

2023-04-06 03:20
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2023年1期



Reading Check

1~4 DABC


Reading Check

1~4 BCDA


Reading Check

1~4 BCBD


Reading Check

1~4 CBAD


Reading Check

1~4 AACD


With global warming, more and more wildlife is on the edge of extinction.

As is known to all, the more biodiversity there is in an ecosystem,the more successful and healthier it is. Every species has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one species can do damage to the delicate ecosystem, influencing the survival of human beings, so it's high time we made concerted efforts to protect wildlife and establish nature reserves. The corresponding endangered species laws are to be made and the awareness of protecting wildlife is to be raised.

Now I call on every one of us to do our share to make a positive change.



Reading Check

1~4 CBAC


Ⅰ. 例句仿寫

1.Little did he know at that time that

2.Although they may be faced with many challenges


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Li Hua,a student from China.I'm writing to be a part-time volunteer at the local wildlife park. The following are my strengths.

Firstly, I enjoy being with animals.What's more, I have such a good understanding of wildlife that I have no difficulty taking care of those abandoned animals.Although I am Chinese, I am so fluent in spoken English that I can establish a good working relationship with the other working members. I have time and I can work about five hours daily.

I am sure that I am suitable for this position. I would greatly appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.

Looking forward to your early reply.

Yours,Li Hua


Reading Check

1~3 BAB



1.when it came out

2. making it more and more popular with high school students

3.When it comes to education


Dear Jenny,

My classmates and I are planning to go to Guangzhou Zoo, known as one of the largest in China,and I'm wondering whether you can go with us.

We'll take Metro Line 5 at 7:00 am this Sunday, which will take us there directly.After arrival,first,we're to see some rare animals, such as pandas, golden monkeys and hippos, especially a lion with an unusual hairstyle. Then, we will visit the Marine Museum and you will be amused by all kinds of fishes. We can also taste some local special snacks at noon. I believe you'll have a good time.

We would feel much honored if you could make it.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



Reading Check

1~4 BCBC


Reading Check

1~4 BDBA


Reading Check

1~4 BCDC


Reading Check

1~4 DBCA


Reading Check

1~4 CDBA


Reading Check

1~4 CBAD



Reading Check

How to introduce these cultural sites in the best way was something that the production team had troubles with.


Reading Check

Any answer can be possible as long as it makes sense.


Reading Check

Any answer can be possible as long as it makes sense.


Reading Check

Because he turned a trash dump into an urban farm.


Reading Check

She was a coat checker and hostess at a restaurant.


Reading Check

The two have kept their tradition for 35 years.


Reading Check

1.I was a little black horse.

2.She was killed.

3.They felt pleased.

4.She was sad about Rob Roy's death.



Please help me

I'm a pangolin, a weird little animal with a lot of armor. I eat seven million ants and termites a year. So I have another name: forest ranger.But too many people catch me and kill me just to feed themselves. They are wrong! My armor is like your nails, without any nourishment. In 2014, I was listed as critically endangered by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). I am more precious than the giant panda. So, don't kill me and I'm just a weak animal!




1.At the bus stop 2.last year 3.odor

4.the same 5.frightened 6.bad

7.why 8.lonely 9.in trouble


The text is about the story of a shy and nice girl named Cindy who had no friends because of an odor problem. When she was being made fun of, I helped her and she asked me why she had no friends.

The author wants to tell readers that it's very good to help people in need, especially when the help makes a difference.



1.有點;稍微 2.與某人分享某物

3.取笑 4.眼珠一轉;不以為然;翻白眼

5.取笑 6.把某物像盾牌一樣緊緊抓在胸前 7.怒視/凝視 8.窺視;偷看

9.注意;重視 10.做某事沒有成功


1. I went to visit the author who wrote a number of books about China.

2. She learned that the child had not been eating for the past two days.

3. She told him that she firmly believed that he could perform on the stage,since she had seen him do skits for the family in the New Year.

4. His father disapproved of this plan,fearing it would impact his marks.


Paragraph 1:

Her question took me by surprise.I thought for a moment, wondering if I could tell her that maybe it was because she smelled so awful. Deciding not to give the answer directly,I stammered,“I think you're really nice, smart... and you dress okay,and...”She suddenly looked up at me, full of expectation. I knew it's now or never.“Maybe it's because you don't smell so good,”I finally summoned all my courage and blurted out. Hearing that, she froze with shock, as if rooted to the spot. It appeared so long had passed before she nodded,like she believed what I said was true.

Paragraph 2:

I was a little bit relieved since she seemed to take this well.So I suggested that she'd probably make more friends if she took more baths. She looked up at me again with a red face, embarrassed. To comfort her, I shrugged and added,“It's just a thought.”Cindy took a deep breath and thanked me. It was until then that I felt entirely relieved. Cindy did take more baths from that day on. And it wasn't too long before she started to make friends at school. Certainly, I was one of them. I was so happy to make a difference in Cindy's life!




第一部分 單句語法填空

1.death 2.endanger 3.reservation

4.observation 5.alarmed 6.effective

7.aware 8.illegal 9.concerning

10.adapt 11.recovery 12.intention

13.existence 14.threaten

15. harmonious

第二部分 完成句子

1.search for

2.under pressure

3.day and night

4.remind them of the damage they're causing

5.on average

6.make out

7.concerned about

8.made great progress


第一部分 閱讀




1~3 CAB


本文是一篇記敘文。文章主要講述了可憐的北極熊Barle 被一對加拿大夫婦救出來的故事。

4~7 BDBD



8~11 BDAB



12~15 BCCD



16~20 BFEAG

第二部分 語言運用


本文是一篇記敘文。文章主要講述了一個15 歲的女孩盡力救助一只腿部受傷的老鷹的故事。

21~25 CBBAA 26~30 BCDBA

31~35 CBBBD


本文是一篇新聞報道。中國于2021 年10 月12 日正式宣布成立首批國家公園。

36.officially 37.a 38.establishment

39.to strengthen 40.is located

41.that 42.natural 43.humans

44.reflecting 45.in/under

第三部分 寫作


Dear Editor of Crazy English,

As we know, the number of wild animals is becoming smaller and smaller.Some of them are even dying out. The reasons are as follows.

To start with, people have been cutting down trees for house building, causing some animals to lose their habitats. Besides, farmers use too much pesticide,which endangers the lives of some animals.In addition, to make money, some people have been killing rare wild animals.

In my opinion, it's high time we took immediate measures to change the situation. We shouldn't cut down trees without permission. Instead, we are supposed to plant more trees to protect the animals'habitats. At the same time, more nature reserves are expected to be set up. I believe as long as we take action immediately, we will live in harmony with animals.

Yours,Li Hua


Paragraph 1:

We set out on the trail that led further into the dark cloud forest.It was extremely beautiful. After about thirty minutes of walking and taking pictures of the beautiful mountainside, we were in a large open space full of tourists that looked out over the volcano's crater. We managed to move our way to the railing for a good view. So far, the scenery had been wonderful and the road had been mostly flat.My mom and I were both feeling pretty good. I was truly hoping that Mom could feel good enough to go on the longer loop.

Paragraph 2:

Gradually, both of us realized the road got steeper and steeper.Soon, the path was so uphill that tourists had to hold onto the railing for balance.“Maybe we need to take a break,”I said, breathing heavily.My mom agreed, pulling over to the side of the steep trail. After a lot of stops and starts, we finally reached the parking lot.“The long trail wasn't so bad,eh?”the guide asked with a cheerful smile.“You just have to know that keep going when it gets a little tough.”
