

2024-03-13 03:53李哲
瘋狂英語·愛英語 2024年1期




1. 清晰明確的目的。演講稿通常有明確的目標,如說服聽眾、激發情感、傳遞信息等。

2. 豐富多變的修辭。演講稿中常運用修辭手法,如比喻、排比、反問等,以增強語言的表達力和說服力。

3. 結構清晰的組織。演講稿往往按照一定的結構組織,如問題—原因—解決方案、比較—對比、時間順序等,以確保演講稿易于理解及內容的邏輯性。

4. 激發情感的語言。演講稿常常使用感人、激勵或激動人心的語言,以引起聽眾的情感共鳴。


1. 預設讀寫目標。在開始讀寫任務之前,明確自己的讀寫目標。是為了獲取主要觀點?還是為了理解演講的邏輯結構?或者是為了尋找支撐細節?

2. 構思整篇演講稿。在讀寫活動之前,先快速構思整篇演講稿,思考其結構和主要內容。注意段落之間的標題和主旨句,以獲取整體的概念和框架。

3. 關注關鍵信息。關注演講稿的開頭和結尾,這通常包含了演講的主題、目的以及要點的概述。同時,也要注意關鍵段落或標志詞以抓住重要信息。使用標記筆、高亮筆或數字標記來突出和標注主要觀點、重要信息和支撐細節,以便之后進行回顧和復習。寫作前,要在日常學習中收集相關的信息、事實和證據,方便在寫演講稿時支撐你的觀點和進行論證。要確保選取可靠的來源,并記錄下引用的參考資料的詳細信息。

4. 注意段落結構和過渡詞。審視每個段落的結構,理順其主題句和支撐句之間的邏輯關系。同樣,留意過渡詞(例如however、therefore、in addition等)的使用,它們可以幫助你理解段落之間的聯系。

5. 簡潔明了的表達。使用簡潔明了的語言來表達觀點,避免冗長和復雜的句子。清晰的表達可以讓聽眾更好地理解你的演講。

6. 故事和案例的運用。運用生動的故事和實際案例,使你的演講更具吸引力和可信度。故事和案例可以幫助受眾更好地理解和記憶你的觀點。

7. 試講和修改。寫完演講稿后,進行反復的試講并根據需要進行修改。重點關注語音語調、暫停和姿態等非語言因素,以增強你的演講效果。


1.開場白和問候 (Opening and greetings)

Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests... 女士們,先生們,尊貴的來賓……

It's an honor to stand before you today. 很榮幸今天能站在你們面前。

I'd like to express my sincere gratitude for being here. 對于能夠在這里,我想表達我真摯的感激之情。

2.引言和引用名言 (Introduction and quoting)

Today, I stand here to share with you... 今天,我站在這里與你們分享……

As Mark Twain once said... 正如馬克·吐溫曾經說過的那樣……

In the words of Einstein... 用愛因斯坦的話來說……

3.感謝和表達榮幸之情 (Thanking and expressing honor)

I would like to thank...for giving me this opportunity. 我要感謝……給了我這個機會。

I am deeply honored to be chosen as... 被選為……,我深感榮幸。

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to... 我想向……表達我衷心的感謝。

4.回顧過去,展望未來 (Reflecting on the past and looking to the future)

The past three years have been filled with... 過去的三年充滿了……

We have achieved so much together. 我們一起取得了如此多的成績。

As we venture into the future... 當我們探索未來時……

5.成就和團隊合作 (Achievements and teamwork)

Our accomplishments speak for themselves. 我們的成績不言而喻。

It was through our collective efforts that we... 正是通過共同努力,我們……

Working together as a team, we were able to... 作為一個團隊一起合作,我們能夠……

6.激勵和鼓舞 (Motivation and inspiration)

Don't be afraid to chase your dreams. 不要害怕追逐你的夢想。

Believe in yourself and your abilities. 相信自己和自己的能力。

Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. 擁抱挑戰,將其視為成長的機會。

7.感悟和價值觀 (Reflections and values)

It's important to stay true to oneself. 堅持真實的自己很重要。

Kindness and empathy should guide our actions. 善良和同理心應該指引我們的行動。

Never underestimate the power of perseverance. 永遠不要低估堅持的力量。

8.希望和祝福 (Hope and wishes)

