

2023-02-05 20:49
大地構造與成礦學 2023年6期



● 述評

花崗偉晶巖成礦有關的幾個問題討論·································· 趙振華, 嚴 爽(0001)


塔里木板塊與哥倫比亞超大陸的聯系································ 李 勇, 黃少英, 羅彩明, 侯貴廷, 常海寧, 張 昊, 夏金凱, 仲子奇, 李 祥, 魏論研(0042)

塔里木盆地順北地區13號走滑斷裂帶發育特征······························· 金 峰, 朱秀香, 余一欣, 陳緒云, 陳 石, 梁鑫鑫, 余 浪(0054)

龍門山南段前陸大川?丹棱剖面磁組構特征及其構造意義··································· 余文鑫, 陳應濤, 張國偉, 魯如魁, 張 歡, 李 陽(0066)

● 構造地質與成礦學

大洋富鈷結殼研究進展及展望································· 楊燕子, 陳華勇(0080)

華南鹿井鈾礦田NE向QF2斷裂特征及其與鈾成礦關系探討·································· 許譜林, 唐湘生, 郭福生, 黨飛鵬, 黎廣榮, 呂 川, 黃 迪, 徐勛勝, 吳志春, 李志鵬(0098)

湘南紅旗嶺錫鎢鉛鋅多金屬礦區構造控礦規律及找礦預測································ 何 昊, 王 雷, 韓潤生, 許以明, 趙 凍, 朱恩異, 馬躍華, 蔣宗和, 任雯琪(0115)

東菲律賓海多金屬結核微區元素賦存特征及成因意義······················ 程宇龍, 李東義, 王愛軍, 徐勇航(0133)

● 巖石大地構造與地球化學

遼東半島丹東地區晚侏羅世花崗巖成因及其對華北克拉通破壞的制約·································· 程昌泉, 劉 錦, 張 健, 尹常青, 高 彭, 錢加慧(0149)

云南六合地區新生代正長斑巖和包體的起源及其大地構造與成礦意義·································· 董曉涵, 彭頭平, 范蔚茗, 劉兵兵, 彭世利, 武利民(0165)

班公湖?怒江成礦帶西段阿翁錯地區早白堊世花崗閃長巖的成因及構造背景——來自斜長石和黑云母化學成分的約束························ 雷傳揚, 宋元寶, 唐菊興, 王 波, 吳建亮, 劉 文, 范 敏, 張 偉(0193)

準噶爾洋洋內弧巖漿作用: 西準噶爾百口泉早石炭世火山巖地球化學及Sr-Nd-Hf同位素研究·································· 肖 堯, 劉希軍, 張治國, 宋宇嘉, 劉鵬德, 田 昊, 宋 琦(0214)

南昆侖結合帶盲礦西溝早白堊世高分異花崗巖的發現及其地質意義······························· 逯永卓, 王泰山, 余福承, 韓 杰, 林艷海, 張鑫利, 李積清, 袁博武, 徐貝貝(0233)


● 構造地質學

江西廬山星子群片麻巖的變質年齡和變質機制: 獨居石和鋯石SIMS年代學······························· 侯瑩玲, 莫佳君, 何 斌, 徐義剛, 王繼林(0249)

湖南渣滓溪銻鎢礦區變形序列、成礦時代及含礦構造屬性··············· 柏道遠, 李 彬, 吳夢君, 王朝飛(0260)

西準噶爾加依爾山晚石炭世角度不整合的厘定及其對準噶爾?巴爾喀什洋閉合時限的制約······························· 李嘉偉, 劉 博, 韓寶福, 洪陽百合(0284)

青藏高原東南緣新生代的三期構造隆升——來自河流縱剖面分析的證據···································· 張東越, 董有浦, 焦騫騫, 段佳鑫, 王 丹, 于 良, 余華玉(0308)

華南沿海廣從斷裂帶北段斷層泥中石英微形貌與第四紀活動性特征······························· 丁盛昌, 邱世藩, 朱照宇, 詹 松, 張秉良(0327)

● 構造地質與成礦學

湘南多金屬礦集區巖漿熱液成礦作用研究進展····················· 趙 凍, 韓潤生, 劉 飛, 付雨昕, 張小培, 邱文龍(0337)

