
宋韻如水 浸潤千年

2023-01-31 05:53
文化交流 2022年12期



宋韻一詞,一取“情韻”“氣韻”的含義,從藝術審美層面反映出宋人藝文之風雅;二取 “風味”“趣味”的意涵,從生活美學層面彰顯宋人生活之精致。宋韻文化之所以深入人心日漸成為一種文化自信,既是因為它是“無形”的精神財富,也是因為它留下了“有形”的物質遺產,兩者相輔相成、相得益彰。

實施“宋韻文化傳世工程”已有一年,尤其是“2022宋韻文化節”的開幕,南宋德壽宮遺址博物館的開館。一年來,浙江做了什么,想了什么?問題的答案逐漸明晰。本期我們向讀者展現的是“宋韻今輝”的獨特魅力,無論是《落子宋韻,起筆不藏鋒》《宋韻文化,在保護中傳承》,還是《從宋韻華章到宋韻時尚》《德壽宮 :那一瞥便是千年》,既闡述了宋韻文化蘊含的“無形”的優秀文明元素、內在精神、深厚底蘊以及傳承至今的文化價值,為今日的社會發展注入無限內生力,又全面介紹了大眾如何通過諸如“德壽宮”、《宋韻 · 華章》音樂會、“華夏衣裳· 宋韻時尚”2022全國宋韻服裝時尚設計大賽等各種各樣的“有形遺存”“有形活動”“有形產品”來觸摸宋韻、感知宋韻,從而更好地傳承宋韻文化。


TOGETHER FOR A SHARED FUTRUE杭州南宋德壽宮遺址博物館。The Southern Song Dynasty Deshou Palace Ruins Museum in Hangzhou city, Zhejiang province.

Song Yun: Gentle as Water Flowing for a Millennium

Since ancient times, Zhejiang has been known for its majestic mountains and nourishing rivers, its outstanding people and profound culture. As one of the peak periods of its history,the Song dynasty has left distinctive geographical and cultural imprints on Zhejiang. When the Southern Song dynasty chose Hangzhou as the capital, it not only obtained the rich resources characteristic of Southeastern China, but also influenced the thought and culture of Zhejiang for the next millennium.

There is no doubt that the people of Zhejiang have a special attachment to the Song dynasty culture, both because of historical reasons and because of the unwavering appeal of the culture.Hence the term “Song Yun”, popularly used today to refer to the charm of the Song dynasty culture and heritage — “Yun” is a Chinese character that means “charm”.

Unsurprisingly, Zhejiang has made great efforts in exploring,studying, inheriting and spreading the Song dynasty culture. These efforts are bearing fruits, for “Song Yun” is being increasingly recognized as a distinctive feature of Zhejiang, not only in China,but all over the world.

It has been a year since the province started to implement the program to “pass down the Song dynasty culture for generations”.With the opening of the 2022 Song Yun Cultural Festival and the unveiling of the newly restored Deshou Palace, it has also become clearer what is intended to be achieved.

The articles in this issue’s Special Feature will present readers with the contemporary charm and relevance of the Song dynasty culture and how it has become “Song Yun” — as it is known today. They will dissect and help readers understand the essence of “Song Yun” from two dimensions. The intangible aspect can be seen from its enduring and endearing innate value while the tangible aspect refers to all the events held, the related products made and the archeological relics unearthed through which people can touch and appreciate its true beauty.

從“有形覆蓋”邁向“有效覆蓋” 不斷提升基層黨的建設質量
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