
Neighbour Rosicky (Excerpt V)《鄰居羅西基》(節選五)

2023-07-22 10:07薇拉·凱瑟曹明倫/譯析
英語世界 2023年7期

薇拉·凱瑟 曹明倫/譯析

Sometimes the Doctor heard the gossipers in the drug-store wondering why Rosicky didnt get on faster. He was industrious, and so were his boys, but they were rather free and easy, werent pushers, and they didnt always show good judgment. They were comfortable, they were out of debt, but they didnt get much ahead. Maybe, Doctor Burleigh reflected, people as generous and warm-hearted and affectionate as the Rosickys never got ahead much; maybe you couldnt enjoy your life and put it into the bank, too.


When Rosicky left Doctor Burleighs office, he went into the farm-implement store to light his pipe and put on his glasses and read over the list Mary had given him. Then he went into the general merchandise place next door and stood about until the pretty girl with the plucked eyebrows, who always waited on him, was free. Those eyebrows, two thin India-ink strokes, amused him, because he remembered how they used to be. Rosicky always prolonged his shopping by a little joking; the girl knew the old fellow admired her, and she liked to chaff with him.


“Seems to me about every other week you buy ticking, Mr. Rosicky, and always the best quality,” she remarked as she measured off the heavy bolt with red stripes.


“You see, my wife is always makin goose-feddar pillows, an de thin stuff dont hold in dem little down-fedders.”


“You must have lots of pillows at your home.”


“Sure. She makes quilts of dem, too. We sleeps easy. Now shes makin a fedder quilt for my sons wife. You know Polly, that married my Rudolph. How much my bill, Miss Pearl?”


“Eight eighty-five.”


“Chust make it nine, and put in some candy fur de women.”


“As usual. I never did see a man buy so much candy for his wife. First thing you know, shell be getting too fat.”


“Id like dat. I aint much fur all dem slim women like what de style is now.”


“Thats one for me, I suppose, Mr. Bohunk!” Pearl sniffed and elevated her India-ink strokes.


When Rosicky went out to his wagon, it was beginning to snow,—the first snow of the season, and he was glad to see it. He rattled out of town and along the highway through a wonderfully rich stretch of country, the finest farms in the county. He admired this High Prairie, as it was called, and always liked to drive through it. His own place lay in a rougher territory, where there was some clay in the soil and it was not so productive. When he bought his land, he hadnt the money to buy on High Prairie; so he told his boys, when they grumbled, that if their land hadnt some clay in it, they wouldnt own it at all. All the same, he enjoyed looking at these fine farms, as he enjoyed looking at a prize bull.



【第1段】 注意get on、free and easy、get ahead這些常用短語的意思都非常豐富,譯者需要結合語境選擇譯文措辭。英國語言學家約翰·魯珀特·弗斯(John Rupert Firth,1890—1960)在其《意義的模式》(Modes of Meaning)一文中曾說:“詞義的選用應服從一個總的規則,即每個詞用在新的語境中都是一個新詞?!保═he use of the word “meaning” is subject to the general rule that each word when used in a new context is a new word.)將werent pushers翻譯成“從不爭強好勝”,never got ahead much翻譯成“沒攢下多少錢”,都是遵從這個規則。

【第2段】注意最好別把light his pipe翻譯成“點上他的煙斗”,也別把put on his glasses翻譯成“戴上他的老花鏡”(省略原文中的物主代詞);語法學家曾提醒我們:“漢語中‘我的‘你的這類詞有時可以省掉?!庇⒄Z說“He entered the room, his coat covered with snow and his nose red with cold.”,而漢語只需說“他走進屋來,大衣上盡是雪,鼻子凍得通紅”。(參閱張道真《實用英語語法》第二次修訂本第64頁,商務印書館,1979)

【第3段】此處bolt = a large roll of cloth of a definite length;有人按字面把she remarked as she measured off the heavy bolt with red stripes翻譯成“她一邊說,一邊量著一大匹紅色條紋布”。比較兩種譯文,回憶一下我們上次提到的“隱性深度翻譯”。

【第4—11段】makin = making;goose-feddar = goose-feather;an de = and the;dont = doesnt;dem = them;Chust = Just;fur de = for the;dat = that?!啊多従恿_西基》(節選一)”的譯析提醒過捷克移民羅西基講英語發音不標準。Bohunk是美國英語俚語,由Bohemian(波希米亞人)和Hungarian(匈牙利人)縮合而成,用于貶稱來自歐洲中部和東部的移民(尤指工人)。另外,請注意參考譯文把羅西基口中的my wife譯成“老伴兒”(而非妻子),slim women譯成“瘦筋筋的女人”(而非苗條的女人)。

【第12段】不要一見farm就都翻譯成“農場”,此段中的兩個farms都可以譯作“農田”“耕地”或“田地”(a tract of land cultivated for the purpose of agricultural production)。

