖3 不同雨強下巖-土界面流統計特征隨巖面傾角的變化關系

2.2 巖-土界面流損耗特征


2.3 巖-土界面流對水分流失貢獻分析

分析各徑流對水分流失的貢獻可知(圖4),相同巖面傾角下,產流分配比(為各徑流占總徑流量的比例)在不同雨強間差異不明顯,而相同雨強下,產流分配比在不同巖面傾角間差異明顯;巖-土界面流對水分流失貢獻占比(5%~33%)隨傾角增大而減小,非巖-土界面流對水分流失貢獻占比(64%~95%)隨傾角增大而增大,推測巖面傾角是影響降雨產流分配較為重要的因素,雨強次之。相同巖面傾角下,雨強對巖-土界面水分流失占比影響不大;而相同雨強下,巖-土界面流水分流失占比隨傾角的增大而減小。非巖-土界面流對水分流失占比與巖-土界面流規律相反。有露石巖面匯流產生的巖-土界面流(巖面傾角45°、60°、75°)水分流失貢獻遠大于僅有土壤水分下滲形成的巖-土界面流(巖面傾角為90°)。本試驗中,地表徑流僅出現在雨強為98 mm/h 時以及巖面傾角45°、雨強63 mm/h時(集雨面積最大);而壤中流受巖面傾角與雨強共同作用的影響,但兩者對降雨水分流失的貢獻較?。?%~3%)。對比各徑流對降雨產流流失貢獻占比發現,非巖-土界面流是形成地下裂隙流的主要徑流方式之一。

表1 巖-土界面流損耗特征

圖4 不同巖面傾角下巖-土界面產流占比

2.4 各影響因子對巖-土界面產流特征相關性分析



3 討 論

3.1 巖面流及巖-土界面流形成過程



3.2 巖-土界面流對水土流失/漏失的影響

本研究中,石漠化露石面與土壤組成的巖-土結構單元的地表產流最小雨強在49~63 mm/h,其數值高于魏興萍等[31]對巖溶槽谷區坡耕地野外監測結果(25~50 mm/h),同樣也高于彭旭東等[32]對喀斯特坡耕地產流產沙臨界值的研究(30~50 mm/h),這是因為設計的巖-土結構單元有效降雨面積相對較小,較小雨強下土壤表面還未充分形成徑流就以壤中流的方式向下流失,當遇到巖石界面后沿界面流失,這說明巖面以傾斜方式鑲嵌在土壤中,可以增大地表徑流臨界雨強。陳洪松等[27]通過大型徑流小區(1 000 m2)長期野外徑流監測的結果顯示,石漠化峰叢坡地地表徑流較非喀斯特區低,不同土地利用方式坡面次降雨徑流系數均<5%,地表產流很少,降雨幾乎全部入滲。本試驗中,只有在最大雨強(98 mm/h)下才明顯觀測到巖-土界面流和非巖-土界面流中帶有少量泥沙。因此,喀斯特區土壤地下漏失是降雨長年累月作用的結果,僅通過室內模擬試驗是難以明顯觀測到土壤地下漏失的。

本研究發現,雨強對巖-土界面初始產流時間存在極顯著的負相關(<0.01,=?0.776),初始產流時間隨雨強增大呈線性減小,而雨強對非巖-土界面初始產流時間無明顯影響;說明相同條件下,巖-土界面流對雨強變化做出快速反應,非巖-土界面流則不然,其原因是巖-土界面流由于有界面的存在,水分流失的穩定通路快速形成,當雨強由小變大時,能夠迅速表現出差異;而非巖-土界面流水分流失來源主要是土表承接降雨后向下入滲,雖然初始產流時間小于巖-土界面流,但其從初始產流達到穩定產流時間大于巖-土界面,根本原因在于土壤本身具有緩沖作用,且受土壤機械組成、團聚體和孔隙的影響。降雨初期,水分在土壤中的運移尚未形成穩定的通路,故初始產流時間對雨強的變化不如巖-土界面流敏感。然而,一旦水分在土壤中運移的穩定通路形成,對雨強的變化就會相當靈敏,故穩定產流時間與雨強呈極顯著負相關(<0.01,=?0.623)。吳堯等[33]將土壤入滲過程分為三個階段:入滲瞬變階段(0~8 min)、入滲漸變階段(8~30 min)、入滲穩定階段(30~120 min),表明土壤的入滲過程主要受土壤機械組成、團聚體和孔隙組成的綜合影響,這很好地解釋了本研究的結果。