May each of us find success and happiness in our future endeavors. 愿我們每個人在未來的努力中獲得成功和幸福。

Here's to a bright and promising future for all of us. 為我們大家光明而充滿希望的未來干杯。

May our paths cross again someday. 愿我們的道路有一天能再次交匯。


Embrace ups and downs: Wish you misfortune and happiness


Dear soon?to?be high school graduates,as we approach the end of our high school jour?ney, I stand before you today, not as your principal, but as a fellow traveler on the rollercoaster( 過山車) ride of life. And so, my message to you is this: I wish you misfortune andhappiness.

Now, before you raise an eyebrow, let me explain. Life is filled with unpredictabletwists and turns, with ups and downs that can shake us within. These uncertainties can bediscouraging, especially as you prepare for the upcoming college entrance examinations.But rest assured, my dear students, for it is through adversity that we find our inner strengthand resilience. Embrace the challenges that life presents, for they will shape you into re?markable individuals capable of conquering any obstacle.

As the great American author Mark Twain once said, the two most important days inyour life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. As you embark on this newchapter, remember that finding your purpose is not a linear journey. It can be filled with de?tours(迂回路), setbacks, and moments of doubt. But trust in the process, have faith inyourselves, and never lose sight of your dreams.

Life is like a playground, my young graduates. We swing back and forth betweenlaughter and tears, joy and disappointment. Cherish the moments of triumph and celebratethe victories, but also remember that it's okay to stumble and fall. The beauty of life lies inour ability to rise again, brushing off the dirt, and embracing life with renewed vigor.

Surround yourselves with a support system that lifts you up during those tough times.Lean on your friends, family, and mentors who believe in you. Remember, it's during thedarkest hours that the light shines the brightest, and those who love and support you will bethere to guide you through.

As you venture forth, armed with knowledge and determination, hold onto the power ofoptimism. Embrace life's uncertainty with a smile on your face and a twinkle in your eyes,for laughter is a powerful weapon against the challenges that lie ahead. Approach each daywith a sense of wonder and excitement, knowing that every setback is an opportunity forgrowth.

Life is a delicate balance of highs and lows, triumphs and setbacks. My dear gradu?ates, as you bid farewell to high school, I, once again wish you misfortune and happiness.May you overcome the uncertainties that life presents with unwavering optimism andunwavering resilience. May you find joy in every triumph and wisdom in every challenge.May you eventually understand and find true fortune and happiness in the future.


1. What can we learn from life's uncertainties and challenges according to the text?

A. They make us stronger and resilient.

B. They can discourage us during exams.

C. They are unpredictable twists and turns.

D. They shape us into capable individuals.

2. Why does the lecturer quote Mark Twains words?

A. To explain a common phenomenon of life.

B. To emphasize the process and purpose of life.

C. To make the speech more convincing and vivid.

D. To illustrate life never goes smoothly as expected.

3. What advice does the lecturer make according to paragraph 5?

A. Discover and unleash your potential.

B. Have confidence in yourself all the time.

C. Seek support from others during hard times.

D. Gather enough strength to defeat challenges.

4. What message does the lecturer want to convey at the end of his speech?

A. Facing each misfortune in future life bravely.

B. Embracing success and failure wholeheartedly.

C. Finding the balance of the positive and the negative.

D. Understanding the true meaning and happiness of life.



1. 人生的曲折和不確定性

roller coaster ride 過山車之旅

twists and turns 曲折

ups and downs 起起落落

uncertainty 不確定性

discouraging 令人泄氣的


challenge 挑戰

detour 彎路

setback 挫折

moments of doubt 疑惑的時刻

have faith in oneself 對自己有信心

remarkable individuals 卓越的個體

conquer obstacles 克服障礙

tough times 艱難時期

the darkest hours 最黑暗的時刻


purpose 目標

dream 夢想


playground 游樂場

joy and disappointment 快樂和失望

triumph and victories 勝利和成功

stumble and fall 跌倒和失敗


support system 支持系統

light shines the brightest 光芒最閃耀

power of optimism 樂觀的力量


smile and twinkle in your eyes 微笑和眼中的閃光

laughter 笑聲

setbacks as opportunities 作為機會的挫折


balance of highs and lows 高潮和低谷的平衡

misfortune and happiness 不幸和幸福

unwavering optimism and resilience 堅定的樂觀和堅韌的個性

joy in every triumph 在每一次勝利中的快樂

wisdom in every challenge 在每一次挑戰中的智慧

true fortune and happiness 真正的幸運和幸福


1. I stand before you today, not as your principal, but as a fellow traveler on the rollercoaster ride of life. 我今天站在你們面前,不是作為你們的校長,而是作為人生過山車之旅上的一個同行者。


