

2023-03-11 08:53
重慶與世界 2023年2期






At the beginning of the Chinese New Year, Chongqing has held multiple conferences to promote relevant work and make work arrangement for the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-Hub Mega-Region, agricultural and rural affairs, a city for wider opening-up and characteristic industries for rural revitalization.

From February 3 to 4, Chongqing FAO and the Liangping District Government held “@Chongqing @The World” - 2023 Liangping Visit for Foreign Consular Corps and Representatives of Overseas Institutions in Chongqing and invited consular officials in Chongqing and Chengdu from 16 countries,representatives of 19 overseas institutions in Chongqing and 4 overseas media in Chongqing to visit Liangping to jointly explore new opportunities for international cooperation and promote new development for opening-up.

Wang Wen, Director-General of Chongqing FAO, Qian Jianchao, Secretary of the CPC Liangping District Committee,Chen Mengwen, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Liangping District Committee and District Mayor of Liangping District Government, Li Mingquan, Deputy Director-General of Chongqing FAO, Feng Zimin, Deputy Director-General of Chongqing FAO, and relevant leadership of Liangping District attended the event.

“@Chongqing @The World” is a brand for foreign affairs series events initiated by Chongqing FAO.It aims to write a brilliant story of “A Tale of Two Cities- Chengdu and Chongqing” and build a “Twin-Hub Mega-Region” to accelerate the construction of a center for international exchanges in the central and western regions and promote Chongqing to accelerate the construction of an international, green, intelligent and peoplecentered modern city.The “@Chongqing @The World” brand launched its first event in Liangping, aiming to advance foreign affairs going in to the districts and counties and better serving their opening-up and economic and social development.

During the event, the launching ceremony of the “@Chongqing @The World” foreign affairs series events and the 2023 New Year Gala for Foreign Consulates and Overseas Institutions in Chongqing were held.In the speech, Wang Wen said that in 2022, Chongqing FAO interacted with friends from all over the world and worked together to promote the construction of a center for international exchanges in the central and western regions and achieved fruitful results.






2023 is the beginning year of building a new modern socialist Chongqing.This year Chongqing FAO will maintain close cooperation with foreign friends and explore new aspects of cooperation.Meanwhile, through holding Chongqing and the world friendship exchange conferences, we will discuss cooperation with mayors of international sister cities to achieve win-win cooperation.We will strive to create a better working and living environment for diplomats and foreign friends in Chongqing.Focusing on building a series of events such as “@Chongqing @The World”, we can share new opportunities brought by the development of Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-Hub Mega-Region and invigorate the bond between the new Chongqing and the world.

Liangping Tour focused on key areas such as “ecology, industry and culture”,carried out field visits to “two halls and two centers” (exhibition hall, experience hall,operation center, distribution center) of Pre-Made Food Center in Western China, to Shuangguihu National Wetland Park, Shuangguitang, Bailizhuhai (hundreds miles of Bamboos) and other places.Through on-site visits, foreign consular corps and representatives of overseas institutions in Chongqing had an access to learn about Liangping’s green development achievements and industrial cooperation opportunities through first-hand experience and with multiple and wide-ranging perspectives.

Attendees learned about the prosperity of Liangping’s industry when visiting “two halls and two centers” of Pre-Made Food Center in Western China.Ever since May 2022, Liangping has made every effort to build a Pre-Made Food Center in Western China,intending to build it into an internationally competitive pre-made food industry base.Foreign consuls and representatives of overseas institutions in Chongqing visited the pre-made food industrial chain and dish displays, tasted Liangping’s specialties, appreciated intangible cultural heritages, and spoke highly of the pre-made food industry development.





During the event, foreign consuls and representatives of overseas institutions in Chongqing also participated in the New Year Gala held by Liangping to celebrate the Lantern Festival.On the occasion of welcoming the new year, we jointly set off for a vigorous 2023 to continue a new chapter of win-win cooperation between Chongqing and other countries.