4 結 論





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Simulation test on the formation of rock-soil interface flow from outcrops in the rocky desertification areas

Zeng Xiu, Peng Xudong※, Dai Quanhou, Liu Tingting, Xu Shengbing, Cen Longpei


Rock-soil interface is one of the main paths to transform from the outcrop rock surface flow and surface runoff infiltrating into the underground fissure flow in the rocky desertification area. Among them, the rock-soil interface flow has posed a significant influence on the transformation of rainfall runoff, rapid underground leakage of water, and soil erosion or leakage on slopes. This study aims to explore the formation process and transformation mechanism of the rock-soil interface flow from the outcrops in the karst rocky desertification area. A series of artificial rainfall experiments were carried out after simulating a typical rock-soil interface from outcrops. Specifically, the driving factors were rainfall intensity, rock surface inclination, and rock surface shape. The test conditions were the surface slope, underground fissure density, and soil layer thickness. An investigation was made on the production and output characteristics of the surface runoff and such subsurface flows as the interflow, rock-soil and non-rock-soil interface flow under the rock-soil structure unit with the exposed rock surface and soil. Then, the formation of the rock-soil interface flow was analyzed to clarify the influence on the transformation of runoffs around outcrops. Results showed that: 1) The amount of flow at the rock-soil interface increased first and then stabilized during the rainfall process. The amount of rock-soil interface flow formed by rock surface flows from the outcrops (rock surface inclination surface were 45°, 60°, and 75°) was much greater than that by only the seepage flow in the soil (rock surface inclination was 90°) under the same conditions, where was 4.78 to 16.58 times of the latter. 2) There was little effect of rainfall intensity on the loss of the rock-soil interface flow. However, the rock surface inclination presented a significant impact on the loss of the rock-soil interface flow. The smaller rock surface inclination was, the greater the loss of the rock-soil interface flow was, in which the loss was more than 50% at the rock surface inclination of 45°. The rock-soil interface was directly formed by the rock-soil interface flow. A strong recharge was obtained on the non-rock-soil interface flow, where about half of the interfacial flow was eventually lost in the form of non-rock-soil interface flow. 3) The rock surface inclination was the main factor affecting the generation and distribution of rainfall runoff, followed by the rainfall intensity. The rock-soil interface flow contributed to the total water loss, and then decreased with the increase of the rock surface inclination, whereas, there was an increasing proportion of non-rock-soil interface flow to the total water loss. The surface runoff and interflow contributed little to the water loss. 4) Both the yields of rock-soil interface flow and non-rock-soil interface flow increased with the increase of rainfall intensity, but decreased with the increase of the rock surface inclination. The initial and stable flow generation times decreased with the increase in rainfall intensity. But there was no effect of the rock surface inclination on the initial and stable flow generation times. The time to form the stable production and flow path at the rock-soil interface was faster than that at the non-rock-soil interface. Once a stable path for water migration was formed, there was a rapid response to the changes in the rainfall intensity. The finding can also provide a theoretical basis for the generation and mechanism of runoff around outcrops in the rocky desertification area.

rock-soil interface flow; underground fissure flow; runoff producing process; runoff losses; outcrop; rocky desertification area





曾庥,彭旭東,戴全厚,等. 石漠化區露石巖-土界面流形成過程模擬試驗[J]. 農業工程學報,2022,38(17):110-117.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.17.012 http://www.tcsae.org

Zeng Xiu, Peng Xudong, Dai Quanhou, et al. Simulation test on the formation of rock-soil interface flow from outcrops in the rocky desertification areas[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(17): 110-117. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.17.012 http://www.tcsae.org





