

2023-03-20 02:16江西侯昌瑋
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2023年2期

江西 侯昌瑋

主題語境:個人成長 篇幅:347詞 建議用時:8分鐘

1I could not have been better prepared for the talk,my first conference presentation as a PhD student.I had learned my speech by heart,and I had practiced the answers to potential audience's questions.The day before the talk,alone in my room,I felt confident.But as soon as the moderator invited me on stage,I felt like I was walking the plank.I was overwhelmed by a fear I had experienced too many times before—the fear of getting stuck because of my stutter(結巴).

2Looking for a strategy to deal with my stutter,I realized I could speak smoothly when I recited the text I had learned by heart.But this wasn't a realistic approach to the entirety of my university training.I needed another tool.I tried speech therapy,but the exercises I learned there didn't make much of a difference.To stop my stutter from affecting my new career,I would need a more serious intervention.

3After much hesitation,I decided to finally try psychoanalysis(心理療法)to confront my deep feelings of shame related to my stutter.With the help of my therapist,I slowly realized the real problem was not the stutter itself;it was my fear of stuttering.I decided to get rid of that fear.It took me about a year to spit out during one of the weekly sessions that I love myself as I am.Stutter or not,I was going to pursue my desired career in science.

4My first chance to test my newfound confidence by speaking in public arrived at a departmental meeting at the institute where I was a research assistant.I presented my data to 25 or 30 people,and received compliments for my speech for the very first time.I returned home excited,relieved,and,most of all,proud.

5Now,I no longer avoid public speaking;instead,I actively seek opportunities to be on the stage.It is rewarding and inspiring,and I feel excited to have a good story to share.And if I happen to stutter along the way,so be it.



Detail 1.Why did the author fail the first presentation?

A.He made no preparation for it.

B.He didn't answer the audience's questions.

C.He suffered the fear of stuttering.

D.He forgot all his speech on stage.

Detail 2.What really helped the author find his problem?

A.Practising speaking.

B.University training.

C.Speech therapy.


Inference 3.What did the author think of his speech in paragraph 4?





Detail 4.How does the author finally deal with his difficulty?

A.Just face it.

B.Recite the speech.

C.Cure it at last.

D.Always ignore it.



Ⅰ.Useful expressions

learn sth by heart牢記;熟記

walk the plank走跳板

make much of a difference發揮很大作用;有很大影響

relate to涉及;與……有關

get rid of除掉;擺脫

Ⅱ.Difficult sentence

Looking for a strategy to deal with my stutter,I realized I could speak smoothly when I recited the text I had learned by heart.在尋求應對我結巴的策略中,我意識到當我把熟記的文稿背誦下來時我能講得很順利。

【點石成金】本句是一個主從復合句。句中的Looking for a strategy to deal with my stutter為現在分詞短語作狀語;主句中,動詞realized的后面是省略了that的賓語從句;連詞when引導的是時間狀語從句;I had learned by heart為省略了關系代詞that或which的定語從句,先行詞為the text。

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