云南會澤超大型鉛鋅礦田熱液白云巖的成因及地質意義······························· 崔廣申, 包志偉, 李 群(0361)

海南島石門山鉬多金屬礦床年代學、源區特征及其巖漿氧逸度對成礦作用的啟示·································· 朱昱樺, 許德如, 張嘉瑋, 何妙玲, 陳根文, 單 強, 王智琳(0376)

初論金屬礦床勘查開發前景評估體系····················· 張紀偉, 陳華勇, 張俊嶺, 郭 敏, 張 源, 程佳敏(0396)

● 巖石大地構造與地球化學

石英的結構和微量元素特征研究進展及其在巖漿?熱液礦床中的應用·································· 卞玉冰, 鄒少浩, 許德如, 陳喜連, 鄧 騰, 萬泰安, 李 博(0407)

內蒙古額爾古納烏爾根礦田富堿斑巖體成因及構造啟示: 地質年代學和地球化學證據································· 張光亮, 溫守欽, 李建源, 謝 偉(0428)

鈾礦區花崗巖鋯石定年的“高鈾效應”: 來自魯溪和下莊花崗巖SHRIMP鋯石U-Pb年齡的啟示································ 吳 佳, 巫建華, 劉曉東, 王凱興, 劉 帥(0449)

甘肅北山地區蘆草溝富閃深成巖的成因······························ 余吉遠, 計 波, 王國強, 卜 濤, 過 磊(0461)


● 構造地質學

江西廬山地區中生代飛來峰構造的厘定: 同位素年代學和地質構造證據····································· 莫佳君, 徐義剛, 何 斌, 馬思源(0473)

伊犁地塊北緣溫泉地區托克賽巖組的構造變形與年代學研究及其地質意義······························· 鄧 聚, 王 博, 劉珈碩, 宋 芳, 倪興華, 李盈瑩(0484)

閩西南坳陷中部中?晚三疊世構造變形特征····································· 胡斯敏, 單業華, 鄭 劍, 趙 武(0506)

欽杭結合帶南段欽州?靈山構造帶中生代板內變形特征與構造轉換······························· 李 帥, 汪 帆, 汪勁草, 李細光, 潘黎黎, 黃冠文(0523)

三維地質構造綜合調查在遼寧瓦房店金剛石礦深部找礦中的應用················ 仲米山, 張國仁, 王海鵬,盧君實, 劉正宏, 劉 錦, 吳子杰, 高福亮, 高永釗, 潘玉啟, 萬方來, 蔣麗麗, 楊 磊, 孫桂濤(0535)

● 構造地質與成礦學

松遼盆地南部海力錦鈾礦床鈾礦物賦存狀態及富集機理——試論“潮汐式”成礦作用過程······························ 臧亞輝, 姜 山, 李繼木, 寧 君, 張亮亮, 翁海蛟, 崔 磊, 藺鵬飛, 嚴兆彬, 尹 爍(0546)

南秦嶺鎮安棋盤溝鎢礦床40Ar-39Ar年代學及其對印支末期成礦的指示······························· 晁會霞, 崔文瑋, 楊興科, 王 冉, 韓 珂, 楊 寧, 王儀卓(0570)

湘東北栗山鉛鋅銅礦床二長花崗巖巖石成因及其氧逸度對成礦的指示意義······························· 于得水, 許德如, 王智琳, 陳根文, 趙朝霞, 黃沁怡(0580)

江南造山帶湘西南段茶溪金礦床綠泥石特征及其地質意義·································· 成玉亮, 張 宇, 陳華勇, 吳 超, 李宏斌, Sajjad Ahmad Shah(0598)

金川銅鎳硫化物礦床晚中生代以來抬升冷卻事件的磷灰石裂變徑跡約束·································· 劉 健, 于 強, 王 猛, 焦建剛, 陳長發, 馬云飛(0618)

● 巖石大地構造與地球化學

塔里木大火成巖省堿性巖漿活動與稀有金屬成礦作用································ 朱圣柱, 黃小龍, 于 洋, 賀鵬麗, 楊 帆, 李夢靜(0631)

