
Ancient painting highlights Chinese culture in the US

2024-03-16 04:19山東李全忠
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2024年2期

山東 李全忠


主題語境:文學與藝術 篇幅:347詞 建議用時:6分鐘

1With a smart mobile phone, Amaris Malfa, a young Bostonian, “walked” into the ancient Chinese paintingAn Era in Jinling, and even interacted with the people on it.“This is amazing! It is so vivid, like a moving painting,” Malfa said.

2The digital artworkAn Era in Jinling, which enables visitors to physically immerse themselves in Jinling, the ancient name of Nanjing,and wander in real time through the historical city from China's Song Dynasty, has wowed many US visitors at the See Nanjing cultural exhibition at the Faneuil Hall Marketplace in Boston, Massachusetts.

3The exhibition features Chinese garden arts and Nanjing's intangible cultural heritage, as well as Global Smile Delivery, a display of Nanjing's best wishes to the world that highlights the historical and modern elements of the 2500-year-old Chinese city near the Yangtze River.

4“Seeing is believing and being part of it allows the overseas audiences to have a better and deeper understanding of the cultural heritage of Jinling and what people's lives looked like dating back 1000 years ago,” said Ai Lin, the director of the Deji Art Museum in Nanjing, who has led her team to develop this digital exhibition inspired by the ancient painting of the same name.“The Deji Art Museum hopes to encourage visitors to explore and interact with history and art across time with the assistance of advanced technology,making each an ambassador of Chinese culture.”

5Before the US tour, Ai and her team members completed a lot of research in order to ensure every detail was close to locals' understanding of Chinese culture.“We managed to make it easy for them to access Chinese culture even if some of them may have little knowledge about China.We have an over 5000-year-old culture, but how to show it and its stories to overseas audiences still remains a topic that we all need to explore,” she said.

6Boston Council President Ed Flynn said that the exhibition is serving as a remarkable symbol of cultural understanding and exchanges, strengthening the bonds of friendship between our two cities.

Reading Check

Vocabulary1.What does the underlined word“ wowed” mean in paragraph 2?



Detail2.What do we know about the digital artworkAn Era in Jinling?

A.It highlights Nanjing's best wishes to the world.

B.It was exhibited in the US and China at the same time.

C.It was financially aided by Boston Council President.

D.It was inspired by a Chinese painting of the same name.

Detail3.Why did Ai Lin and her colleagues finish much research before the US tour?

A.To help visitors understand Chinese culture easily.

B.To research traditional Chinese culture completely.

C.To attract more visitors from home and abroad.

D.To strengthen the bonds of friendship quickly.

Inference4.What is Ed Flynn's attitude to the exhibition?



Language Study


highlight the historical and modern elements 彰顯歷史和現代元素have a better and deeper understanding of 對……有更好、更深入的理解with the assistance of advanced technology 在先進技術的幫助下serve as 產生……的效果;充當Seeing is believing.眼見為實。


A young Bostonian 1.________(name) Amaris Malfa experienced a fusion of history and technology as she “walked” intoAn Era in Jinling, a digital artwork 2.________(exhibit) held at Faneuil Hall Marketplace in Boston, Massachusetts.This immersive artwork allowed visitors to virtually explore the ancient city of Nanjing, known 3.________Jinling during China's Song Dynasty, giving 4.________(they) a vivid glimpse into a historical period from 1000 years ago.

The digital exhibition is part of the See Nanjing cultural event, 5.________ also showcases Chinese garden arts, Nanjing's intangible cultural heritage and a special exhibit named Global Smile Delivery, 6.________(express) Nanjing's best wishes to the world.The 2500-year-old 7.________(city) rich history and contemporary attractiveness are celebrated, emphasizing its geographical significance near the Yangtze River.Ai Lin, the director of the Deji Art Museum in Nanjing, emphasized the exhibition's role in 8.________(educate) international audiences on Jinling's cultural heritage, aiming to transform them into ambassadors of Chinese culture through interactive technology.To appeal to audiences 9.________(potential) unfamiliar with Chinese traditions, her team conducted extensive research to ensure cultural accuracy and accessibility.

The exhibition has been praised by Boston Council President Ed Flynn for its contribution to cultural understanding and fostering friendship between Boston 10.________Nanjing.

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