Source: Chongqing Foreign Affairs Official WeChat Account




“@Chongqing @The World”:Chongqing Initiating Foreign Affairs Signature Events to Contribute to a New Chongqing










1月30日,市政府外辦機關工會便發布了一則開展“金點子獎”(品牌名稱征集活動)的信息。截至31日中午12點,就收到了30多名干部職工發來的50多條建議名稱。最終,@重慶@世界、新重慶 聯世界、渝見重慶·Meeting in Chongqing等8個名稱進入“決賽圈”。經過一番商議,市政府外辦決定將“@重慶@世界”確定為品牌名稱。







Consular Corps: Liangping, A Place Full of Potential


“Italy attaches great importance to agricultural development.We have observed a great deal of cutting-edge expertise in agricultural development related to pre-made food in Liangping, which is a promising area of cooperation for us.I hope to take this opportunity to conduct matchmaking negotiations with Liangping on related work,” said Guido Bilancini, Dean of the Consular Corps in Chongqing and Consul-General of Italy in Chongqing.He also expressed that this event has established a solid platform for exchanges and cooperation between countries and Liangping in Chongqing.He hoped that Consular Corps officials would encourage more exchanges and cooperation between their own countries and Liangping District.

Mayo, Consul-General of the Philippines in Chongqing, stated, “As Chongqing is committed to opening up, Liangping becomes the first stop of the ‘@Chongqing @The World’ foreign affairs signature events.As another great example of Chongqing’s opening up, Liangping will be a top choice for the Philippines to arrange exchange visits in the future.This event gives us a deeper understanding of Liangping’s advantages.Modern agriculture can become a priority area of cooperation.”

“This event offers a great chance for interactions between countries and Liangping,” said Huub Buise, Consul-General of the Netherlands in Chongqing.He noted that the pre-made food produced by Liangping is of high quality and good taste.He will introduce the production and processing in this industry to relevant Dutch businesses to explore possible cooperation with Liangping.He also hopes to bring Liangping’s pre-made food to Europe so that relevant companies there can learn about pre-made food technologies.






It was the first time for Takada Mari, Consul-General of Japan in Chongqing, to visit Liangping.She said that she learned about Liangping’s pre-made food industry and local customs during this trip.The pre-made food industry plays a unique role in Liangping’s economic growth.Intangible cultural heritages such as Liangping Bamboo Curtains and Liangping New Year Wood-Block Prints are very popular among Japanese people.In addition, Liangping has made great strides in its green development.In her opinion, many Japanese people know little about Liangping and its diversity.Liangping is suggested to strengthen its publicity so that more Japanese visitors can come and see it for themselves.

“Awesome! I didn’t expect that there would be such a wonderful pre-made food exhibition hall in Liangping, Chongqing.” Lee Kwangho, Consul-General of the Republic of Korea in Chengdu, was full of praise for the Exhibition Hall of the Pre-Made Food Center in Western China.He tasted the spicy hot pot made by robots in the hall and thought highly of its flavor.“I see much potential in Chongqing’s food industry in Liangping, and I think Korean food companies can consider setting up factories here or cooperating with Chongqing food companies,” Lee stated.

Eduardo Lopez Busquets, Consul General of Spain in Chengdu,said that Madrid and Chongqing have direct flights.And now with the adjustment of the COVID policy, the cooperation between Spain and Chongqing, especially Liangping in the future, will be more promising.He also said that cooperation can be conducted in many fields, such as key industries of Liangping (i.e.pre-made food industry) and cultural tourism.

“Liangping is a place full of vitality and opportunities for cooperation.” said Paolo Bazzoni, President of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce.As there are also many companies of the Italian Chamber of Commerce focusing on sustainable food processing and high-end food packaging, he will ask relevant members to get a better understanding of the industrial development in Liangping.He expressed his expectations for cooperation with Liangping.

Source/Official WeChat Account of Chongqing Foreign Affairs







Insights from Foreign Consular Officials in Chongqing and Chengdu on the Two Sessions of Chongqing

聚焦“@重慶@世界”首場活動,新華社、中國日報(China Daily)、中新社、人民網、新華網、中新網、國際在線、鳳凰網、重慶日報、重慶廣電、華龍網、上游新聞、重慶國際傳播中心(iChongqing)等近20家中央及市屬主流媒體,以及新加坡聯合早報、日本經濟新聞社、香港大公文匯、香港商報4家常駐渝境外媒體,共計推出20余篇圖文和視頻報道。環球時報、中國網以及學習強國平臺對此次活動進行了轉載宣介。




此外,重慶國際傳播中心(iChongqing)還在此次活動中大力開展海外傳播,外籍記者James走進中國西部預制菜之都進行“Liangping,Chongqing :Western China Preprepared Food Industry City”直播,在海外社交平臺進行傳播,覆蓋用戶達1000萬人次,曝光量約1519萬人次;推出英文報道、英文視頻在國內外16個平臺進行發布,曝光量共計610萬人次。



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The Color Purple