滇西那邦地區地殼變質深熔過程及其構造意義: 來自漸新世混合巖年代學和地球化學約束······························ 任 敏, 馬莉燕, 李 雙, 彭頭平, 劉希軍, 張學嬌, 丁 偉, 蔡永豐, 董曉穎, 顧昭陽(0661)

南秦嶺土地嶺早古生代粗面質火山巖成因: 來自鋯石U-Pb年齡、元素及Sr-Nd同位素證據·································· 周 豹, 王 飛, 李一鳴, 魯顯松, 熊意林, 魏四華, 楊 振, 劉 銳(0681)

粵北紅嶺鎢礦區花崗巖成因及其成礦作用································ 吳 劍, 汪禮明, 公凡影, 葉天竺(0695)


● 構造地質學

依蘭?伊通斷裂帶晚中生代走滑與伸展構造變形及其應力場································· 顧承串, 朱 光, 趙 田, 李云劍, 張 帥(0711)

東大別條帶狀片麻巖的構造變形特征及對大別雜巖流變機制的指示··································· 李海龍, 向必偉, 賈麗娜, 王 微, 林少澤, 劉 程, 陳 磊, 杜高峰, 楊 柳(0734)

臺灣海岸山脈同造山盆地古熱流值的估算: 基于鏡質體反射率約束下的一維盆地模擬······························· 趙 武, 單業華, 胡斯敏, 鄭 劍(0750)

滇西保山金廠河銅鋅鐵礦區構造演化過程及其成礦/控礦作用································· 李加斌, 趙成峰, 梅文周, 張發紅, 王基元, 符 俊, 張衛文, 謝 俊, 劉仕承(0763)

● 構造地質與成礦學

海南高通嶺石英脈型鉬礦床成礦流體來源與成礦機制研究··································· 李麗榮, 許德如, 黃泌怡, 池國祥, 王正其, 許 可(0778)

黔西南架底金礦床載金黃鐵礦成礦物質來源和成礦機制探討: 來自原位硫同位素的證據··································· 何虎軍, 田 沖, 張文高, 楊興科(0791)

華南地區熱液鈾礦床成礦潛力的構造擴散模型研究······························· 翁宗翔, 譚凱旋, 段先哲, 謝焱石, 韓世禮, 楊月平, 李詠梅, 宋 靜(0801)

廣東元灣金礦床成因: 來自稀土元素和流體包裹體的證據···································· 陸一敢, 肖益林, 周奇明, 陶明榮, 王曉霞, 余成龍(0810)

● 巖石大地構造與地球化學

地球深部碳循環與碳酸巖成因研究進展··································· 王國建, 凌明星, 許德如, 夏 菲, 魏 穎, 陳加杰, 高 成, 薛 碩(0824)

滇西昌寧綠茵塘巖體花崗偉晶巖成因與構造背景研究: 來自地球化學、鋯石U-Pb年代學及Hf同位素的約束····························· 徐 恒, 李曉峰, 豆 松, 姜永果, 劉文佳, 鄭曉軍, 張金學, 齊武福(0839)

福建泰寧地區早古生代二長花崗巖年代學、地球化學特征及地質意義·································· 王 雙, 魏俊浩, 陳夢婷, 徐崇文, 高 強, 張聲桃, 胡 月(0856)

貴州三穗龍灣鈾礦硅質巖LA-ICP-MS鋯石U-Pb年代學和地球化學研究································· 息朝莊, 杜高峰, 吳林鋒, 夏浩東, 鄧會娟(0878)

青海三江北段草隴(綠柱石?)鋰輝石花崗偉晶巖的發現及其Li-Be找礦意義···································· 李五福, 李善平, 王秉璋, 王春濤, 劉金恒, 張新遠, 曹錦山, 許傳兵, 劉建棟, 金婷婷(0895)


● 成礦規律與找礦預測研究——昆明理工大學70周年校慶專題

MVT鉛鋅礦床成礦規律與找礦預測地質模型························ 韓潤生, 張 艷, 葉天竺, 陳 青, 任 濤, 邱文龍(0915)