2. And so, my message to you is this: I wish you misfortune and happiness. 因此,我對你們的寄語是:祝你們既有不幸也有幸福。


3.Life is like a playground, my young graduates. We swing back and forth betweenlaughter and tears, joy and disappointment. 生活就像一個游樂場,親愛的畢業生們。我們在笑聲和淚水、歡樂和失望之間來回搖擺。


4. But trust in the process, have faith in yourselves, and never lose sight of yourdreams. 但要相信過程,對自己有信心,永遠不要失去對夢想的追求。


5. Lean on your friends, family, and mentors who believe in you. Remember, it'sduring the darkest hours that the light shines the brightest. 依靠相信你們的朋友、家人和導師。記住,在最黑暗的時刻,光芒才會最閃耀。


6. May you overcome the uncertainties that life presents with unwavering optimism andunwavering resilience. May you find joy in every triumph and wisdom in every challenge.May you eventually understand and find true fortune and happiness in the future. 愿你們能以堅定的樂觀和堅韌的韌性克服生活帶來的不確定性。愿你們在每個勝利中找到歡樂,在每個挑戰中找到智慧。愿你們最終理解并在未來找到真正的幸運和快樂。


(三)精彩表達1. But rest assured, my dear students, for it is through adversity that we find our innerstrength and resilience. 放心吧,親愛的學生們,正是通過逆境,我們才能找到內在的力量和韌性。

本句使用的是“It be+被強調部分+that...”結構的強調句型,被強調的部分可以是主語、賓語、狀語以及表語等。

2. The beauty of life lies in our ability to rise again, brushing off the dirt, andembracing life with renewed vigor. 生活的美麗在于我們能夠再次崛起,拂去塵土,以新的活力擁抱生活。

本句中,brushing off the dirt, and embracing life with renewed vigor為并列的現在分詞短語作伴隨狀語。

3. Embrace life's uncertainty with a smile on your face and a twinkle in your eyes, forlaughter is a powerful weapon against the challenges that lie ahead. 含笑面對生活的不確定性,眼中閃爍著光芒,因為笑聲是對抗未來挑戰的強大武器。

本句中,for引導的是一個原因狀語從句;that引導的是一個定語從句,先行詞為the challenges。


1. 正是我們的朋友和家人的愛與支持幫助我們度過最艱難的時刻。

__________________________the love and support of our friends and family______________________.


As you embark on your new journey, may you encounter endless opportunities andhave the courage to seize them,_______________________.


As we bid farewell to each other, let us carry with us the values and principles_______________,knowing that they will guide us towards success andfulfillment.









Dear soon?to?be graduates,


Thank you, and best wishes.


A self?assessment checklist for my graduation speech reading & writing

1. 我的演講稿包含了合適的主題和相關觀點?!?Yes □ No

2. 我的演講稿內容具有邏輯性和層次感?!?Yes □ No

3. 我的演講稿能夠引起聽眾的興趣和共鳴?!?Yes □ No

4. 我的演講稿有一個引人入勝的開頭?!?Yes □ No

5. 我的演講稿有清晰的主體段落和一個強有力的結尾?!?Yes □ No

6. 我的演講稿避免了跳躍式的思維和斷裂的句子?!?Yes □ No

7. 我的演講稿使用了簡練、生動和具有表現力的語言?!?Yes □ No

8. 我的演講稿使用了能調動受眾參與的互動性語言?!?Yes □ No

9. 我的演講稿注意了語法和拼寫錯誤,語言形象且準確?!?Yes □ No

10. 為了閱讀和寫作更多類型的演講稿,我需要_________。

□自省寫作 □提升語言 □多評價反饋 □其他