湘南長城嶺銻鉛鋅礦床方解石Sm-Nd同位素年代學、地球化學特征及地質意義·································· 王 雷, 許嘉勁, 任雯琪, 朱恩異, 蔣宗和(0933)

黔西北富鍺銀鉛鋅礦集區成礦流體運移方向及其制約因素······················· 王明志, 韓潤生, 吳順川, 張 艷, 劉 飛(0953)

構造?流體?成礦耦合機制——以會澤超大型富鍺鉛鋅礦床為例···································· 張 艷, 韓潤生, 胡體才, 魏平堂, 王 磊(0969)

滇東北毛坪富鍺鉛鋅礦床構造控礦作用及深部找礦方向··································· 吳建標, 韓潤生, 周高明, 石增龍, 張 艷, 孫幫濤, 鐘 華, 劉心開, 左家庚(0984)

云南普朗銅礦首采區構造(蝕變巖)地球化學特征及找礦預測···································· 朱振東, 李正章, 李志鵬, 楊 帆, 任 濤, 管申進, 王 雷, 吳練榮(1002)

滇西北羊拉矽卡巖銅礦床石榴子石原位成分、U-Pb測年及其地質意義································· 孫 濱, 劉 益, 燕永鋒, 孔志崗, 楊光樹, 鐘軍偉, 沈 畯(1018)

滇西北松諾斑巖體巖石化學、鋯石U-Pb年齡、Hf同位素特征及其構造背景······························· 王 浩, 余海軍, 張傳昱, 王 路, 蘇肖宇, 江佳雯(1040)

滇西北羊拉大型銅礦床深部高品位銻礦體的發現及意義···································· 王新富, 李 波, 劉月東, 葉 霖, 劉鳳澤, 尹佳明, 黃智龍, 胡登攀(1063)

● 非專題來稿

底辟構造啟動及其沉積建造形成機制探討——來自物理模擬的啟示·································· 何文剛, 沈傳波, 吳 磊, 李生紅, 趙遠雯(1069)

特提斯西段塞爾維亞?ukaru Peki超大型斑巖?淺成低溫型銅金礦床的熱液蝕變和硫化物分帶特征及其找礦方向······························· 單思齊, 謝桂青, 劉文元, 鄭佳浩, 邢 波(1085)

特提斯成礦域西部塞爾維亞Timok礦集區首例中硫化型淺成低溫金礦床的厘定: 以Zlatno Brdo金礦床為例································ 張安順, 謝桂青, 劉文元, 單思齊, 黃 柯(1110)

山東淄博地區上石炭統本溪組金紅石型鈦礦源區構造背景及物源分析································ 張保濤, 胡兆國, 梅貞華, 李秀章, 姜曉平, 杜利明, 柳 森, 趙曉博, 張永三(1124)

江西東雷灣矽卡巖型銅多金屬礦床鈣鐵鋁榴石LA-ICP-MS原位U-Pb定年及其地質意義·························· 王 海, 抄尉尉, 王 穎, 鐘福軍, 徐 林, 吉鴻杰, 萬 衛, 文 杰, 馮道水, 王 勇(1141)

膠東焦家金礦床成礦過程熱液蝕變化學反應數值模擬···················· 鄒艷紅, 張武橋, 毛先成, 劉占坤(1158)

三維地質模型不確定性分析及對三維成礦預測結果的影響解析······························· 秦 陽, 李曉暉, 唐敏惠, 袁 峰, 張明明, 李 賀, 薛 晨, 吳幫財(1173)

云開地體印支期構造轉折——來自陽春二云母花崗巖的地球化學制約······················ 麻志旺, 郭 鋒(1183)


● 構造地質學

黔西南雄武地區大際山鈾多金屬礦床控礦構造解析與找礦預測··································· 吳 玉, 徐 偉, 解 波, 王 健, 劉開坤, 邱林飛, 肖昌浩, 張文高, 彭 松(1203)

華南諸廣山中部鹿井鈾礦田構造活化數值模擬····································· 劉傳東, 李增華, 郭春影, 鄧 騰, 郭福生, 許德如, 韋曉艷, 鄒永強, 郭世超(1220)

俯沖板塊脫水相變對板塊俯沖過程的影響································· 王瑞澤, 王建超, 金宗瑋, 劉駿標, 王雪純, 靳國棟, 邢會林(1232)

● 構造地質與成礦學

銅陵獅子山礦田矽卡巖銅(金)成礦系統三維動力學計算模擬及其意義··································· 周飛虎, 劉亮明, 劉洪升, 盛 歡, 伍紅志, 閔令帥, 畢晨曦(1242)

基于地表數據及產狀數據的交切斷層建模方法研究································· 趙義來, Alison Ord, 湯靜如, 胡榮國, 楊啟軍, 汪勁草, 王本達(1256)

華北克拉通南緣晚中生代鉬、金成礦關系: 以祁雨溝金礦床和雷門溝鉬礦床為例····································· 詹 強, 吳 強, 陳 程, 孟 雷, 趙太平(1267)

龍門山造山帶北段黃泥坪金礦床蝕變礦化特征與SWIR勘查應用研究······························· 江宏君, 陳華勇, 王 朋, 高政偉, 紀冬平, 吳寶鵬, 程博興, 馮雨周, 焦宏劍, 王義忠(1291)

湘南龍王山金礦床金的賦存狀態及成礦物質來源研究································· 趙增霞, 左昌虎, 劉 磊, 劉希軍, 楊青原, 左 宗, 楊 超(1307)

新型智能礦床勘查指導信息系統構建································· 張俊嶺, 陳華勇(1323)

● 巖石大地構造與地球化學

柴北緣錫鐵山地體花崗質片麻巖退變質作用和40Ar/39Ar年代學研究及其地質意義································ 胡榮國, 白秀娟, 劉希軍, 楊啟軍, 馮佐海, 蔡永豐, 趙義來, 邱華寧(1330)

IODP385-U1550單斜輝石指示加利福尼亞灣瓜伊馬斯盆地海底擴張早期MORB深部結晶作用································· 張天翔, 頡 煒(1345)

滇西點蒼山印支期花崗巖的成因及其大地構造意義································· 武利民, 彭頭平, 范蔚茗, 董曉涵, 彭世利, 廖冬宇(1363)

東天山卡拉塔格復式巖體的時代、成因及構造意義······················· 袁鑫超, 王毓婧, 杜 龍, 龍曉平(1381)

巴顏喀拉中部三疊紀花崗巖類的巖石成因及其地質意義··················· 李成祥, 曾小慧, 周 虎, 白興衛, 熊富浩(1413)

生物碎屑灰巖的沉積環境和Sr同位素定年: 以華北板塊北緣二疊紀三面井組為例································ 施立志, 汪 彪, 黃靜宜, 羅立艷(1430)

稀土、鈮在碳酸巖?堿性巖體系中的地球化學行為························ 張婉珠, 凌明星, 魏 穎, 薛 碩,丁 興, 賴 峰, 盧文寧, 陳加杰, 成曦暉, 徐建兵, 許德如, 鄔 斌, 曹 俊(1442)



Some Issues Relevant to Rare Metal Metallogeny of Granitic Pegmatites····························(0041)


Link Between Tarim Block and Supercontinent Columbia························(0053)

Structural Geometry and Evolution of the No.13 Strike-slip Fault Zone in the Shunbei Area, Tarim Basin·······························(0065)

Magnetic Fabric Characteristics of the Dachuan-Danling Profile in the Foreland Fold Belt of the Southern Longmenshan Tectonic Belt and its Tectonic Significance················(0079)


Formation of Oceanic Cobalt-rich Crust: Progress and Perspectives···································(0097)

The Geological Features of QF2Fault and its Relationship with Uranium Mineralization in Lujing Uranium Ore-field, South China···························(0114)

Structural Control of Ore Mineralization of the Hongqiling Sn-W-Pb-Zn Polymetallic Deposit in Southern Hunan and its Prospecting Prognosis·······················(0132)

Fine Scale Occurrence Characteristics of Elements in Polymetallic Nodules from the East Philippine Sea and Their Genetic Significance··································(0148)


Petrogenesis of Late Jurassic Granitoids in the Dandong Region, Liaodong Peninsula: Constraints on the Destruction of the North China Craton····································(0164)

Origin of Cenozoic Syenitic Porphyries and Enclaves in Liuhe, Yunnan Province, SW China, and its Tectonic and Metallogenic Significance··································(0192)

Origin and Tectonic Setting of the Early Cretaceous Granodiorites in Awengcuo Area, Western of Bangong Co-Nujiang Metallogenic Belt: Constraints from Mineral Chemistry of Plagioclase and Biotite························(0212)

Junggar Intra-oceanic Arc Magmatism: Constrains from Geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Hf Isotope Geochemistry of the Early Carboniferous Baikouquan Volcanic Rocks in West Junggar, NW China······························(0232)

Discovery of Early Cretaceous Highly Fractionated Granite in the Mangkuangxigou Area of South Kunlun Suture Zone and its Geological Significance···················(0247)



Mechanism and Timing of Metamorphism of the Xingzi Group in Lushan, Jianxi Province: Constraints from SIMS Monazite and Zircon U-Pb Dating····································(0259)

Deformation Sequences, Ore-forming Epoch and Attributes of Ore-bearing Structurals in the Zhazixi Sb-W Deposit, Hunan Province·····································(0283)

Identification of a Late Carboniferous Angular Unconformity in the Jiayier Mountains of the West Junggar and its Constraints on the Closure Time of the Junggar-Balkhash Ocean································(0307)

Three Periods of Cenozoic Tectonic Uplift in the Southeastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau—Evidence from Fluvial Longitudinal Profile Analysis····················(0326)

Microfeature of Quartz Collected from Fault Gouges in the North Section of the Guangzhou-Conghua Fault Zone Along Coastal South China and Fault Activity During Quaternary······························(0336)


Research Progress of Magmatic Hydrothermal Mineralization in the Polymetallic Ore Concentration Area of Southern Hunan··························(0360)

The Origin of Hydrothermal Dolomite in the Huize Giant Pb-Zn Ore-field in the Yunnan Province and its Geological Implications···································(0375)

Age and Source of the Shimenshan Molybdenum Polymetallic Deposit in Hainan Island and its Implications on Influence of Magmatic Oxygen Fugacity··························(0395)

A Preliminary Framework of Evaluation for Metal Deposit Exploration Prospecting···································(0406)


Research Progress on Textural and Trace Element Characteristics of Quartz and its Application in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Deposits····························(0427)

Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implications of Alkali-rich Porphyry in the Urgen Ore Field, Erguna Block, Inner Mongolia: Constraints from Geochronology and Geochemistry····························(0448)

“High-uranium Effect” on Zircon U-Pb Dating of Ore-related Granites in the Uranium Ore District: Evidence from Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb Geochronology of the Luxi and Xiazhuang Granites···························(0460)

Petrogenesis of Lucaogou Appinities in the Beishan Area of Gansu Province, NW China·······························(0472)



Identification of the Mesozoic Klippe in Lushan Area, Jiangxi Province: Isotopic Chronological and Geological Evidence······························(0482)

Structural Features and Zircon U-Pb Ages of the Tuokesai Formation in the Wenquan Area, Northern Yili Block, and Their Geological Significances····································(0505)

Characteristics of Middle-Late Triassic Structural Deformation in Central Southwestern Fujian·······························(0522)

Characteristics of Mesozoic Intraplate Deformation and Tectonic Transformation in Qinzhou-Lingshan Structural Zone of the Southern Qinzhou-Hangzhou Junction Belt······························(0534)

Application of Comprehensive 3D Geology Survey in the Wafangdian Diamond Mine·················(0545)


Occurrence and Enrichment Mechanism of Uranium in the Hailijin Uranium Deposit, Southern Songliao Basin: Periodically Oxidation-reduction-type Mineralization···································(0569)

Phlogopite40Ar-39Ar Dating of the Qipangou Tungsten Deposit in Western Zhen’an, South Qinling Mountains and its Significance of Late Indosinian Ore Mineralization··································(0579)

Petrogenesis of Monzogranites in Lishan Pb-Zn-Cu Deposit, Northeastern Hunan Province and Mineralization Significance of Oxygen Fugacity···································(0597)

Geochemical Characteristics of Chlorite from the Chaxi Gold Deposit in Southwestern Hunan, Jiangnan Orogenic Belt: Implications on Ore Genesis··························(0617)

Apitite Fission Track Constraints on the Late Mesozoic Uplift and Cooling Events of the Jinchuan Cu-Ni Sulfide Deposit······························(0630)


Alkaline Magmatism and Associated Rare-metal Mineralization in the Tarim Large Igneous Province···································(0660)

Crustal Metamorphic Anatexis in the Nabang Region, Yunnan Province, and Tectonic Significance: Constraints from Geochronology and Geochemistry of Oligocene Migmatites························(0680)

Petrogenesis of Early Paleozoic Trachytic Volcanic Rocks in Tudiling Area, South Qinling Orogen: Evidence from Zircon U-Pb Age, Elemental and Sr-Nd Isotope Geochemistry························(06940)

Genesis and Mineralization of Granite in Hongling Tungsten Deposit in Northern Guangdong································(0710)



Late Mesozoic Strike-slip and Extensional Structural Deformation and Stress Field in the Yilan-Yitong Fault Zone······························(0732)

Structural Deformation of the Banded Gneiss from the Eastern Dabie Orogen and its Implication for Rheological Mechanism of the Dabie Complex···············(0749)

Estimation of Paleo-geothermal Flow of the Synorogenic Basin in the Coastal Mountains, Eastern Taiwan: One-dimensional Basin Simulation Under the Constraint of Vitrinite Reflectance Measurements···························(0762)

Tectonic Evolution and Ore-control Structure of the Jinchanghe Copper Zinc Iron Deposit in Baoshan, Western Yunnan···················(0777)


Study on Ore-forming Fluid Source and Metallogenic Mechanism of the Gaotongling Quartz Vein Type Mo Deposit, Hainan Province································(0790)

Source of Ore-forming Materials and Mineralization Mechanism of Gold-bearing Pyrite in the Jiadi Gold Deposit, Southwestern Guizhou: Evidence from in situ Sulfur Isotope·····································(0800)

Tectonic Diffusion Modeling for Metallogenic Potential of Hydrothermal Uranium Deposits in South China·······················(0809)

Genesis of the Yuanwan Gold Deposit in Guangdong Province: Evidence from Rare Earth Elements and Fluid Inclusions································(0823)


Research Advance of the Earth’s Deep Carbon Cycle and Genesis of Carbonatite······················(0838)

Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting of the Lüyintang Granite Pegmatites in Changning County, Westren Yunnan: Constraints from Geochemistry, Zircon U-Pb Age and Hf Isotopes·················(0855)

Geochronology, Geochemical Characteristics and Geological Significance of Early Paleozoic Monzogranite in Taining Area,Fujian Province·············(0877)

Zircon U-Pb Age and Geochemistry of Siliceous Rocks from the Longwan Uranium Deposit in Sansui County, Guizhou Province···························(0894)

Discovery of the (Beryl-bearing) Spodumene Pegmatite in the Caolong Area in the Sanjiang Northern Segment in Qinghai:Implications for Li-Be Mineralization ························(0912)


● Study on Metallogenic Regularity and Prospecting Prediction — A Special Topic on Kunming University of Science and Technology 70th Anniversary An Overview of the Metallogeny and Geological Prospecting Model of Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) Lead and Zinc Deposits······························(0932)

Sm-Nd Isotope Chronology, Geochemical Characteristics and Significance of Calcite from the Changchengling Sb-Pb-Zn Deposit and Geological Significance in Hunan, Southern China····················(0952)

Direction of Ore-forming Fluid Migration and its Controlling Factors in Ge-Ag-rich Zn-Pb Ore Concentration Area in Northwestern Guizhou Province, China··································(0968)

The Tectonics-fluids-mineralization Coupling Processes in the Huize Ultra-large Ge-rich Pb-Zn Deposit····························(0983)

Structural Ore-controlling and Deep Prospecting Direction of the Maoping Lead-zinc Deposit in Northeastern Yunnan, China····························(1001)

Geochemical Characteristics of Tectonic (Altered Rock) in the Initial Mining Area and Prospecting Prediction of Yunnan Pulang Porphyry Copper Deposit···············(1017)

Chemical and U-Pb Dating Analyses of Garnet from the Yangla Skarn Copper Deposit in Northwest Yunnan Province,and its Geological Implications·····························(1039)

Petrochemical, Zircon U-Pb age and Hf Isotopic Characteristics of the Songnuo Porphyry in Northwestern Yunnan and Their Geological Significance ··················(1062)

Discovery of High Grade Antimony Orebody in the Depth of Yangla Large Cu Deposit, Northwest Yunnan, China, and its Geological Significance ·························(1068)

●Non-topic Manuscript

Diapiric Initiation and Formation Mechanism — Insights from Analogue Modelling·······························(1084)

Hydrothermal Alteration and Sulfide Zoning Characteristics of the ?ukaru Peki Super-large Porphyry-epithermal Copper-gold Deposit in Western Tethys, Serbia and its Implication for Exploration·······························(1108)

Identification of the First Intermediate-sulfidation Epithermal Gold Deposit in the Timok Metallogenic Zone of Serbia, Western Tethys: A Case Study of the Zlatno Brdo Gold Deposit···························(1123)

Tectonic Setting and Provenance Analysis of Rutile Type Titanium Deposit in the Benxi Group of Upper Carboniferous in Zibo,Shandong Province································(1140)

LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Dating of Grandite from Dongleiwan Copper Polymetallic Deposit in Jiangxi Province and its Geological Significance ····························(1157)

Numerical Simulation of Hydrothermal Alteration Chemical Reactions During Ore-forming Process of the Jiaojia Gold Deposit,Jiaodong Peninsula, China·································(1172)

Uncertainty of 3D Geological Modeling and its Influence on 3D Mineral Prospectivity······················(1182)

Indosinian Tectonic Transition in Yunkai Massif: Petrological and Geochemical Constraints from Two-mica Granite in Yangchun Area, South China···································(1201)



Analysis of Ore-controlling Structures and Prospecting Prediction of Dajishan Uranium Polymetallic Deposit in Xiongwu Area,Southwest Guizhou··············(1219)

Numerical Simulation of Structural Reactivation of the Lujing Uranium Orefield in Central Zhuguangshan, South China·························(1231)

Influence of Dehydration Phase Transition of Subducting Plate on the Process of Plate Subduction····················(1241)


3D Computational Geodynamic Modeling of Skarn Copper (Gold) Mineralization System and its Implication for Ore Formation in the Shizishan Orefield, Tongling district, eastern China·····················(1255)

Study on Modelling Method of Intersecting Faults Based on Surface and Occurrence Data···························(1266)

Genetic Links Between Late Mesozoic Mo Deposits and Au Deposits in the Xiong’ershan Area, Southern Margin of the North China Craton: A Case Study of Leimengou Mo Deposit and Qiyugou Au Deposit···································(1290)

Alteration, Mineralization and Applications of Short Wavelength Infra-Red (SWIR) Technique in the Huangniping Au Deposit in Northern Longmenshan Orogenic Belt ··························(1306)

Gold Occurrence and Ore-forming Material Source of Longwangshan Gold Deposit in Southern Hunan Province································(1322)

Construction of a New Intelligent Ore Deposit Exploration Guidance Information System································(1329)


Retrograde Metamorphism and40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Granitic Gneiss from Xitieshan Terrane, Northern Qaidam··············(1344)

Deep Crystallization Processes of MORB During the Early Stage of Seafloor Spreading: Implication from Clinopyroxene of IODP385-U1550 in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California·································(1362)

Petrogenesis and Tectonic Significance of the Indosinian Granites in the Diancangshan Massif, Western Yunnan, China······························(1380)

Age, Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implications of the Kalatage Intrusive Rocks in the Eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang····································(1412)

Petrogenesis and Geological Significance of Triassic Granites in the Central Bayanhar·······························(1429)

Sedimentary Environment and Sr-isotope Dating of Bioclastic Limestone: A Case Study of Permian Sanmianjing Formation in the Northern Margin of the North China Plate·································(1441)

Geochemical Behaviour of Rare Earths and Niobium in Carbonate-Alkaline Rock Systems·······················(1462)
